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Everything posted by caspex

  1. How do I embody love and intensify it. I wanna start off by experiencing really intense love, then slowly embodying those states and making it baseline.
  2. Imo if it's wrong then eventually you'll just grow out of it. I am also stuck on this lol. Just like how one comes into spirituality for personal purposes, but ultimately ends up the most impersonal.
  3. Right now in this moment. I can't be grateful of anything. I don't exist, neither does any other thing. Gratefulness is me and I am everything. All is one. This Thank you is for all there is and this Thank you IS all there is. This Thank you is to me, and this Thank you IS me. Thank you.
  4. In Law of One it talks about us graduating to another octave (universe) once we reach 8TH Density (Dissolve into infinite consciousness). Sounds very much like a level up lol Leo also talks about how he saw this "second set" of awakenings when he was experiencing almost doing Maha Samdahi. And that there were infinite such lines or sets.
  5. Oh I see. That's very interesting. I think people with Dementia in the last stages have no sense of self remaining.
  6. Basically dont waste your time on all that shit and work towards realization
  7. I am really thankful for the beingness. or we can say "Being" same thing
  8. I met someone on discord a while back who was writing a book on energy stuff because they themselves are very good at it, They posted a 10 page pdf on energy basics sometime later. I don't know how true this is since I haven't delved into this myself. But it seems like worth a read. Energy_basics.pdf
  9. *Has a deep awakening when sitting on a park bench* 50 mins later Police: Hey what're you doing? we heard a report that you have been staring at people non-stop! Are you ok? *Grabs arm* Yo are you ok?? Stop staring and say something!
  10. Honestly for me. I am not that old yet. 16 right now. So I think I can remember what I was like when I was 7 - 11 and damn. It's the same state as the state of just being. Like I didn't even think that much. I probably didn't think at all. Just a bit I guess. I remember just being aware of my body movements and making decisions. I never felt like there was a me. And I know this cuz when I recently accessed this state again some months back, i realized this exactly how i felt when i was around 7 - 11 (Probably before as well but i dont remember before then). I was just taking in the direct experience. That's it. I didn't try to get ahead of someone, or hold back, get anxiety of meeting people, feel awkward. I just had fun. As my parents were in jail, I didn't feel anything at all, just normal, knowing that they were in jail, while I lived at the uncles. And when my father finally came back 3 years later. I actually didn't feel like very good like cry. I was just like, "Oh I have seen this in movies, I should be emotional and maybe cry". Ofcourse i didnt think thta in words, i never thought in words, it was always these 1 second feelings. I never even thought of people as 'people'. Eveything was equal and I never looked at the world in concepts like objects and linguistics. I enquired everything and wasn't easily disgusted. Just amazing man. This is what I think enlightenment to be lol. But Ig that's furthest i have ever reached so that's why that's the furthest I can imagine rn. My ego only really started to develop around 12 years old. It just slowly developed by me slowly identifying with me behaviour because I started to notice how much of emphasis people start to put on the "YOU" and "me" and "I". So the ego really developed when I slowly identified with my behaviours. I slowly started to think in linguistics. And became like any old teenager. I never actually thought anything wondorous, I was open minded af, ngl, but I never really thought out of the box. (Mostly because i didn't try to). I just worked with what i was given and adjusted accordingly (not because i was scared of speaking out. I didn't feel any need to, I was ok with what i was given). I did ask for shit when I needed but it usually took some courage. Recently my ego got the strongest, btu 2 years ago I found spirituality just at the right time to start reversing. I hope I get back there soon and go even beyond that.
  11. So this has been on my mind for several months now. Why do we avoid suffering? After a bit of thinking it's clear to me that pleasure and pain are just feelings we give meaning to. Same with bliss and suffering. Even after seeing this, why it is that I still want to avoid suffering and attract bliss most of the time. I don't resist my mental suffering anymore, i try my best to not get attached to any pleasure or bliss. But I still fear my death (maybe that'll be the case until an actual ego death). I fear feeling large amounts of pain. What is this? Can't I be cautious without feeling fear. But if i dont fear pain, what will be my reason to be cautious? I know hating pain and suffering is for us to survive, however, how does one go beyond survival? Maybe asking to go beyond survival is asking to eradicate the fear of death. I just noticed that when I ask to go beyond survival, I am hoping to survive after i go beyond it. Lol. What to do?
  12. 'Cuz of the discounts rn, thinking of buying something. Can you suggest something that ain't weak sauce? Do list the book if it alr has a pdf online but also try to list some book that isn't available online for free and i'd need to buy a physical copy. Looking for books that gives powerful insights into Enlightenment and practices.
  13. I think you are doing too much speculation here and giving it too much thought. All I can say is that get to the state and this won't be a confusion. And keep in mind, I haven't reached the deepest level of direct experience in any sense. I have seen my own stuff and I am saying from this experience.
