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Everything posted by Blackhawk

  1. I am the president of United States. Your idea of the president of United States is too small.
  2. I say so. My definition of God is that God can manipulate the laws of physics at will. Why use the word "God" if the word doesn't mean that? Ok then. I am the president of United States. Your idea of the president of United States is too small.
  3. If you would be honest with yourself you could also prove to yourself that you aren't God. There are many experiments which you can do. For example try to make a feather levitate. The problem is that when you can't make even a feather levitate, you will perform mental gymnastics to make up a excuse why you can't make it levitate, because you so badly want to be God.
  4. I have personally debunked that mental gymnastics exercise by asking for/searching for proof inside of myself. And for me the evidence is overwhelming and the conclusion is crystal clear: I am not God.
  5. I don't believe that earth is flat because there's no reason to believe that it's flat. In the same way I don't believe that I am/you are God, because there's no reason to believe that I am/you are God.
  6. That's not what I asked for. I didn't ask for mental gymnastics and cool sounding ideas, I asked for a single piece of evidence. Please try again.
  7. Please provide a single piece of evidence that you/I are/am God. Until you can do that, that idea is no better than religion. Actually even worse than religion. Some words, mental gymnastics, which you will come with in response to my comment, doesn't cut it.
  8. I don't believe our own consciousness is a hallucination. But the content of consciousness might be a hallucination. Cool idea.
  9. I could now choose to believe that what I experienced temporarily showed me the real truth. But then it would be just a belief. And it's also a belief that my current experience is showing me the truth, albeit a stronger one.
  10. Why base your entire worldview on some short lasting fleeting experiences while you were tripping balls, or had short experiences while sober, and then dismiss the longer and more stable experience which is called normal sober everyday experience? According to logic the experience which is longer lasting, more consistent, and more stable etc. should be the truth. And that is the normal, sober, rock stable, and natural everyday experience/level of consciousness. I've had weird mystical experiences too, but why would I believe in them? They are probably hallucinations. I had a sober mystical experience a few hours ago which was convincing while it was lasting, but now when I'm on my right mind again I dismiss the temporary experience as a nonsense hallucination.
  11. The human species would die. Before the human specie dies we should also exterminate all animal life.
  12. It's selfish and morally wrong to have children.
  13. We might have election earlier than that.. There's some political drama going on as we speak. I can't really explain the stuff in english..
  14. If the "borgerliga blocket" (Moderaterna, Kristdemokraterna, Liberalerna)+Sverigedemokraterna would win the next election, then they would make the laws tougher, they would let the police do more surveillance, they would cut down on immigration, and they advocate a membership in NATO, although Sverigedemokraterna don't want membership in NATO. I really really hope that they will win. 1 year left to next election. Btw, I'm not a supporter of Sverigedemokraterna, but unfortunately they have teamed up with the "borgerliga blocket". Sverigedemokraterna (SD) are racists, populists, and idiots.
  15. That's a guy who has a healthy mindset. Watch and learn guys.
  16. Holy fucking crap, for a few minutes ago Mick West released a new video. In it he talks with Alex Dietrich, the female pilot who allegedly was also flying a fighter jet and saw the tic tac ufo with her eyes. I haven't watched the video yet.
  17. It's a war which China and Russia would lose. And USA has 29 allies in NATO, and more friends outside of NATO.
  18. Antinatalism (celibacy/Brahmacarya) is a start.
  19. And maybe they start practicing antinatalism when the burden of consciousness gets too high. I think consciousness is a terrible mistake.
  20. @Natasha Bs media hype. Or I wouldn't even say it's media hype since it isn't mentioned in popular mainstream media.
  21. Listen carefully to Jim Penniston, and also look at his behavior etc. while he's talking. And pay close attention to how you want to believe him: Do you think he's telling the truth?