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Everything posted by Blackhawk

  1. @DIDego I'm from Sweden too if you didn't know.
  2. I forced myself to watch 36 minutes of it. I think it's probably just wishful thinking feel good stuff. But thanks anyway.
  3. The torture thing was a example or analogy. Sometimes it's not possible to make changes or end suffering by accepting the situation. For example if you are getting tortured. Or in my case: my situation. And stop hating me so much.
  4. No I'm not torturing myself, stop putting the blame on me. I know therapy don't help me.
  5. Nope. What Eckhart Tolle says isn't automatically true. Try to end suffering by accepting being tortured, not gonna work, no matter how fancy "suffering stops when you accept the situation" sounds. In reality it doesn't work. And btw, there's also a 2nd choice left: leave the situation (suicide). Which I nowdays think about quite a lot. But I don't want to kill myself because it would cause immense suffering to my parents.
  6. Is it wrong to want impossible things? There's many impossible things that I want, for example win 5 million $ on lottery, walk on mars, and get a gf.
  7. None of them. A shortened version of #1: "There are no changes you can make to improve your situation." In the same way like there's no change you can do to become 50 ft tall.
  8. Albert Einstein never said that. It's not that I'm not responding well to advice, it's that no advice can help me. Advice aren't miraculous things you know. For example advice can't make you 50 feet tall. I'm not expecting different results. I expect everything to be exactly the same until my death. So I'm not insane. And what change could I even do?
  9. @snowyowl Yes I'm sad because I'm completely alone 24/7. No there's no intellectual type pursuit which could give me a platform to meet people. I don't know what more to say.
  10. That's correct. Even if I would want a friend, it's not possible because no one likes me. Why would I want a friend? There's nothing that I would like to do with a friend. Maybe get drunk would be fun. Or maybe trip balls on psychedelics or other drugs. But other than that I don't know.
  11. I think I don't want friends. Just a girl to love, or maybe friend with benefits. How could I spontaneously not be alone? It's not that easy. Whatever.. I'm really sad. I'm a defeated dead soul who don't want to exist anymore.
  12. @4201 @mememe Ok. I'm doomed to be alone for the rest of my life Another weekend of total loneliness ahead. Old people, homeless people, prisoners, douchebags, psychopaths, evil people, murderers and narcissistic people are less lonely than me.
  13. He said "I'm not interested in arguing whether the holocaust happened or didn't happen. That's irrelevant." I think he should have said that the holocaust did happen. The holocaust is the most evil act in the history of mankind. Hell came to earth and millions of people suffered like never before. So the seriousness and severity of the holocaust cannot be overstated. So it's wrong to leave even a small questionmark whether the holocaust happened or didn't happen. Millions of people might watch the video.
  14. No. And I'm not doing everything I possibly could to increase the chance of winning 5 million $. It would be stupid to waste all my money on lottery tickets. Do I even want a gf? Because she would either cheat on me or leave me anyway. And that would be bad for my mental health, really bad.
  15. I have some control over the lottery too. I could buy more lottery tickets. I'm currently not wasting any money at all on lottery tickets because I "know" I wont win anyway. Same thing with the girlfriend thing. But yes living in a cave like a hermit decreases the percentage.
  16. @4201 I'm not deliberately withholding information, except maybe a few things. It's just that there are so much data that it's not possible to write it all down. There's probably even data which not even I am consciously aware of. All that data leads me to draw the conclusion that I will never have a girlfriend. But of course you could win 5 million $ on lottery, but in practice you know that you wont win.
  17. Never gonna happen, unfortunately.
  18. The difference between evidence for me and you is that from your perspective I could be lying or something. For example I have evidence that my couch is gray, because I can clearly see that it's gray. But it's not evidence for you, because I could be lying or something. I have much more info about my case than you do, so I know my case much better than you do. There's a billion things about me and my case which you don't know.
  19. Yes, because I have tried to connect with women, tried to arrange dates, and I have had dates. Everything has failed. But I don't have any evidence for you.