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Everything posted by Blackhawk

  1. I don't think it's worth the extra hassle. Extra dishes etc. But I'll think about it.
  2. I understand. I agree that it's a risk assessment. But in my opinion the risk is low. For me the benefit (reason) is huge. Because I microwave plastic about 5 times per week. I would kinda starve if I wouldn't do it.
  3. Immediately after I wrote that, I heard you say "maybe" in the video 6 times within 17 seconds. (From 1:48:48)
  4. Can you at least admit the possibility that maybe "microwave-safe plastic" is safe? I can admit that maybe it's not safe. But I think it probably is. So my idea is that maybe we can find some common ground on the "maybe".
  5. Ok but if you don't trust science, then why do you trust them about the covid-19 vaccines? I'm sure you trust science about more things too.
  6. @Vido Because people don't believe in it. Rightly so, in my opinion. It's interesting that you say "Bashar is an alien". How do you know that? Because he says that he's an alien?
  7. There's scientists who have investigated that stuff. Scientists have for example also investigated the covid 19 vaccines..
  8. I see. Well there is plastic which is safe to microwave. But of course.. Maybe you don't trust it when they say that it's safe. But I do trust it that "microwavable plastic" is safe.
  9. Yeah but plastic is plastic. How can the plastic on microwavable bacon be more weird than other plastic.
  10. @Leo Gura What the heck.. You don't eat any food which is sold wrapped in plastic? (You said in the video that bacon wrapped in plastic is bad.) Almost all food is sold wrapped in plastic. I would starve to death in 2 weeks if I would exclude all such food.
  11. And all this while I'm in good health, live in a good country, and have money. Isn't it interesting how suffering can look different.
  12. There's many different ways to suffer. One can suffer from a broken arm. Or from getting cheated on. Or from living in Iraq with no money. Or like in my case, forever being a lonely, disliked, unloved, unlikeable person. I think that my suffering is even bigger than the other kinds of sufferings that I mentioned. Because those other kinds of sufferings don't usually cause suicidal thoughts. I'm probably one of the most suffering living beings in existence, because if I would suffer even more, then I would be dead. And anyone who would suffer more would committ suicide. Don't you think that's a logical conclusion? I think that makes perfect sense. Maximum suffering while still alive achieved.
  13. It feels wrong that I even have to write this report. All because of the covid anti-vaxxers. 3 minutes of my life wasted thanks to stupid people. Anyways.. Pfizer - BioNTech: fully vaccinated since 3 weeks. First shot: sore arm for a few days on the injection spot, and a bit headache for about 6 hours or something. Second shot: no sore arm. Only a bit headache for about 6 hours or something. I don't think the covid anti-vaxxers read this "Health, Fitness, Nutrition" sub-forum.. oh well.
  14. Why incels exists on this forum: because they exist everywhere. Why incels exists: because of natural reasons. Women are naturally hardwired to be more selective, picky and demanding about their partner. It's not because of internet.
  15. Because they are brainwashed, afraid, deluded, and stupid. Because those things don't help much. Especially now those things don't matter because we have vaccines.
  16. If Hitler would have had a small and weak military, then he would have also looked like a peaceful guy. When they get real power, that's when their true face shows.
  17. Leo's interview is the longest on the channel. So congrats @Leo Gura for beating everyone in the channel.
  18. And anti-vaxxers, trumpers, and swedes who are against Sweden joining Nato. Good question.
  19. I disagree. A large scale conventional war will happen sooner or later. And the losing side will start using nukes. Don't underestimate how evil and insane some people are. Not everyone think like you do, it should be obvious at this point.. "The analyst's country (or organization) is not identical to that of their opponent. One error is to mirror-image the opposition, assuming it will act the same as one's country and culture would under the same circumstances. It seemed inconceivable to the U.S. planners in 1941 that the Japanese would be so foolish to attack a power whose resources so exceeded those of Japan, thus virtually guaranteeing defeat. In like manner, no analyst in US Navy force protection conceived of an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer such as the USS Cole being attacked with a small suicide boat, much like those the Japanese planned to use extensively against invasion forces during World War II. An opponent's cultural framework affects its approach to technology. That complicates the task of one's own analysts in assessing the opponent's resources, how they may be used and defining intelligence targets accordingly. Mirror-imaging, committing to a set of common assumptions rather than challenging those assumptions, has figured in numerous intelligence failures. Opponents are not always rational. They may have a greater risk tolerance than one's own country."
  20. Great. Now you just have to question also your whole anti-covid vaccine thing. And your hyper-skeptical stance against the government etc. Question yourself. Question your questioning.
  21. I don't have any specific source to give you.
  22. Natural deaths. If you give clean water to for example 1 million people, then 10 people (or whatever) will die within 6 months after drinking the water. Did the water kill them? No, they died from other causes. Simply because of the large number of people who drank the water. They have ways to investigate whether it was the water or something else which killed them. It has turned out that the deaths were caused by other reasons, so not caused by the vaccines.