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Everything posted by caspex

  1. Well I guess this one will be easy for most of us here
  2. It has helped me with insights expectedly and unexpectedly. It has helped me confirm some stuff and ground some of my realizations that I share. I will probably need to let go of this forum some day but that day isn't yet here
  3. So I have had a pretty nice mindfuck for the past few days. You know how in dreams your entire context of what's going is changed into something else? You suddenly know the situation you are in. For example you may believe, even in a Lucid dream, that you have been writing a novel in real life, just then to wake up and realize that was never the case. And wonder how you even believed such a thing. Well couple that with the realization Leo points to in the recent God video. It sure damn looks to me after that realization and this insight, that all the context I have in my head is just like a dream, a context to something that never even happened, but you genuinely think so it is the case. For example, me thinking I have Kitchen downstairs with a fridge with veggies in it or "In some days, I'll need to submit my Assignments." or that I have an Assignment to do in the first place. And this is the case in every moment. This moment is never changing, it is the same all the time. It's just that appearances/forms and contexts keep changing. But at the same time, this whole thing may just appear to be so and not be the case. In direct experience, this seems to absolutely be the case tho. Infact, with this in mind, even the whole idea of this "Context is Imagination" is itself a context! This actually even wins over the argument of "If I am imagining everything why is it so consistent?". Maybe the consistency is an illusion because of your imaginary context of explaining the present moment. This leaves you in the deep unknown into the mystery of what it is, which that is.
  4. I think 22 represents someone with all the knowledge but no experience. And that even after you get the experience for the first time, you easily can be talked out of it or fall into some sort of delusion. Joe is someone who has been deluded, but later realizes the beauty of life. He is shown to have the right amount of experience and knowledge to reach that realization. This movie is great way for someone to get into spirituality without even knowing it is spirituality or all the 'hippie' stuff. I bet this movie will get a lot of people into spirituality unknowingly or plant some seeds. And with enlightenment, it really depends on what you define it as. Realization of present, what there is, no self, true self, god self? In the movie it just seems like he has realized what a stage Green/Yellow mix would usually realize, and think is the highest way of looking at life. The present moment(Just imagine the green version of this, I know this realization runs wayyyy deeper). Who knows, maybe he realized no self and all that, I mean it'd certainly easy for him now if he atleast tried now. But I doubt he realized much more than shown in story, cannon. I'd put it somewhere like 75% on green and 25% on yellow. The main focus of this movie is to get your attention onto the beauty of the present moment(not the same as getting your attention on your direct experience) and realize that life is meaningless but is still AND that's why, is beautiful. So values tbh are a mix of Green and Yellow. Why I think it is much less Yellow tho is because much more focus is given to the first realization I mentioned than the second, in both scenes and the dialogue.
  5. "What truly is consciousness?" Who the fuck knows man. Probably me. LOL
  6. Just watched it. Thanks for recommending. Felt great.
  7. Yeah it's very much possible. But I think to do it sober, you would need to take time and slowly build up to it and let your body adapt. I have seen if you sleep for the day after doing such things, the next day you are much more well adapted. Sometimes you are just suddenly able to do whatever they ask. Overall advice I'd give is to just keep trying twice or thrice everyday.
  8. Yeah it is possible. You can realize something that awakens the desire to know the truth. So I'd say stick to it.
  9. Ofcourse. Usually is a shit choice tho. Too controlled by illusions most of the time when such a decision is taken. But if taken in wisdom, not so much a shit choice. Only wise suicide I can think of really is either Mahasamadhi or choosing to die before without suffering of a terminal illness (Like severe Radiation Poisoning, etc.)
  10. With that logic you can also say "You should kill yourself right now since you are gonna die anyway". Ultimately it doesn't matter. Bring children if you want, don't if you don't. There's no reason for life. Life is for life's sake. So I mean, you don't need to think so much about it and then identify yourself with a label.
  11. dang so many poems in the forum these days, loving it
  12. Well I was falling into this trap too. Until I found your video some months back by accident. I was resisting it and feeling bad. Proof enough I was attached. So I watched it all just to get detached. Well at this point I dont really care. Sadhguru did, and still does make a lot of sense when I used to watch him. I am still subscribed incase something interesting is uploaded. But I am not a 'follower' anymore. I feel like Sadhguru dumbs down himself when in public, since his presence is very wide. And if he says something too radical, he wont be able to wake up many people atleast to a fair amount of level to get further into spirituality themselves. I dont think he can do much. I would say he must be a lot deeper when in private groups and talks. But, my approach is just take what works. I am not getting stuck on any one. By nature if you are famous in today's day and age, you can't talk deeper after a point in public. Even when what he has said now he is in a lot of controversy. I learnt a lot when I needed from his online persona, now I have grown out of it. Simple. I still use some of his teachings in my contemplation. Just be sure that if you feel resistant or cant watch the criticism of a spiritual guru or teacher you follow and watch, you probably too attached. I got attached to Leo too. So much so, I was 'afraid' to read the rational wiki on him or to watch the criticism videos made on him. Now I dont watch them cuz there's no need but before I resisted it. Just be aware that devotion doesn't mean attachment. Devotion means surrendering everything. And it is easier to surrender to a Guru you know or a deity like Shiva that you trust. But in that surrendering you also have to surrender all your attachments and all that you care about. If you care about your guru or deity, gotta surrender that too.
