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Everything posted by ern

  1. Hi all, It has been almost 3 years since my world crumbled and found out that my wife of 15 years (3 years of courting) was having an affair for a year. This came as a complete shock. She did a good job of gaslighting me. She was snow white, never did anything wrong up to that point and so easy going. I never knew she was unhappy. I still don't know when she gave up on use and strayed instead of telling me she was unhappy and at least giving me a chance to work on us. Needless to say after I found out, the lies continued and there was no saving it. We were divorced 5 months later. It was like signing a surrender document for a battle I never had a chance to fight. We currently don't talk, just occasional texts about the kids (14 yo daughter and 11 yo son). She sees no need to talk to me about the past. She is so insensitive to the pain she caused. 18 years of giving my heart and soul and just thrown away and no urge to make things amicable. OUCH!!! My question is: What are some ways to make sense of something that seemed pointless and makes not sense. How to release the anger, hurt and feeling of being taken for?
  2. Thank you everyone for your concern and advise. I know healing is a process and I am working though it. I just have a hard time making sense of something that doesn't make sense. It's like telling you that gravity doesn't exist. I appreciate you all and look forward to your comments