Natasha Tori Maru

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Everything posted by Natasha Tori Maru

  1. I don't think enlightenment is gender specific Do you mean how a woman experiences it? Or how it is shown outwardly in concrete reality, while being in feminine form, as perceived by others? It feels like love. Like I am one with that other person. There is no me or them. Just one
  2. I disagree with narcissists not experiencing anxiety - it's a major driver for their need for 'supply'. Anyone who lies, experiences anxiety, and they are totally unaware of its presence. Typically, they are dissociating without realizing it. Many people experience so much charged inner turmoil it becomes a great 'soup' of emotions they aren't able to identify. All of these lies make you more mindful of the lies, the web, the need for consistency across them. Immediately you are taken out of the moment. The aim of life is to be in the moment.
  3. - P-R-E-C-I-S-E-L-Y - Can you imagine also, the inner anxiety and emotional turmoil he would be dealing with? Dealing in lies leaves you trapped in anxiousness
  4. @M A J I I thank you for your words MAJI, and your efforts. You are trying to break the cycle. Appreciate any lightbringer who is trying to elevate those still tumbling about before they find their way Namaste
  5. Hello MAJI I agree with you. The knowledge you are imparting here is most likely too much for most of the forum, the world even Most will want evidence, and they look to science. I am not so sure anyone will agree with us, as the look externally for answers. It is all found within, but no one trusts this process....
  6. Yes, indeed for myself, it was later in life this transition occurred! I had a more typical sex drive when younger. Objectively I could look at random men or women and be turned on, distracted. Now, I need to be emotionally bonded to ignite my sex drive. I would say I am smack bang in between high and low libido. I just require the additional bond to turn it 'on'.
  7. Agree with Emerald in her assessment here. It's unusual to find someone so diligent regarding radical open-mindedness, yet so closed off when it comes to the dynamics between men & women. I enjoy the depths Leo brings in other areas. This one I will have to tap out. I know when to pick my battles. Leo won't understand the message until someone comes along to totally smash apart these beliefs. And it will take someone, and not a chemical, to do this. Peace
  8. If this is your repeated experience, then, perhaps there is something to be learned. You discount any experience that doesn't fit your narrative.
  9. Going to 100% agree with this. Leo isn't considering the breadth of what individuals can be attracted to. Not even thinking about demi-sexuals. I have no sex drive unless emotionally engaged/connected to a person. This emotional engagement doesn't have much to do with appearance. I wish I could show examples of the variety in attractiveness of men I have had relationships with. I find this whole thing quite amusing. You have women here expressing their experience/preference. Then Leo attempting to tell the rest of the men about what is attractive for a woman. Using the lens of pickup. Theres a funny word I could use here... 'Mansplain'
  10. This has all gone slightly off topic but ~ Humans are attracted to beautiful things. I don't think this quality is relegated to one sex. I don't think it is about sex, necessarily. Babies stare at beautiful faces as if transfixed. It is just simply human nature to covet what is unusual, and beauty is viewed as a commodity. Historically, at least.
  11. It might be helpful to add to my post: the reason we are in this existence is to learn to manipulate energy, and hence, matter. We are here to master this dense matter realm. We do this through energy, consciousness, love. All the same
  12. I don't understand the confusion here - there isn't a contradiction I can see. I suspect there is some discrepancy in understanding the words 'love' & 'imaginary' This physical realm doesn't exist. Only consciousness, love, exists. It's not the brain, the 'matter' that gives rise to consciousness (synonymous with love). Its consciousness, spirit, energy, love... that gives rise to MATTER. WE are creating this material world with spirit, energy, frequency. Love is creating this material world. This is how I understand Leo's term 'imaginary' If you want some evidence of this - look at quantum physics. We are only able to reconcile this branch of science by understanding it is consciousness that gives rise to matter. Again as always - my experience, my experience
  13. @A Fellow Lighter I want to make it clear, with as much compassion as possible - you are not responsible for the actions she takes in her life. Most people who want to commit suicide don't actually want to die - they just want to end their current circumstances. Usually due to frantic, overwhelming, distress & pain. They see no other solution but to self delete. There is always another solution. I hope this knowledge releases you of some feelings of responsibility. You sound entangled with this women. We are each responsible only for our actions in life. We choose how to respond. No one else. You can let someone like this down gently by making them realize you are not qualified to help. Need a professional. <3
  14. It's the age of human kind learning to, finally, manage technology. Technology will destroy us unless we learn to wield it properly. We are in its death-grip right now We are arrogant, stupid fucks, to think we have any control
  15. @The Renaissance Man Pickup innately will draw to you, women who are unhealed. Damaged. Most women are. Most men are. You will draw to yourself, the person who is your energetic match. If you use pickup (I tailor my response as you nominated this as your context) you will draw out a vibrational match. You go into it looking to 'get', so you will draw to yourself another soul in it to 'get'. Not healthy. A narcissist - man - (here, pickup can be toxic and encourage such behavior) will draw to themselves a people pleaser - woman - with no boundaries. The narcissist will take. The people pleaser will give. The lack of boundaries from the people pleaser is a form of self betrayal. They will resent the narcissist and begin to withdraw to protect their giving nature. This can include withdrawing sex & affection. The narcissist & the people pleaser are no better than each other. The narcissist will be left confused and attempt to get using any method possible. And so the toxic cycle begins. The genders can be swapped. Pickup does have some great self development within it, authenticity being an example. For myself, as a women, having sex with a man never diminished my attraction. Sex creates a bond with a person. It's an energy exchange. Everything is just energy. You must take care with who you exchange this energy. You might not be able to feel it if you aren't clean. Good food, sleep, pure water. Movement Many people with unhealed souls don't understand the bond this creates. They react in strange ways to the energy exchange: some end up closer & cling, some absolutely freak out and run. Don't get lost in pleasure. And don't confuse pleasure with happiness & peace. Plus, the further you delve into knowing yourself... contemplation, meditation, psychedelics - the more you realize there are things out there that are much much more pleasurable, enjoyable. If you can find yourself such a woman, who for example, you can meditate with, I promise you it's possible to have an orgasm better than anything you have ever experienced. No 'release' I have healed through my own previous issues. I was a people pleaser. Anxiously attached. It took many relationship cycles to learn the message & why I was repeating the same mistakes. I supply this last note, as some context for the above. Because I am fully aware I am not the norm in the slightest. Currently I do not have much hope to find my energetic match in a male. I go inwards now I hope this might be of assistance & I wish you well, seeker