  13. man i wanna do this too. Now idk how much sense i am making here but it'd be cool if I could toggle between waves from gamma to beta to alpha to theta to delta etc. as my baseline and knew experiantially how each one feels. Seems like reasonable goal to me lol. #WAVEmastery lol
  14. I see Atman as more for the word for the little self or ego. Because Atman literally means self. I see GOD or big Self as Parmatman(which literally means Supreme Self). Shiva I see as Nothingness that permeates all. And Kali as the dance of this nothingness, all these sensations and feelings. I see them as one. And that oneness is what I call Parmatman. And that there is no Atman, or ego to begin with. That's my semantics and understanding for you.
  15. reminds me of that meme where a man digs down to find a ladder, then comes back up the ladder, and feels "I did it". I wanted to find happiness, Spirituality was just another way I kept going and seeking some word I thought I was one special man, out of the sheep herd Slowly I saw what I sought wasn't even away It is the most normal, why did I want to be special? It is the most informal, it is the most humble. It is so humble that there is not even you. What I always wanted was this big, "Phew!" Of realizing that it's so meaningless that it's meaningful.
  16. Such a mystery isn't it. Leo said in a video that just keep this existence or awareness in mind and eventually the nature of existence would unravel. I intuitively think that's the case as well. Seen some other guru's say similar things.
  17. Topic: Homosexuality Biege: Can't register, doesn't see a difference. Honest Internal Opinion: ... Purple: That's weird man. I guess fine but I don't really know. I think we should get the advise on elders when it comes to homosexual sex and if it should be allowed here cuz I don't really know, I don't think they will allow it. I would support heterosexuality more and I think you should do that instead. I mean all our ancestors and previous generations were straight so why do you be gay? Maybe the gods of nature will get angry if you do this and so that's why no one else in our ancestry did it. So I think you should not do this as well or we might get in trouble. Come on, we love you, so just be normal. Red: Fucking knock that off. You disgust me man/girl. I am gonna fucking puke all over seeing you fuck the same gender. Just stop. Ew. Get the fuck out and don't show me your face again. I don't even want to touch you. (That is if red and the homosexual are same gender. If the red one is female and gay one male or vice versa. Of course the responses will be way different. Not to mention it varies person to person anyways.) Blue: I don't support homosexuality at all. It literally goes against Nature and God. I can't stand it. God didn't create your soul to do these dirty deeds and go against what God wants. So many sins man. You'll go to hell. Just stop all this and ask for forgiveness and pray. I wonder what goes through the heads of gay people lmao. *Other general remarks in trendy language to fit in* OR I think it's fine. I just hope no one in my close friends and family is gay. Nor do I wish to be. I just want to be normal and live a normal life. (Notice: Purple, Red and Blue have these very natural seeming fear in them when witnessing Homosexuality, because they have built an identity around straightness and homosexuality threatens to kill that part of you. All these arguments and beating around the bush is just them trying to express this feeling by making excuses. This is the strongest in Red and Blue, not as strong in Purple in my view.) Orange: *Acts like it's the most normal thing in front of let's say someone came out as gay* (This act is not as genuine as the one doing it may think. Yes they do realize it's absolutely normal, but this act itself of being like "Yeah man ok, I don't really care lol, it's 2020" is more of a remark to boost ego and feel special that they are not like those Blue/Red people.) If asked about opinion online: I can't get my head around all these religious people or some like LGBTQ allergic people in general. Like how come can you not see that being gay doesn't fucking matter. Just let people be. These homophobic people absolutely disgust me. I don't know what goes on in their head. Maybe they didn't pay attention in school. Homosexuality is a completely normal phenomenon that has been happening FOREVER. It is found in other animals and is completely NATURAL. People who are homosexual are just as humans as us. There is no fucking genetic difference at all. So drop all these silly notions of it not being natural or "the way God intended us to be us to be straight". (Orange doesn't feel the repulsion Blue red and purple feel). Green: *Genuinely knows it's normal. No trying to boost ego in these regards.