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Everything posted by caspex

  1. Never thought that Motu would be into spirituality
  2. Imagine if the waking consciousness is the surface of the ocean. The dreams you experience within sleep are submerged deep in that ocean. This ocean is your mind-body-spirit complex comprising of everything that 'you' are. When I focus on that which is infinite, god, love, beauty, being, non-being, mystery, etcetera, I become aware of this 'thing' deep, really really deep within that ocean, which starts to come up a tiny bit. Let's think of it as a giant sea monster(Because that feeling is HUGE and way too deep). It's name is deep surrender. If it comes up to the surface, not only I'll cease to be, but so will reality as I know it. It scares 'ME', a boat afloat the ocean. The boat is afraid that the sea monster will arise from the depths and swallow it in one gulp. I am scared of that sea monster. I know it's deep surrender, but I do not wish to be eaten. If the sea monster eats me, everything in the ocean will dissolve into one homogenous substance. There would be no surface, no above waters, no under waters. It will become an infinite ocean with no surface, unlike oceans on earth. The sea monster eating me, will manifest as me crying intensely without shame. I'll cry harder than I ever cried as a baby. Maybe the feeling would be so deep, that I won't even be able to shed a tear. That's what my intuition, a sage, relatively closer to me compared to the sea monster, but still deep in the ocean, tells me. I don't want to die, I don't want to get eaten. But that same sage tells me that the sea monster I fear, isn't a monster, but an angel trapped deep within the ocean, which wants me to loosen up my guard so that it can come up to the surface, and help me become whole. But I can't, I don't know how to. I don't know where you are, massive angel, I can only feel your presence, threatening the very existence of reality itself. Please, help me angel.
  3. @knakoo Can you a provide a link to this map?
  4. Secluded Himalayan yogis is what I imagine stage coral to be like. Many native people are scared to get close to such yogis as well because of stuff like "They might curse me for disturbing them". But the fear mostly comes from fearing aggression from the yogi. But I think that's just because it's very unknown for the people. So they might as well think of the the yogi as bigfoot.
  5. What is paradoxical is that if you had as much will as God then you'd already be God. There can't be two gods after all. But when you are in such a level of unconditional love. You'd be paralyzed because there would be no reason to do anything about anything. Reason only arises because it's separate from you. In such oneness, no action can be done because action is separate. God isn't exclusively creating your neighborhood, it's completely inclusive and in a weird sense there is nothing else to be created. To be able to do what you're saying you need to have incredible will, yes. But not as much as God. For if you had infinite will, you won't be able to do anything. (LOL)
  6. I get what you are pointing to. Therefore I am planning to never fall into the inferiority/superiority trap and also the narrative trap that builds as you build your spiritual vocab. But I think narratives are necessary until you can throw them away. Lots of thought and contemplation is necessary before you can go for no-mind. You have a cycle and you need to get to B from A. The first 90% of the path is road, but the last 10% is a river you need to cross. Now you can travel from A to the river on your cycle, throw your cycle away and swim to B. But what you're saying comes off as throwing your cycle at A or midway. But I feel what you're really trying to say is to not try to swim with your cycle! I think doesn't create that space between ignorance(A) and understanding(B), but rather makes you aware that their is indeed a path between them and a journey to be made. It gives you the cycle and tells you how to ride it. Now it's your job to ride it till the river, then throw it away and swim to B. An animal also doesn't have such narratives, but so does a person at B. Both don't have a cycle but one's clearly at A and another at B. The metaphor breaks when you realize how the person at B ultimately realizes there is no real distance between A and B. But even to realize that some sort of journey was made. And yeah I also feel some sort of devotion some people have towards Leo that is of the unhealthy sort. Like "I can never reach as high as Leo!". But what spiritual community doesn't have that towards their teacher?
  7. How does the energetic body/soul even find a baby and align with it? I mean why did organisms evolve to make empty husks for these souls? At first I thought that energetic body also just forms as material body forms, that's how souls come into existence. However, when baby is in womb, these souls become that body's energetic body and connect themselves to it until death(That's what I have seen in every model of reincarnation so far). I am gonna be honest though, I have no idea how reincarnation ties in with this. How does a soul even connect to material bodies, and why is that even normal?
  8. @softlyblossoming What's an 80/20 dig?
