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Everything posted by Blackhawk

  1. I don't have any fucking ideas of enlightenment. I don't know anything whatsoever.
  2. I already know all that. I just want something to happen, anything, make it happen, anyone, in any way. How difficult is it to understand?
  3. I just changed the title to: "If enlightenment is the truth, then why is it so damn difficult to happen?" Are you happy now? Can you all stop obsessing about the words achieve/attain now? My thoughts immediately goes to physical suicide again. It's weird that not more seekers committ suicide thanks to all this constant talk about death, beyond survival, etc.
  4. @Moksha Okay thanks. What other word than achievement should I use then? Clearly enlightenment must be something which happens to this body/mind. Even just disidentification with this body/mind would be something that happens to this body/mind, or "death" of the separate self. Yes I understand that enlightenment isn't a better version of my egoic self, but again, obviously enlightenment should cause something for this body/mind, even if it's just a disidentification or end of a separate self.
  5. @Breakingthewall I see.. @snowyowl Hi. I have meditated, contemplated, educated myself with the theoretical stuff, tried psychedelics one time, done self-inquiry, I also tried kriya yoga a bit. I have experienced horrific things, both on the one trip and many times sober. One time it was a blissful experience. But I think they were probably just delusions.
  6. Well, give me the understanding and death and all that stuff then. Or how do I get it?
  7. I think that's what they call enlightenment?
  8. So magically somehow my real Me is supposed to do it? Ok, 1 sec.. let the real Me somehow do it.. Nope, nothing happened.
  9. No, I guess I think it probably isn't. But how else could I phrase it? I'm currently reading this book, and I like it:
  10. @ZzzleepingBear @Marcel Thanks. It's provocative to tell someone who is suffering that he/she likes the suffering. For example imagine telling it to someone who has lost a child or something, you would never do it. I guess the answer will be "yeah the ego doesn't like to hear it". Sigh..
  11. So you're denying the existence of suffering? In that case you're also denying Buddha's teachings about suffering (dukkha).
  12. Because I want to know the truth about reality. And because I want to stop suffering.
  13. When a frustrated seeker has been seeking for years without success, and has tried everything, at some point he/she might feel that only physical suicide is left to try, but the teachers say that physical suicide is absolutely forbidden..
  14. So I should committ physical suicide? If not: why not? In the past I simply didn't try getting enlightened. I didn't try to stop trying, trying just fell off because of disinterest. So I should let go now? Ok 1 sec... No that didn't work either.
  15. That's why I said that especially for me it should be easy, because I don't like the dream. Not at all. And your reply is: "you enjoy suffering". Ok let's play with the idea that I somehow enjoy suffering: how can I fix that? How do I stop enjoying suffering?
  16. Well, I guess I can only repeat what I said a bit earlier: everything you people say, I've already heard a million times, and it's quite possible that those things are true, but they don't help at all.
  17. I have watched thousands of YouTube videos about nonduality, read many books, and been a member in this forum for many years, so I know all the theory about it, for example the thing that "trying to achieve it is running from it." But it doesn't help. I don't get enlightened when I stop trying to achieve it. There has been periods when I haven't been trying to achieve it. I've heard "you enjoy suffering" a billion times as well. That doesn't help either. So I'm somehow supposed to stop enjoying suffering? When my experience tells me that I'm not enjoying suffering? I'm not buying it. You guys are only doing mental gymnastics all the time, creating concepts and beliefs.
  18. That is basically religion, because you are saying things without evidence. I'm not denying that what you say could be true, but.. you can say all kind of things without evidence. You could also for example say that "you will get cake in heaven after you die". Yes that could be true, but since it's just a idea without evidence, it's in practice worthless, it doesn't help me.
  19. That's a idea which could be true. But I can't know whether it's true or not. So basically, your answer is no answer at all in this case, so it doesn't help at all, unfortunately.
  20. Yes. It will take much more than bad weather to make the human race go extinct. Humans will want to live no matter what. No matter the circumstances. Even if it only consists of massive suffering. It will always be worth living for them. Take for example the resistence against assisted suicide. It's illegal in many countries. Especially in Sweden. People are retarded in their brains because they irrationally always just want to live, and force life on others, even if it means massive suffering.
  21. @Preety_India Didn't you say before that you have lived in USA or something?
  22. @Preety_India No way.. That's crazy.. And you are over 18 and they are allowed to force you to marry? I can barely comprehend that, it's so crazy to hear for someone who lives in the west. Unreal. Wtf.. You should leave the country as soon as possible, at all cost. Hm how much would it cost for you to leave the country..?