I think being in a romantic partnership with another is about feeding the thing the unity of both of you C R E A T E. Imagine if you will - two beings, a figure 8 of power surrounds you - each of you stands within a branch of the symbol of infinity. But to keep that channel of energy flowing around and between you, both partners need to be turning and feeding the flow. This last part in particular is integral to Leo's advice - that you must be sovereign to yourself before you engage in partnership with another. If you can't contribute to the energy of the unity - it is because you haven't yet established your boundaries through self development and growth! You risk enmeshment and codependency.
So when the unity between you breaks, if you don't have a rich and fulfilling life O U T S I D E of the relationship, you feel you have lost something you cannot replace. But you are always whole unto yourself!
Talking to others can be very helpful, but you must do it with intention. Venting to offload emotion is less constructing than venting to gain someone else's input in divergent, creative problem solving (in this case emotional processing). Some beings need others to assist with their processing through talk therapy. Others, need only the time to look within and process. It very much comes down to self trust, and self knowledge.
For myself, being in romantic partnership is about C O O P E R A T I V E needs satisfaction. I don't need someone to complete me. An example : you can have sex with yourself and fulfill that need. You could very well go on your whole life in this manner...
But damn, isn't it just so much more fun to fulfill your sexual needs -with- another being, whome you want to also fulfill their sexual needs?
This is the nature of love in secure ascended partnerships, cooperative needs satisfaction. Feeding that infinity of energy that surrounds you both to create something LARGER than yourself.
It's just DAMN difficult to find!
So it's useful to know what you want before engaging in a partnership, so you run towards the goal - light - positivity. Instead of running from what you don't want, which is a fear response.
This is also the reason Leo's clarity with his needs and boundaries is refreshing, albeit confrontational to most, as he knows what he wants and goes for it. And therein lies a test of boundaries - he won't attract a women who isn't right because, typically, they will be turned off by such candid authentic honesty.
Just my two cents - I hope it helps anyone ?