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Everything posted by caspex

  1. I think the intuition being talked about in 'counter-intuitive' is the primitive and under developed intuition that is default to people. That's not even really intuition as I understand it but subconscious patterns that have been either picked up from culture, people, society etc, or acquired as a human creature or as living being, etc. For eg. As an ego it's 'intuitive' to not wanna die, but that's what you have to do for understanding reality. The intuition in 'life is intuitive' is probably actual intuition in the definition that it is the knowing of something without any logical reason(that you can observe or articulate). So life being intuitive could mean something like life can not be explained logically but needed to be understood intuitively(without normal human logic)
  2. Not really athletics but his POV as a 7'1 man is fascinating
  3. Can you explain more the relationship between the human personality in you and the jellyfish?
  4. B- B- But prostate cancer-
  5. What you care about reflects who you are. In the sense of what you value. First you need to be radically authentic and find out what you really care about and what you don't. Pro Tip: Being numb, ignorant, or scared of something doesn't mean you don't care. Now, once you know what you care about you should have a good idea of how developed you really are. So now you need to look at and guess what value systems people more developed than you hold. That's tricky because you need to discern between their personal values and values that comes with that level of development(which is what you are looking for). Also it's your current values which determine who's more developed and who isn't, so yeah. It's very tricky. My advice: Observe diverse models of development and pick out what's common, what makes sense, and try to find contradictions. You can also use this perspective to become anyone you want, as long as you know most of what they care about. (Which even they don't)
  6. I am just starting my 9th day and I feel literally no difference except that I am horny all the time. But I like this sensitivity, I do not want to lose it by masturbating. My theory is that you can naturally outgrow masturbation as the sexual tension isn't the issue. The issue is the unnatural addictions to porn etc. You can't outgrow those, you need to kill those. I know two men in my life who have outgrown masturbation and they are both longtime friends with no reason to lie to me. It's definitely possible and not masturbating is definitely more common than people on the internet like to think.
  7. @Tyler Robinson I see, thanks a lot.
  8. @Tyler Robinson What would be a higher, more truer opinion of women in your opinion? What's your take on if women have intrinsic value or not? (Value here meaning something that would be of value to society)
  9. I did it for a few months and realized it's wayyy too much of a hassle. The fact that you start a timer or whatever and are measuring your meditation disturbs the authenticity of the meditation. Sometimes you stop meditating for a few minutes and go back to meditating. Do you count that as meditating? How will you measure such gaps accurately? How accurate are your estimations? It's not so simple as to doing a particular amount of time during the day. The only measure of whether you meditated enough should come from inside you. Tracking how much you meditated isn't necessary unless you want to claim a title of "I have done 10k hours of meditation" which is a egoic pursuit. There can be other reasons but yeah. I don't think it's necessary at all but in fact hinders meditation. At least for me.
  10. I am in a really similar situation. I can't advice you on how to improve your time management but I can tell you how to stop procrastination(if you have that problem). Even if you don't this'll be helpful. In situations like ours we tend hold a lot of worry and fear in our hearts. Uncertainty about the future, sadness about the past, all that jazz. This causes procrastination, inability to focus, loss of energy, which all leads to shortage of time. If you were able to remove some unneeded habits and tasks, maybe even destructive(hard to notice), then it'll free up a lot of time and energy in your day. Stopping even little habits that are technically not needed can free up good amounts of energy. You can than use this energy to look into making your current daily tasks more efficient. Once you make your tasks and day more efficient(only possible when one has mental clarity and energy), you'll free up even more time and energy, using which you can heal your heart. This is very important to be able to focus on things. You cannot read even a page from a book if you are worried, and you wouldn't know why. Healing your heart can take time and often times, the gut needs healing too. Mine certainly did. What you can do is focus on how your heart/gut(whichever you're healing) feels right now. Maybe you can't feel anything at all. But keep your attention there, hit up some nostalgia inducing songs or images, from when times were good. If you had no such times then imagine a world where all your worries are sorted. If you are able to visualize or remember correctly thanks to the nostalgia, your focus on your gut/heart will start unravelling the layers upon layers of walls built around the heart/gut. For the gut it will feel like you are becoming a child as this happens, and it can be scary and you might be resistant to it, it will be uncomfortable but you have to push through. For the heart this feels similar, but you'll start feeling way more vulnerable and emotional. That's a good thing. Tell your heart it'll be fine. It's ok and do not worry. Push through that discomfort as well. It will lead to great silence and focus. Reminisce about your life etc. Point is your gut and heart become a throbbing, sensitive organ, as they were originally. This will free up energy locked in cuz of the worries and fear. More energy should lead to more time in the day. Sometimes one has just too much to do and needs to sacrifice some tasks for others. Sometimes you are just not efficient or skilled enough to do all the tasks in the day, for which youll need to slowly practice. Habit building will become easier through this process but it's still hard. This was just my personal process so take what you find useful
  11. I converted to Grandsonism the day the episode dropped (look at my tshirt)
  12. People say this often but I have never understood this through any sort of awakening. It's the claim that God wants to understand itself and this is why it experiences itself for all eternity. How do you realize this? How would I know this for a fact? Any pointers? Why God?
