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Everything posted by caspex

  1. language, or writing here, is all part of a community which is just a larger intellect, that thinks one post, one reply at a time. And Intellect is influenced by your ego, memory, outside stimulus. There's definitely a pattern to how it processes the stimulus it gets, and what stimulus it chooses to get. There's almost no chance you would think of an apple when someone tells you that your family was met in a car accident. There's no definite output to the input, but their are definitely possible outputs with certain chances. Those chances are determined mostly by your ego/personality. The mind isn't a random thought generator like the current concept of monkey mind implies. The concept of Monkey Mind actually implies an uncontrollable intellect, not a random one. Writing is the individual intellect's thinking symbolized. Now this intellect could be controlled or uncontrolled in what it thinks, doesn't matter, writing would still be possible. So writing here could be coming from a monkey mind or not be coming from it. Moreover, thoughts themselves, I am pretty sure are emerging out of nothing in the field of your intellect. Imagine the first organism emerging by pure chance. The chance of it emerging as what it was, was determined by the laws of interaction present in that field. Those laws in the field that is your intellect, is governed by your Ego/Personality. Since all of writing, contemplation and stuff mostly occurs from the intellect you could call it similar but I don't think you should say they have no distinction. You could the culture of all of language, contemplation, writing and such a big giant intellect though.
  2. You are not an individual though. I am pretty sure in such a state you are aware everything is one, waking others is waking yourself. To awaken every being would mean to awaken every part of you as God. What good is just awakening this one single being right here? To truly be enlightened, wouldn't you need to be enlightened as every being? I am sure it's not that the Boddhisatva is delaying their enlightenment, they are delaying leaving to another plane. But they are already enlightened. In such a state you are infinitely patient. The only thing after enlightening this being right here, is to enlighten every other being. It just makes sense. After a point I don't think you can grow without helping enlighten other beings, solipsism being true or not.
  3. The idea you're describing is Nishkama Karma (desireless action), because if you're present you wouldn't even be bothered by a dirty room leaving you of no desire to clean the room nor any resistance to actually cleaning the room, so naturally you would do it anyways for rational reasons. But what you are saying is not good advice imho, because the problem is your average Joe doesn't know what it means to be truly present. He may think he is being present because it's a slight increase in consciousness from his baseline, but really it's just him paying more attention than usual. All the resistance within him to not clean the room is still there, so what you are saying wouldn't help much someone who doesn't know how to be truly present in a way that removes all resistance and desire. For our Joe, the appropriate advice would be push through despite the resistance, despite the lack of energy, and give the mind evidence to itself that it is someone who cleans the room and disidentify with being someone who doesn't. What your advice would do to our Joe is he'll bypass the root of his problem. Here's how: Being a little more aware of your surroundings would indeed free some energy allowing to push through the resistance in that moment, but now you are not reidentifying as someone who cleans the room. You are just becoming someone who stays resistant until they have enough energy to push through it. A.K.A "I know I should do it but I am waiting for the right moment" A.K.A "I can only do it when I want to do it. I don't know when I'll want to do it."
  4. I know of the 3 main Bandhas and how to do them but I have never practiced them. Can you describe me the progression that lead you to this experience? I want to reproduce your experience.
  5. @Hojo Yeah you can definitely feel your brain. From personal realization, I have seen that all qualia leads to a feeling in the brain, that IS being felt but you don't attribute that feeling to be inside your head. Chakras do the same thing. When focusing deeply where Muladhara should be, it actually teleports your attention to the very base of your brain where it connects to your brain stem. So on for other chakras. I think what you are talking about is different from what I am though. By static do you mean feeling vibrations in your head? Like a pleasant buzz, but intense?
