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Everything posted by caspex

  1. 15th century mystic. Doha is basically 4 lines of poem. He has some really nice poems, lemme give you some. "Pothi Padh Padh Kar Jag Mua, Pandit Bhayo Na Koye Dhai Aakhar Prem Ke, Jo Padhe so Pandit Hoye" Meaning: The world died reading scriptures and books, but none become a Pandit. But who reads just 2.5 words of love, becomes a pandit. "Jaise Til Mein Tel Hai, Jyon Chakmak Mein Aag Tera Sayeen Tujh Mein Hai, Tu Jaag Sake To Jaag" Meaning: Just like sesame seed has oil within it and the spark has fire within it. Your God is within you, if you can wake up, then wake up. "Dukh Mein Simran Sab Kare, Sukh Mein Kare Na Koye Jo Sukh Mein Simran Kare, Tau Dukh Kahe Ko Hoye" Meaning: In suffering everyone prays, in happiness no one does. But if you prayed in happiness, why will there be suffering? "Gur Dhobi Sikh Kapda, Saboo Sirjan Har Surti Sila Pur Dhoiye, Nikse Jyoti Apaar" Meaning: Guru washman, Sikh(disciplie) the cloth, God is the soap using which sikh's mind is washed clean, comes out the light of truth "Aisee Vani Boliye, Mun Ka Aapa Khoye Apna Tan Sheetal Kare, Auran Ko Sukh Hoye" Meaning: Speak in such a way that your ego is lost, the body is purified and others are joyed
  2. still feels weird when someone with all this in their understanding comes up to you and tells you that "You're just an idea I am creating" online. Yet you clearly have your direct experience. So the person who told you that must be deluded. Honestly I don't know. I can't come up with any conclusion regarding this matter. I am what is, but what is isn't as well. But clearly, what isn't also is. So could the things I think isn't actually be? ok enough confusing talk. Clearly I know there IS only what IS. Means there is no more than direct experience, and imagining other experiences is also within my own direct experience. But I can't for the life of me see how it makes sense to think there is nothing else happening simultaneously. I mean it could be the case, but also couldn't. I simply don't know.
  3. Y'all I figured out the trick, just focus on the foot that she is spinning on. Figure out how to think the foot is actually in front of the ankle when you think it is behind. Now you can consciously choose it's direction. I made it go back and forth like an oscillation
  4. "To your eternity" feels Yellowish and Turqouisish to me.
  5. I am gonna try this out. I actually tried something similar once but only at 5 days of semen retention. I moved the energy up from the pelvis to the belly, But I couldn't take it any further. I had stomach aches for a few days to a week, until I decided to meditate and move it back down.
  6. it's not that 'I can't choose what I do' since even that wasn't your thought. It's more like you aren't to begin with. Which is what's the most free. Even your awareness is occurring on it's own effortlessly, it can't be you. Literally nothing is you. What is something with no limits? That's right, it's that which is equal to nothing, something and everything at once. I'd say true free will is no will.
  7. @Fearey I see. That clears it up. According to my interpretation of the model, I'd put your interpretation of Yellow as early Yellow, and Turquoise as late Yellow. Coral as entering Turquoise and Teal as full fledged turquoise. I think this what most of us mean here by those stages. You have probably read the book so you might as well be more accurate. But this is the way I interpret the model cuz all I have done is watch the videos. Anyways, have a good moment!
  8. Fear of the unkown is from what I can see, is the strongest fear we have. But it's actually not the root. Infact, to me it feels like the fear of infinity itself. Which is the same as to say the fear of death. We fear death because we fear infinity. Infinity... Is terrifying. It feels like my chest is gonna implode on itself.
  9. What's your defination of stage turquoise, coral and teal?
  10. No need to get agitated, in fact it's something to be empathized with. They are just trying to find themselves in the best way they know how. As do you and me.
  11. No! It's Pixels on a screen! Down with Emoji, Eggplant and Dick devils!
  12. That looks so amazing I really wanna be able to draw something like this in the future.
  13. So I did some contemplation into this topic, as to what really happens when you judge someone and this is what I got. When you judge someone, you aren't actually judging the person, but an idea of that person. Where is this idea? In your heartspace. This idea is actually in from of a feeling. And you assume that this feeling is infact, what you are judging. So you take this part of your heart, and ostracize it and not accept it. Basically, what you just did is fragmented yourself. When you judge/cringe/hate someone/something/some archetypal energy etc. you actually just damage yourself. Because it feels best to be a whole and integral, there should be no reason to judge or hate anymore. I made a video on this too, if you want you can watch it, but I already wrote down the main insight.
  14. You know, all you should worry about is providing opportunities, not waking someone up. You probably saw spiritual teachings, and took the opportunity, no one forced you to.
  15. Same has happened to me for a year or two. Whenever I go deep enough, I start to feel this pulsating beat at around 300 bpm or something beat for about 10 beats or something, then go off, then come again and go off. However this happens to me inside my head rather than my forehead. It usually comes about when I feel like my brain was a rock and I finally broke it after hitting it with hammer(observation) for a long time.
  16. If you are hurt and then you try to let it go, but it still bothers you later that you let yourself be a doormat then that means you are still hurt and you weren't able to completely let go. And if you can't let go then that's ok, don't feel bad about it. Be the bigger person when it is conducive to your ultimate bias(to have fun and explore). Let go only if you can. Letting go is just a practice to exercise that muscle and be able to let go bigger and bigger things. Why train this muscle? So ultimately you can let go of yourself. But until then, don't try to be a doormat in effort of trying to let go. If you feel like they are getting away with something when you let go, you aren't letting go, you are suppressing.
  17. This has happened to me multiple times, and I have induced this state intentionally once too. Most effective i find it wake up after 4 hours of sleeping, use your phone to wake up your mind, but stay in the bed, so the body keeps lazy. after 15 - 20 mins, go back to sleep. Try to focus on the audio thoughts as if they are objects to be seen rather than to be thought by you. At one point your thoughts will suddenly become ten times louder and you will feel like you fell, with vibes all over the body. Congrats, you entered the hypnogogic state, which is one step away from astral projection
  18. So I decided to finally meditate seriously on the deepest I could go. I got intoxicated by bliss seeing that there is no substance, nothing is happening to no one. I have no idea why but this is so.... fucking blissful. I am still feeling it. It started in the forehead, spread to whole head. Then I focused how the different feelings of my body were not happening to anyone as well and were made of nothing, and then my whole body felt that bliss. I feel so relaxed. Like damn. I sat for a good while. Then I focussed on how this bliss itself is happening to no one, and that intensified it 5X. What do you guys have to say on this? Like could I be falling in some sort of trap? The bliss feels like the universe is(I am) in a constant state of blooming outwards as a flower. It's better than an orgasm.
  19. I think you can do better. I mean personally I am in no position to say that since I am not familiar with astrology, but you could have been more accurate in dms compared to other readings I have gotten. Accuracy was hit or miss, 5/10
  20. Thanks I'll do that. I actually felt like I was slowly dissolving. Probably why I stopped.
  21. I agree with this contemplation but I still wonder how we hear about some yogis materializing stuff(which I think is legit).