  13. You must really be suffering to be thinking like this. Sending love.
  14. In our world where it is so easy to fake videos no UFO footage is ever gonna be sufficient lol. Either aliens have to land on the white house lawn or they need to do something big.
  15. Man I have no substance to add to the main topic because I don't know anything about anything regarding this topic. But I do wanna barge in say that this discussion is certainly not calm and non-judgmental lmao, from both sides.
  16. I support you and looking forward to a conscious rapper. I'd love to listen!
  17. I'd say burn this karma. You can go for it literally in physical life or you can meditate and burn it through visualization if you are able to locate this desire within you to an accurate degree. This is what I usually do. But sitting and burning this karma will be hard if this desire is directly linked with some or more attachments you have as of right now in your life. Good thing is that you will be able to identify these attachments and take physical action to remove these and continue burning your karma. tldr; locate your desire within yourself and burn it
  18. Man imagine how hard it would be to stay calm when someone is cutting open your chest. I have no idea how people can achieve such levels of acceptance. It's one thing to achieve constant peace, bliss and equanimity in health, and another in the face of pain. Just adding this to the convo.
  20. I was looking at a picture of some being. Trying to awaken deeper. Already embodying the recognition of the true self/no-self state, I cranked up the consciousness dial even more. To the point where the fact of existence became "No way, what? EXISTENCE?". I have been here before but never while embodying no-self. Suddenly, the picture, the being in it, became alive, it became real, and it scared the SHIT out of me. It was looking at me with such grandeur that I had to surrender. I started tearing up and my face contorted to all sorts of faces. I was a baby. I instinctively started apologizing. For what? For being so small and selfish. I was sorry- no- I am sorry God, for being so small, so stupid, so selfish. I am sorry that I am not as loving and as grand as you. And I am saying this not from my surface level ego, but one of my deepest if not the deepest layer of ego. This layer of ego goes so deep it is easily confused with true-self/no-self state. Because this ego layer individualizes existence, which is what I was at the time. All this while I was starkly aware that this being, was literally me, even physically. There was no need for me to be afraid yet there were goosebumps all over my body. I was afraid, of myself. Myself as that being. I knew that being was still finite, grand, but not infinite. Yet it fucked me up bad. Then out of the sheer weight of my apology, I started dying, the ego, started dying.. and I loved every second of it. It was pure love. I merged into that being, and we merged into God. My body lost all of it's boundaries. I couldn't feel the body. Because it had merged with everything around it. And I as God and as an Ego, told the being I love you, many times. I wanted to hug it bad but we were already the closest we could be, as oneness. And I felt my ego, or rather the ego felt itself, and God told it, that God loves it anyways, it accepts it no matter what. And the ego, finally with the ultimate validation, surrendered and died. This was the most emotional thing. For more clarity, let me explain something. Usually I can consistently embody a state where I am sharply aware of myself as everything. When I look at someone I can literally see they are me. But to function, simultaneously, my ego, felt like an impersonal variable, is also active, on all levels necessary. It is one thing for the ego to be there while you are oneness for everyday functioning VS. there to be no ego at all. The later is very impractical indeed but no doubt something to be explored. I can't even remember the experience very clearly anymore. Maybe I was too present to form memories. This was what I was listening to at the time and that's the picture I was looking at. I was sober.
  21. From the outside you cannot tell whether someone is highly realized or insane. Only difference you can find is experiential. I haven't been insane but I have indeed experienced a borderline experience to it. And another one of possession/DID whatever you wanna call it. Only major difference I can make out is that in insane persons the individual mind is active, interfering, and often chaotic (either due to otherworldly beings interfering with insane person's mind or other, more researched causes). While in realized persons the individual mind is aligned and working in tandem with reality's mind. Hence why Insane persons are less functional, while the Realized, if they want, can be highly functional. The confusion between insane and realized persons would be caused due to insane persons confusing depictions of realized states as their insane states which would be depicted the same way using our language. Our language leaves out a few key dimensions in explaining the difference and therefore causes such confusion. Human language is very ambiguous. You can call yourself insane right now because you are not aware of reality's true nature. But when you are aware of reality's nature, you are also insane, but in a different way. This 'different way' is an example of the dimensions language leaves out. The reason the line between Insanity and Enlightenment is thin is because the line's thin between everything, if it's there at all. And while on the path of awakening if one falls into traps and fucks up, one still ends up leaving the traditional paradigm but not towards a truer one. And what's 'truer' is not anything objective.
  22. Society needs to function and we cant have people going around causing murders and all that. Speech in a society should be only as free as necessary for the functioning of the society given the stage of development of the people within. As society becomes wiser speech becomes freer. In our current state we can't have someone running around making murderers. This is my take. While I say all that I still love the idea of all teachings being out there. Even if the teaching is about communicating with demons. But that comes with so many problems one can write a book on it. So lol.