  6. I am pretty casual about spirituality currently so I don't get these experiences until I try. These experiences become frequent if I meditate everyday for an hour or so, within which I train myself to observe thoughts rather than to think them. It's a basic practice, and I don't think this is being balls deep. It seems to me like a pretty straight-forward practice. The only way I have found to induce such experience is fall asleep consciously, which requires detaching from the thinking mind completely, as it goes nuts in sleep. You develop a sort of inner-space/clarity that is beyond the thinking mind which is going on in the background. This is what you are in when you fall asleep consciously. I think it's just a matter of re-inducing these states until you gain more control over it. I fell out of spiritual practices a little bit so I stopped working on this for a few months. I can only speculate about the meaning behind these experiences. I have also had an encounter with an entity that spoke to me in that state, which felt as real as real life. I did not end up asking it anything. It was a purely auditory experience. But I have talked to people about these things and people have given me their two cents. IMO it's safer to assume it is all in your head until you gain more sophisticated control over yourself and your movements in this space.
  7. I have had similar things happen to me a bunch of times as well. There was this one time I opened my eyes, saw my ceiling, then it turned into a tree with human legs, cross-legged on top of mountain, who I am sitting with and meditating on a peak, while seeing the grasslands behind. Another time I just started floating away wherever as I was laying down. I mean imagine you are laying down and the next thing you know is your start floating away lol. I pretty sure these states have a link to astral projection, remote viewing etc. It's just so hard to induce these states for me, I have only succeeded a couple times. For me it goes like this: I lay down and try to sleep I try my best to notice the exact point where I enter sleep I successfully notice that point, and it's always as if I suddenly fell My audio thoughts get as loud as real sounds I don't have control over gross thoughts anymore, I can only thing subtly My subtle thoughts influence reality. If I have the slightest fear of a demon pop up, it will magnify 100x and an actual demon would stare me in my face Feels pleasant but intense vibrations in the physical body throughout the whole experience. But that's all input I have from the physical body, all other senses are busy hallucinating. If someone moves my body I would indeed gain back control of my body and wake up tho. When I regain control of my body, it's like taking my head out of water, but it's not just my head but my whole body
  8. I don't feel zaps but I feel if an area is active or not. I know this is not placebo because I remember I was feeling the back of my brain being activated when I was visualizing something, prior to knowing that that area controls vision. It's the same with the sense of taste, and in general when I am in a more conscious state, I just feel areas being activated and deactivated. I don't know how similar this is to your experience. Another thing that happens is, when I am in a very deep state of contemplation, awakening, concentration or awareness, sometimes I start hearing rapid clicking sounds emanating from where the pituitary gland should be. I am pretty sure this clicking sound is physical in nature and I used to get it when I suddenly ran fast before I was fitter. What I do not understand is why these deep states seem to trigger that sometimes. It doesn't happen anytime else anymore.
  9. The super horny state is only temporary, it doesn't last forever. You start feeling normal again on no fap after some weeks. It depends on the person, but I can say for sure those horny days are temporary. Most of my relapses were because "I feel so horny, if I have to battle this tension for the rest of my life on no fap, I might as well quit right now and go back to fapping." But that's your mind tricking you, nobody said anything about it being permanent. Everytime you feel the urge, tell yourself that this is only temporary, and that sex is only a small part of life.
  10. Are you a tantric or just casual about it?
  11. Try abstaining from all forms of orgasm for a good while maybe 30 days and see what insights that gives you into the nature of porn and addiction. During the process remember that when you feel the peak sexual tension urging you to relapse, that state is temporary, it won't be like that for the rest of your life until your masturbate. It will go down if you don't feed it. Do not think of sexual thoughts nor watch anything sexual. Even the smallest of stuff, all builds up. Try not to talk to females who you find attractive in the mean time, and do not seek out anything sexual. This is important, be religious about it for the 30 days. You either need a strong sense of self or a strong incentive to go through the whole 30 days. Saying no to sexual stimulus is very easy if you think about it. Have you ever had a thought while holding a knife, what if I just stab someone with it? What will happen? Or maybe had thoughts of just jumping off when you are near a cliff. Or what will happen if I just smash my car into that building while driving? These are intrusive thoughts. Do you act on them? No. You say "No, I won't do that in any circumstance." and you move on. Do you think about that for the rest of the day? No. Treat sexual urges the same way. You get them a lot early on but it drops down by a lot as you abstain longer and longer. I understand that sexual urge is an impulse and not an intrusive thought, but rarely it ever arises in the form of raw impulse at a level you can't control. Usually it's the intrusive thoughts that come with it, which cause you to say fuck it(both metaphorically and figuratively).
