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Everything posted by Blackhawk

  1. I can't magically fix all those flaws with me, it doesn't work like that. I'm naturally and chronically unattractive to all females.
  2. @SeaMonster Okay.. Hm yes I guess I hate myself.
  3. Bad at talking, can't talk much, shy, insecure, introvert, boring, can't love anyone I think, etc.
  4. Of course there's a behavior which turns women off. I pretty much know what it is, but I can't do anything about it.
  5. Of course sourcing should be allowed. As long as it doesn't mean that this forum gets closed by the police or something, or that people get busted by the police.
  6. Been there done it. I'm not a kid.
  7. I think we do. The definition of slavery is that you have to work against your will, right? So, that means most of us are slaves, right? Because you have to work to get money. Only the way how you are forced to work has changed, but that doesn't change the fact that you are forced to work.
  8. So.. we are fucked. I disagree.
  9. There is no point of me being alive. But not having to work would still be infinitely much better and more pleasant than be forced to work.
  10. Going to work is definitely against my, and the majority of peoples will. There are different ways to force someone to work. Pointing a gun is only one way to do the forcing. If you are going the route that we aren't forced to work.. okay in that case not even the real slaves before were forced to work. Because they could simply have refused to work. The price for that would have been getting beaten or killed. And the price today for refusing to work would be homelessness, immense suffering and misery, illness, malnutrition, possibly death, etc. That's also a very high price to pay for not being a slave.
  11. The fact is that the majority of people are like me. They work somewhere where they don't want to work, because they are forced to work.
  12. No it's not my fault. You guys really need better arguments other than always just say: "you are just lazy". It's just a convenient way for you to falsely believe that you are right, that you are awesome, and that there doesn't exist any problems anywhere because all problems are "just laziness".
  13. Because it's very unpleasant, a pain in the ass.
  14. I'm sure there are people who like those jobs which you mentioned, but I wouldn't like them. It's not my fault that I don't have any interests in life, because it's beyond my control. I can't go like: "Ok now I will force myself to be passionate about writing books" or something.
  15. Yea and that just makes the problem even worse. Because it means that we are born as slaves and die as slaves, and there's no way out of it. No it's not my laziness talking. There is no job which I would like to have. Other than be a pornstar or sell sex, but I'm a guy so that's unfortunately out of the question. Yea and that just makes the problem even worse. Because it means that we are born as slaves and die as slaves, and there's no way out of it.
  16. Doesn't matter, because all jobs are shit.
  17. Look, even if you think you know, you don't know. And I don't know if what I said above is true. And I don't know if what I said above is true either. And I don't know if what I said above is true either. .......
  18. "Simply enough, you cannot suffer the illusion that you are conscious because illusions are possible only for conscious minds. This is so incandescently obvious that it is almost embarrassing to have to state it." - David Bentley Hart "I think we should feel very sober, and a little afraid, at the power of human credulity, the capacity of human minds to be gripped by theory, by faith. For this particular denial [of the existence of consciousness] is the strangest thing that has ever happened in the whole history of human thought, not just the whole history of philosophy." - Galen Strawson
  19. Are you sarcastic or are you serious that the Bob Lazar stuff is evidence?
  20. Btw, why would it matter how weak or strong Nato is, when Nato wont intervene anyway? Because Ukraine isn't a Nato member. The Biden haters blame everything bad on Biden just because they don't like him. It's pathetic. If Trump had been president then stuff had been even worse.