  14. The vision, colors and all, everything stays the same. Yet, not the same. You look completely differently. Infact, there is not even a You and a World. There is no thinking anymore. And yeah I guess you won't be able to see through the form so easily. imo practicing will yield results.
  15. Direct experience is just awareness. Now 'objects' ARE an idea. There are no 'Objects'. But there is no point me telling you this. You need to see this for yourself. I kind of explained how in my last reply. Now the 'objects' are an idea. But, let's say you look at a glass ye, it's isnt an learned object, what you are seeing isn't an idea itself. What the idea is, is the meaning and labels and memories you aside to the appearance in front of you. For eg. Looking at a glass. You can attach these following learnt assumptions: 1. It's a glass. 2. You may remember the half full - half empty glass thing 3. It's an object in 3d space 4. You may remember some memory regarding glasses. 5. You may remember this reply if you try this out after reading this. So as you can see, you gotta get rid of all your meanings and assumptions. It's hard at first to even identify all your assumptions because you wont know if you have identified all of them. (I probably dont have all of them identified either). But once you stop assuming shit and assigning meaning. It should be pretty clear that there is only this awareness, THAT is direct experience. Now be careful to not think of this as zoning out. You have full focus visually and mentally on that glass, infact, if you do it right, all thought stops, and a natural and almost instinctive inquiry into what that 'object' is begins. Ofcourse, do take baby steps into reaching here.
  16. Yeah man it's very much possible. It'll take some practice but you can for starters start to look at the world without linguistics and only in objects. And then that cane be further dissolved into no objects and only appearances and than into awareness only. What's the biggest problem is that you try to analyze everything and not just observe. You need to realize the distinction between analyzing and observing, people get it mixed up. Also some tips would be that if you are trying to look at the world without linguistics. Start by looking at things or words. You'll see that you automatically read them out or call their names in your mind. Don't resist that and let that happen. Try to however not assign meaning to the words you hear in your mind, just let them be.... something. Eventually you can stop the habit of unconsciously reading out and pointing out everything you see. The key is to not assign any meaning. We assign meaning from mostly assumptions.
  17. @saif2 I'd say forget all the memory, name and acts of that spiritual teacher when you listen to them. Only keep the teachings in mind. You gotta see that the teaching isn't attached to the teacher. HOWEVER, it is better to know about the teacher, and if you can be conscious enough to not put them up on the pedestal, knowing about the teacher can help you see where he/she is coming from.
  18. @SamueLSD You might be taking for granted there are other people who can experience as well. There is not even you. There is only being. Now contemplation can be done on this: The sensations that are happening. Hearing, seeing, smelling, taste, all feeling, thinking(which includes you imagining different people). How do you distinguish between them. For eg. How can you distinguish between sight and hearing. What's the difference? Once you realize this DOT of being and sensation is the only thing there is. This question is no more. Some pointers: 1. How do you know when I prick you on your finger that I pricked you on the finger? Aren't you just associating 'the feeling of your finger' with 'the finger' in the sight? How do you know the feeling that happened, happened in that finger? 2. Don't forget to include the feeling of the head inside and out and also the jaw , the eyes, and the whole frontal face + back and inside of the ears when being aware of the sensations. Also the breath as it moves. 3. Notice how all thought and choices arises on their own, spontaneously. Even your act of trying to be aware. 4. Try to imagine what shape could this mega sensation (all of the sensation of your being) be. And try to locate yourself. What I think on the issue: By doing this exercise and all properly, it is apparent that nothing exist outside this field of sensations. This mega sensation is all that there is. And that this mega sensation is what keeps changing. This mega sensation is the picture moving on the screen of the awareness. It's not a perception or an experience, but it's being. Now it is alright to hold beliefs such as mars exist and all that if you want to have a social life. After all, this 'reality' seems to be consistent. And I don't think you can change this consistency until you are insane amount of conscious. Like really insane. Like materializing a red ball in your hand kinda insane. Otherwise from the direct experience I can say that this mega sensation is all that there is. Now I do think this mega sensation or being can be expanded. Now from expanded dont get me wrong. I don't mean that it is like a bubble in some outside space and can capture more. I mean it more like. This mega sensation can include more ways of experiencing life/reality/god than just these 6 - 7 senses. How does all that work? No fucking clue.
  19. Looks like only your eyelids were moving. For me it's been my eyes cuz i can literally see the image infront of me jittering left and right
  20. Holy shit! This same thing started to me two days ago! I am just looking at something and bam!, My eyes start rem for a few seconds and it stops. Happened to me every time i was focusing on reality or being 'spiritual' as well. the hell! lol edit: for context, like 2 or 3 days ago I have had a pretty big awakening (for me) into the nature of reality