  9. Struggling with stage blue discipline. Can't discipline myself to follow my schedule, focus on my goals consistently, procastination.
  10. I mean, would it really be 'truth' if it meant staying in cave meditating 24/7? Isn't Truth supposed to be all encompassing? Because Truth by definition is all encompassing, it cannot be limited to any particular lifestyle. I mean I feel that the end goal in this humans life is to realize what's true, be completely satisfied, whole and blissed out cuz of that, then proceed to do whatever the hell you want to do.
  11. TLDW; You cannot determine yourself as sane because you are the ultimate comparison and the ultimate authority(who uses his/her sanity to determine whether he/she is sane or not). This means the word sanity itself is empty. It is just what you say it is. When contemplating Sanity, you break into Insanity, Insanity with a capital I.
  12. There seems to be more of the arrogant types because those are the loudest lol
  13. Hatha Yog for those chakras work very well to get me the feel of those places in my body. It feels closed at first but the more you focus on this areas doing the asanas and the aspects they represent, the more it gets easier to focus on them in your everyday life without needing to do any asanas. Search up hath yoga asanas for each chakra.
  14. Warm love: warm, cozy, spaciously compact, safe, secure, fun, dynamic, happy, feeling whole as in contracting to infinity Cold love: cold, spaciously vast, still, sad(?, i dont think so, but I used to call it sadness before), exposed, uncaring, exploration, quite, often confused for depression, physical emptiness, feeling whole as in expanding to infinity I am talking about these two as literal feeling in your chest. What I described above is what I feel when I feel these two types of love(relatively speaking). I call those both love because that honestly feels like the best word for it. Most people have this idea that love is this warm and cozy thing that gives you a sense of safety and security. But the opposite is just as true. I was investigating into suffering a while back and stumbled upon this feeling that I have felt many times. Turns out I loved this feeling, which I had confused with suffering. This cold love is sooooo peaceful and still. While I can say the same for warm love, it's more dynamic, while still insanely peaceful. Ime both of them manifest as my body being still and quite tho. The difference is internal, in the heart. Most fun part of this experiment so to speak is that you can mix these two and feel them both at the same time, which feels much much more complete and grounding than just feeling either one of those. Since one expands and another contracts to infinity, it ultimately leads you to the same thing.
  15. @aetheroar Can I dm you to ask some questions? I don't want this post to become about masturbation.
  16. @Mu_ Oh I pointed it out in the brackets. I want to see if masturbation has any effect on reaching embodiment such as the OP. Because I have noticed personally that less masturbation somehow boosts my spiritual practices. So just wanted some idea if masturbation is indeed a factor affecting embodiment or not. I'd guess not really but it's always good to know other's experiences.
  17. Do you masturbate? How often? What's your gender? (Just wanting to relate if masturbating has any effect on arriving where you are now)
  18. Movies, shows, anime, cartoons, songs, books, videos, documentaries, etc. Any suggestions? Not asking for 'feel good' suffering(although still welcome) if you know what I mean. Like legit insights and view into suffering. Could be either about suffering or a story that is suffering. One I'd suggest is Shoujou Tsubaki(anime movie). Examples of 'feel good suffering' would be like the iNSaNiTY song and Higurashi(anime) in my view.
  19. Couldn't it be mostly just a product of the kind of lifestyle you lead? I'd say if you had a kid than that number would much higher
  20. Props to the dog for reaching the next level of evolution Here's to millions of upcoming human lives working on integrating and then transcending the self she has just developed ?
  21. First heard this song as a kid in a Doraemon Movie. Today I realized what this song was really about
  22. This is biased towards vision. There are also other senses. If something has to be seen to be considered as 'existing' then why not the same with hearing etc.? One may say that then the object doesn't exist but only the very sensation of that sound that 'it produces' exists. Well what makes an object an object then? That sensation which you call sound is the same thing as that visual image of the object. They are both sensations made up of the same thing. Does anything exist behind you? Well that depends upon where 'you' begins. Well, 'You' or 'Me' isn't even real and therefore nothing is able to exist behind you, not a question of weather or not. If you are talking about 'behind' the physical head then consider this: What if we have some sort of energetic sense undiscovered by science that let's us scan an area in all directions, even behind the body. When including that sense as well, does the whole room exist when you enter it because you can sense it all or is it just your visual field?