* It's not any different from straight sexuality at all. I say we shouldn't see any difference at all. I mean why do we even give a fuck about this? We have better things to worry about like cleaning up the roads, oceans and planting trees, preventing Global warming. Saving earth. Being with animals and nature. Helping other people. Be loving and kind. That brings greater joy than getting so worked about things that don't even matter. Homosexuality is natural. Sexual intercourse is pure love. Be it between any genders. I can see why people are gay. Those who are homophobic should just give it up already. (Notice: Orange and Green have repulsion towards Homophobic people. Ironic isn't it?) Yellow: Homosexuality, in my opinion, is pretty interesting considering that it doesn't lead to reproduction. But I think it's just another expression of the diversity that life offers. We all have our different view when it comes to different topics. And I guess that happens naturally as well with sexuality. Despite it being just another sexuality, it can be very eye opening to discover that Homosexual nature within you if you are Heterosexual. And vice versa. It's like a whole new dimension to sex with a whole new feel. Definitely worth exploring. Albeit requires courage to step beyond your sexuality. With others sexualities like Pansexual etc. It may just be a matter of brain stuff but I think we can work and eventually rewire our brain to be able to experience other sexualities. Like Bisexual, Homosexual, Heterosexual, Pansexual, etc. Just amazing stuff. I know this is very threatening to your identity but it's worth it. Will take some time depending on who you are and how open minded you are/ May take some days to some weeks to some months to some years of work. But it's worth it and goes way beyond just exploring different sexualities. (Yellow feels no repulsion towards even homophobic or homophobic-phobic people. Because he/she understands them and can be willing to help them get past it,) Turquoise: Can register, doesn't see a difference. Honest Internal Opinion: ...
  18. well you dont need faith but let;s say you are a guru, faith (not bling belief) definitely helps a lot into guiding people. Difference between faith and blind belief imo is just that in faith you are radically open minded and believe that ok what the guru told me to do will work out, and are aware that you just believe it. Ofcourse you dont need faith at the end of the day but with faith things can get a lot faster if the teacher or lessons is right.
  19. I am at a point where I am questioning once again what the fuck is going on. And I don't mean in this a rough way. It's a very calm way of asking what is happening? I used to ask this to myself a lot before as well. But now it has gone deeper than ever. I have recently had some realizations and I have been trying to live by them. Realizations like I am everything and nothing, etc. etc. Well really this gets me into more of the territory of "I don't know". I thought these realizations about no self and all is me, infinite love, everything is consciousness. etc. will be the end to the question to what is happening? But really these were the start because these realizations are me peeling the layers of concepts. And now I can finally start to inquire truly. And man honestly my mind is in this question. "What?". For once in my life I am feeling like there is this no point in describing what I am being. Because there is no way I can do that. Why am I even writing this? Hopefully to get some leads and further into this. Well ultimately I have to look inwards and find it for myself. But I find even looking inwards as a tricky thing. Because to navigate the inner plane there are so much twists and turns. You really gotta bend everything to reach places, I dont feel like I am writing this. If I read back it doesnt even feel I wrote it. I feel like my whole world has dismantled. I dont feel bad. I feel good infact. I have been deluding myself so much and still am. I wanna die. Not in a suicidal way. You know in what way I mean it. This is in no way the mental illness sort. 'I am" feels the same as 'Everything is" because everything is me. The idea of me isn't even real. Nothing and Everything feels merged. Only thing I know now is that I don't know. For the first time I genuinely want to know the truth. And not chase the 'end of suffering' or some 'bliss'. For the first time in this life I want to know. I want to know an answer to "What?".
  20. The second poem flew more through me than the first one. Both flew through tho!
  21. "I got wet in this warm waterfall that originates from nowhere I surrendered to the pressure of this waterfall. I let go of myself and let the water move me wherever it likes I let it take me to the furthest of places, I closed my eyes Succumb, Surrender, Let go I let myself be, be one with it's flow. Than I let the river take me wherever I stopped worrying about hitting the rocks in the way, for there were none. I opened my eyes and looked at the the sky's magnificent stars Twinkling as the owls hooted and wolves howled in the forest around the river Even with this dance of sound, sight, feel and smell around me I found this stillness permeating through it all, peace. Nothingness dancing as something" I wrote another poem. I have a question. Is it ok to keep posting poems I write overtime here in this sub forum? Edit: I came up with another poem when walking around. Thought I should add it in here. "The owls hoot into the full moon, The wolves howl into the night sky. A certain silence lives in the vastness of this forest. I bask in it, I soak it in I let it seep into me, permeate me I sit, and be."