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Everything posted by Blackhawk

  1. @Johnny Galt They help, everyone knows that. And? Take the vaccine.
  2. Primary: 1 Secondary: 1.7
  3. Good for you (if you are enlightened). But there are many many other people who can't get enlightened in 2 years. And some people can never get enlightened, like me, because I suck so hard.
  4. Like if enlightenment should happen in just 7 years.. There's some nondual teachings which say that it takes many lifetimes of spiritual work before you can get enlightened. I don't know whether that's true or not but still..
  5. Those videos will save many lives and prevent a lot of suffering. I don't know about you but I think that's a good thing.
  6. I don't think I deserve it. I usually tell them something like: "I already know that I'm completely worthless, you don't need to keep reminding me of that." For example someone who is really fat knows that he/she is fat. Repeating to that person how fat he/she is is unnecessary and painful.
  7. More vaccinated people= less suffering in the world. I'm for that. My parents aren't vaccinated. My mom is a huge anti-vaxxer and anti-everything, a conspiracy theorist. My dad still isn't vaccinated because of alcohol issues.. But he will probably get vaccinated, secretly without my mom knowing it. I haven't told my mom either that I'm vaccinated, all hell would break loose if I would tell her. This fucking anti-vaxx thing and conspiracy theories is a severe mental illness.
  8. Where did I say that you shouldn't take Ivermectin in addition to getting vaccinated? The thing is that the insane anti-vaxxers are using Ivermectin as a substitute for vaccine. And it's that which I'm against. But I'm skeptical about Ivermectin working. But I don't care whether it works or not, take it or don't take it. What I do care about is that people should get vaccinated, that's most important.
  9. Well, they love to doxx me on all forums where I write. I've been doxxed in total 3 times by 2 women, in 2 different forums. I must now be super careful, I can't use Facebook anymore etc. They love to treat me badly. They psychologically abuse me. Insult me, get angry at me, tell me how much they regret that they met me or started writing to me, how much I suck at stuff, how I'm not giving enough, how inadequate I am, etc. etc. And of course, they are right.
  10. No it's not. That stuff is just a bonus. I'm not someone who blindly follows, I'm not a sheep. I'm constantly disagreeing with everyone everywhere when I think that what is said isn't true. And I disagree all the time with everyone in this forum too.
  11. We wont passively sit and let people spread their delusional beliefs about the vaccines and covid-19 which kills and makes people suffer.
  12. Women have been much more mean to me than men have. This weekend seems to be another record-setting disastrous weekend. (That's not entirely linked to what I said above.)
  13. I take a good multivitamin supplement+extra vitamin D. I bet my nutrition levels in my blood are top-notch ?
  14. Good stuff ? Thanks. The anti-vaxxers or anti-covid vaxxers would probably say that those are fake reports and that it's the vaccinated people who are dying in large numbers.
  15. Ok but why would me or anyone have any empathy or compassion at all towards others if they are completely unconscious?
  16. @Paulus Amadeus Yeah I'm not buying solipsism. Just because you can't prove for sure that others are conscious doesn't mean that they are unconscious.
  17. Are you guys kidding? Can't you see what you are saying? You are saying 2 incompatible things: 1 that there is other people who are "in denial about Truth", and 2 that solipsism is true. You need to drop one of those.
  18. Because I don't have the time, energy, or interest to cook.
  19. Well I'm not going to assume or make a judgment that me or anyone else are channeling some fucking aliens or angels or whatever only because you or I get voices in our heads. I need more evidence than that.
  20. Yes the guy. Okay. I have experienced channeling and all kind of stuff, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's true. People have experienced monsters and all kind of weird shit. Does that make them true? No, it's possible that they are just hallucinations.
  21. Okay but that's not the same thing as believing that the entire Bashar is a alien. I don't know whether channeling is true or not. But I'm leaning towards thinking it's not true.
  22. I think the alien-believing people are just smart when they don't believe that he's an alien. Because he isn't a alien.