North Sea

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Everything posted by North Sea

  1. What I'm trying to say is that "the present universe" is the only universe. Even if there are other universes, where do they exist? what is the place that contains these universes? in the end all borders are thought up so there is only ONE universe. All individual lives are dreamed up by this universe because in reality there are no individual lives. A solipsist believes everything is dead while the solipsist is the only one alive. Following this logic a solipsist believes that air is dead, but becomes alive and conscious when the air enters his body. Solipsism is the ego's final trick, thinking it has some special metaphysical position when in fact it is one with everything. Isn't is suspicious that the only metaphysical philosophy that is biased on ego, namely solipsism, comes forth when contemplating spirituality, a field where it is always recommended to transcend our egos to find the truth? It's just ego games. solipsism doesn't mean anything at all, that is the reason it is not falsifiable, because it wouldn't change anything about "your experience" because "you" will always only have "your experience" when seen from the egoic state. In truth all notions of "you" and "your experience" and even "reality" are completely imaginary. This even goes for "God" and "Love". Its just that those two words are the best words in the english language to describe the ultimate reality because the ultimate reality is literally God and Love. Thats my take on it. PS: What constitutes a "dream universe" vs a "real universe"? will we ever find out the truth using those concepts?
  2. For me solipsism is just a consequence when you assume certain aspects of absolute reality, such as Oneness, but conflate those with a non-absolute aspect of reality, namely your sense of self. What even is the difference between solipsism and non-solipsism? the doubting of "other" experience. When it is shown to you that your human body and mind are just a small construction of the universe/Self, this notion of "other" experience is shown as illusion. The whole thing about solipsism is not about whether others have an "other experience", its about whether others have the same experience as you! You wonder if the man down the street also has an experience of the same universe that you are in. It turns out there is only one universe to be experienced so all notions of solipsism inevitably collapse.
  3. @Leo Gura Do you literally mean if you would trip one more time you would die? So you are never doing dmt again?
  4. Of course dream chars exist even when you wake up. If reality is Infinity everything already exists right now.
  5. If God is omnipotent and omniscient, that means all answers and upgrades to science, art etc. actually already exist in the infinite mind/universe, its just a matter of tapping in to the infinite intelligence. This is what all scientist have done. How do you tap in to divine and higher intelligence and creativity? Im down to try all methods from scientific to literal magic spells. I just must reach divine levels of creativity and beauty creation. Its a must in life for me.
  6. Well said. Sometimes its easy to rationalize your failures in game to be externally caused by (lack of) looks, status and money. Of course those three help and you need a minimum of all three, but inner and outer game goes very long. Semi-spiritual question; Assuming girls are attracted to dominant and high status behavior (which they are, alongside with comfort/playfulness/security) Does this tell us that being frequently dominant times in life is a good way to live? I remember making a joke at the expense of a kid on the schoolyard. Some other people including a hot girl, who where standing around him all laughed. i felt a bit bad for him but it was just a joke after all. But then this girl suddenly acts like shes very attracted to me, starts talking to me like she wants me etc. This shocked me because i barely know this girl and i wasnt the best looking guy at the time. But suddenly after this bullyish joke she is attracted to me. It shocked me to see how this world is somehow in favor of bullies. (I was not a bully, who went after certain kids , i was just a guy who joked about every kid)
  7. @Leo Gura easy to say when you’re 6’2 I’m 5’11 so i dont fee height affects me in a positive nor negative way. But how can you know height is not a big deal to girls?
  8. In the video game Assassin's Creed, you play as a member of the Assasins, who follow this creed: "Nothing is true, everything is permitted." You can interpret this as rationalizing crime or something, but this is how the Assassin master Altair described it: "Our Creed does not command us to be free. It commands us to be wise." and this: "Al Mualim taught Altaïr that the maxim commanded the Assassins not to be free, but to be wise. Altaïr later explained that for a person to abide by the maxim, they had to transcend the illusion which was the world, and to "recognize that laws do not arise from divinity, but reason" " Im impressed by the spiritual wisdom in this game.
  9. @Leo Gura how is this possible? What foods are you talking about? How to find the least toxic food?
  10. @Leo Gura Syria is actually quite a bad example. The Syrian people are very intelligent and conscious compared to other Arabian countries. There are many highly educated people there and people of different religions could live there how they wanted. In 2011 they wanted Assad to fuck off in favor of a more conscious leader. I have Syrian friend who was born in europe but then moved to Syria at 2 years old and moved back at 12. He tells me basically everybody hates Assad and IS in Syria and that most people there want more conscious leadership.
  11. @Leo Gura Low iq comment lol. Stylistic Masterpiece
  12. He says that after age 35-40 your career will decline no matter what. Is this really the case? For example Martin Scorsese is a great example of it not being the individual case.
  13. @Don Wei Take it easy bro, definitely don't smoke if you don't want to. The reason I suggested it is because it can put you in a mindstate where you understand your trauma and accept it more easily. Basically weed can bootstrap self-love if you want. That is the most important thing, self-love. It is really the only force that can heal your trauma. Luckily you are in control of your own self-love. You have to dive into your own hurt and give it love. The hardest part about fear and suffering is the fact that it totally deludes your vision and consciousness on the issue. So the reason some traumas are very hard to heal is because the trauma itself distorts your reality so much that it can actually become worse over time. If you could see your trauma clearly, it is much easier to respond with self-love. This is why weed sometimes helped me, to calm down and look at the situation "from above". It is crucial that you fully accept the situation how it happened. I know this is very hard but you can work on it every day, it is what I'm doing as well. If you ever try weed don't smoke much the first time cause it can trip you out if you don't know what you're doing. Again bro, Self-Love. the best advice I can give you as someone who partly knows what you're going through. I love you bro, please love and heal yourself.
  14. exactly what the title says. How to navigate your own mind, and notice and eliminate blockages.
  15. If you're into it, smoke some weed solo. Then sit and imagine a conversation in your head that you would have with a therapist if you had one. Literally narrate the entire conversation in your head. It works for me, I've been giving myself therapy for more than 4 years now in this way. I also have sexual trauma in a similar fashion to what you have experienced. If it gets out of hand, please contact a real therapist. Please heal yourself with self love and forgiveness. You deserve it.