  16. I have to agree with Leo here - TikTok is brain rot. There may be some good content. No denying But the format & delivery are anathema to spirituality & consciousness This goes for pretty much all social media & a lot of the internet Unless you have seriously done a purge or abstinence, very hard to see this You won't find any answers online. It's all inside you... This also might explain Leo's pessimism. The simple fact is we are, as a species, looking externally to define ourselves. Now, more than ever! Busted shit really - however - I am still optimistic
  17. I might add another insight: I seem to have become excellent at failing (or bouncing back) the further into existence I get. Failure just isn't an issue, as I know I will find the cause of error & correct it. This is why insight and inner work is so integral to the aging process. You become sovereign to yourself. Confident you can tackle anything. On a side note, I cannot speak for women who have given birth. This may seem controversial: I have witnessed hormonal changes in women who have children that affect their cognitive abilities. Integrating existential insights into themselves seems harder, probably because it is not conducive to raising a family. I believe (through my own observations, large family of women who have multiple children) the process of birth & pregnancy changes the matter within the brain. I hope this is researched more in the future. No judgement of course, I personally have never felt any compulsions to have children. But again, my experience, my experience.
  18. Mushrooms made my physical skin sensations so overwhelming I had to remove all clothes. For myself, psychedelics always heighten my skin sensations. I would consider myself retired from them now. I have permanently retained this incredible sensitivity. I had to toss all my clothes. Now I am clad in all non-synthetic garments. And nothing very tight. I like to feel the spirit of the air move the fabrics across me. Its bloody expensive!!!!
  19. Thank you Integral - well received! At this point in my life I am so busy in construction (hospitals) I do not have so much time... However, I do try to do my part by spreading word and informing others on such topics Cheers
  20. 1) You also have to take into account cognitive decline with age. 2) I would say it is too early to accurately predict what effects higher information bandwidth have on the brain. The brain cannot multitask 3) AI can severely reduce critical thinking. A plan needs to be in place to teach children new skills: skills involved in managing technology and appropriately applying its use. These are new parenting skills that need to be instilled by my generation. I feel Millennials are only now learning this skill, due to their own inundation in the negative effects unregulated technology use has. Almost all of my own circle is turning away from social media. Hopefully we learn and pioneer this Great post
  21. I dislike Teal Swan. However - this encapsulates my experience very well. Almost all points apply to me. The struggle to be seen is the biggest challenge I have faced in life, on a personal level. My truest long-term sexual relationships with men have all been through equal mastery of a shared task. My appearance did not come into play until meeting in these situations. And even then, these men could see my spirit and soul first & foremost. Where I was able to reveal who I was, before I was visually perceived. My experience.
  22. @Tristan12 Good day Tristan, May I ask - apologies if this has been answered already - about your general routines & habits? Our environment is not a healthy one. Poison at every turn. Food, air, water, technology. These elements we work with in society are toxic now. Slowly this has been getting worse. Do you move? Clean food? Only water? Minimal caffeine, no drugs, no alcohol You must be clean in this disgusting environment now. More than ever. You sound to me to be trapped in a cycle of escapism. If you look after the self: clean food, water, gentle movement. The need to escape is no longer there. Forward motion suppresses the fear response. Walking will do I ask this as you have attempted to tackle your trauma with the mind. Maybe a new strategy is needed - tackle the body. My experience. My experience. I feel your pain in your words. Please have my endless love....
  23. Thank you for your thoughts here. I counter this with: it is not possible to know what @Davino bases his decisions and actions on. This thread is simply a request for anecdotal data. We do know, or comprehend, what actions he may take from now. He could be disregarding all data given here. We will never know. I respect the question he has asked. Through it he has acknowledged there are beings who have more lived experience due to age. This implies no authority from anyone older, just an acknowledgement there is some useful information others may have due to age. I digress...
  24. @NoSelfSelf Do you truly believe others aren't responsible for their own decisions and actions? Your answers are implying @Davino is making decisions based on others opinions. That others are responsible for his life decisions. Unless we are misunderstanding you - the underlying belief you have is we each aren't responsible for our actions. Ultimately, we are only responsible for our own actions. If you don't know or understand this, you will progress through life blaming others - which reveals you lack sovereignty, not Davino. This is how projection works
  25. 38yo - no cognitive decline. Executive function has only improved. You must be clean. No drugs, no alcohol. Clean food. Water, Sleep. Basics Focus is a trained ability. Use it or loose it Don't rot your brain with social media. Delete that shit. Trash The older you get the more important these factors become. When you are young your body carries you. As you get older you must look after, and carry, your body. Body = mind. Move your body. It's a dopamine release. My experience. I work in commercial construction - science (synchrotron), laboratories, medical (hospitals) & educational institutions. Very involved work. You can't fuck around when you work in these fields. I've been very successful with no degree, no training. I began this career only 3 years ago. It only gets better ...