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Everything posted by Blackhawk

  1. @Preety_India Didn't you say before that you have lived in USA or something?
  2. @Preety_India No way.. That's crazy.. And you are over 18 and they are allowed to force you to marry? I can barely comprehend that, it's so crazy to hear for someone who lives in the west. Unreal. Wtf.. You should leave the country as soon as possible, at all cost. Hm how much would it cost for you to leave the country..?
  3. Man, usually I would completely dismiss that idea which seems like a insane idea. But the problem is that I too have kinda experienced that. I think it might just be a hallucination thing.
  4. For example the enlightened experience is that the body isn't a separate self. But the standard experience is that the body is a separate self. In a survey with 10 million people where they can choose between: A. I know beyond doubt that I'm a separate self. B. I know beyond doubt that I'm not a separate self. 99.9% of them would choose option A. So it makes no sense to believe more in what the 0.1% say and take it as "The Ultimate Truth". Basically, why are you people listening to supposedly enlightened people?
  5. That's really weird. Wtf is their problem? Maybe consider moving to a different country where you can sit on a public place and meditate.
  6. My point is that you guys believe more in the 0.1% than in the 99.9%. You guys know I'm right, you're just pretending to be clever and enlightened. The whole reason why you even started chasing enlightenment is because you heard about it from a few people. You wouldn't invest so much time and energy into the seeking if you wouldn't believe the 0.1%. Whatever, I forgot that everyone is always playing enlightened smartasses here instead of being honest.
  7. I think this is the first time you say that enlightenment isn't a experience. I could be wrong though. But anyway, it's just good that you don't use the same words all the time.
  8. But also paying attention is something which is taught. And paying attention for thousands of hours could make you hallucinate unreal things. For example some people hallucinate stuff in sensory deprivation tanks. There's nothing added in sensory deprivation tanks, only removed. Yet they start hallucinating unreal things.
  9. Ok but if you put so much effort in it, isn't it likely that you only managed to brainwash/reprogram yourself so that you are now seeing a illusion? Because your natural, unaltered experience (your experience before the thousands of hours of struggle) was that you were a separate self.
  10. Ok so in this case you are kinda one of the "rare enlightened ones". Why should I listen to you? My own experience is that I'm a separate self. So shouldn't I give that the most credibility?
  11. Btw if Leo would be a anti-vaxxer I would of course immediately leave this place and never look back.
  12. I don't know if this has been posted here already but.. Jennifer Aniston says goodbye to her anti-vaxxer friends ?: "In her interview with InStyle, published on Tuesday, Aniston said: 'There's still a large group of people who are anti-vaxxers or just don't listen to the facts. It's a real shame.'" "a lot of opinions don't feel based in anything except fear or propaganda." CNN fires all their anti-vaxxer employees ?: "'Let me be clear - we have a zero-tolerance policy on this,' Mr Zucker, chairman of news and sports for WarnerMedia, is quoted as saying." "Many large firms - including Facebook and Google - say they will require employees to be vaccinated when offices fully re-open in the months ahead." I love such stuff.
  13. Maybe. But I think probably not. There's no love, mercy, peace, hope, or unity anywhere to be seen for me.
  14. I don't think anyone knows anything about the ultimate reality, only believe things about it. And it disgusts me to see people perform mental gymnastics and then pretend to know. This observable reality is cruel. Everyone are selfish. All love is selfish. If you don't have anything to offer you will be unloved. I don't have anything to offer. And I don't have the ability to build something to offer. It hurts so much to not be liked by anyone, or loved or desired. And to be alone. And to be worthless. Worthless people gets thrown into the trash of loneliness, like if they don't have any emotions. This reality doesn't give a shit about emotions. The pain of being truly, truly worthless is unbearable. I don't find anything enjoyable anymore. So there's nothing for me to do. There is probably some things which I would enjoy but I can't have those things. There is no way out of this. Not professional help, not medication, nothing. I can't stand this stuff anymore. But I will be forced more of this stuff. And on top of this there are many living beings who choose to add even more suffering into the world. Like if what we were thrown into isn't enough. That's really beyond me. And under the "right" circumstances all people are capable of adding more suffering into the world, unfortunately.
  15. My fucking God.. It feels like something is about to happen.. Damn fear. The wall of fear is so strong. Edit: nothing happened this time, I'll go to bed.
  16. Yeah I'm scared when I read it, but as you can see from this thread: I don't have anything to lose. This book really feels like the real deal..
  17. Of course it's a opinion. All conspiracy theories are opinions. It makes no difference whatsoever that he says "it's just my opinion".
  18. And also this made me desperately want to read the book: "In addition, if you do find yourself interested, and are able to see past the words to understand at least some of what they point to, you are likely to find it quite disturbing. Few people buy books on spirituality to be deeply disturbed, so consider yourself forewarned. And finally, if you read it anyway, and what is hinted at here resonates and is by some remote chance followed to its end, then that will likely also be the end of you. So again, a warning. With any luck, you will not come back from this with a life you can call your own; you will not come back at all."
  19. I.. just.. can't.. take.. the stupidity of anti-vaxxers. Man, I seriously need to stop reading this thread. You anti-vaxxers are insane.
  20. @Alysssa@eaaaeaeae @snowyowl Okay, thanks. Well, this weekend has so far been better than usual. I even managed to do some cleaning. And I read "Perfect brilliant stillness" by David Carse. User reviews here: Officially available for free here because it's not copyrighted (good move. It gives it more credibility. Smaller risk that he's lying to get money.): The stuff he say is radical, and I can't relate to the stuff at all, he even say "it's not difficult". So it's difficult to believe in what he's saying. Maybe it's just a rare mental delusion. I don't know.