  12. What seems like the problem to me is a lack of vitality and energy in your life. Every person has natural levels of vitality, you don't need anything special to generate it, if you have a lack of it, that usually means it is being held up by traumas and other emotional baggage. One of the biggest reason is usually internal fragmentation. Do you feel that when you are doing something you are not truly doing it on all levels of who you are? Maybe when talking to someone you feel as if you are putting a front, but don't know if the front is who you are or the one within. This kind of fragmentation is very common which takes away A LOT of vitality. I have the same problem and am still working on uniting myself + healing emotional trauma. When I am fragmented, I am averse to displaying emotions, smiling etc. But when I am united within, all these emotions come easily and feel natural. If emotional healing is what you need then go for it, but almost all the time fragmentation comes together with it. And I have a few solution to that. Display massive emotion. This will come from the core of your heart, from your emotional traumas or deep desires for life to change or be a certain way. What worked for me was to be alone in a room and pray to a deity or god, and fully believing it existed, displaying massive emotion to it, not worrying about accuracy of words. Cry, be Angry, fuck things up, fully give in to the emotions. This made me one within from the heart. How? When you see a version of you displaying massive emotion, you understand THAT is who you are truly, every other personality/self/front you feel in your day to day life, is NOT you. This is key. Pick the realest part of you and understand this is who you are, and live from that, talk from that from then on. You can do multiple sessions if you want, you wouldn't be able to display emotion at first. This process is like thawing away at a big hunk of ice with a spoon, bit by bit, to unlock the heart within. Once expressing emotions becomes a natural part of who you are, the desire to do will naturally be there, much less the desire to live. While doing the healing and such stuff, you should also look for things you love. This doesn't have to be a hobby but maybe a situation. Maybe you love sitting by the window in the evening sipping tea. I love sitting at my pc and watch anime at 9pm with some light dinner or tea. Do those things that make life worth it for you. Once you are more united from within and have more emotional baggage dropped, you'd also do good socializing and talking to people you love. If you have no one like that then you can make friends and find people you love. It's all VERY easy when you're one within.
  13. I don't know what enlightenment means anymore because it has too many definitions. I think it will do you good if you drop that term as well after a few awakenings, because the term suggest a single massive awakening as the end all be all, but to me it seems like there is something beyond each time, but maybe I am wrong. I used the "I AM" meditation to first gain awareness of my 'ego' then built up my focus to be able to focus on it constantly. Then used the neti-neti method to achieve my first no-self awakening. After that I kept reading psychedelic trip reports that obviously go beyond the no-self insight and tried to reproduce their state of awakening, through whatever felt right. Ofcourse I never manage to reach that state, but I do reach something and end up learning. After a while of trying different spiritual practices and achieving various states, it all just comes together to give you a new peak. I think in terms of the chakras a lot, and that way I have reached various new levels. This is the basic overview of how I go about my spirituality. It's definitely very casual. I also keep reproducing these states, until I am able to produce them at will or am comfortably stationed in that way of being. I also contemplate things a lot, especially related to my personal shadow and emotional work, and also inner feelings in general, this has led to many breakthroughs as well.
  14. @Yimpa The main logic behind connecting to deities is that they act as intermediary steps to Infinity/Bhraman. You become one with them, and now that you are at their level, you can go higher. The thinking is that Bhraman doesn't care about you at all, it's completely unbiased, so there are deities in between you can go through to reach it and dissolve in it. The set of rules, on a surface level practice might be arbitrary but I think on deeper levels the energetic organism/deity you connect to has certain biases, and you have to abide by it to seek its help. I mean you have to live by a certain set of rules even normally to stay in certain states, for most people stabbing yourself in the gut will not help you attain a higher state of consciousness. You have a body and mind, maybe even an energetic body, that has certain biases. What I am saying is, it's not such a bad thing to follow a set of rules.
  15. In Hinduism, genuine prayers and/or rituals are generally done so that the deity you are worshiping enters your heart and possesses you in a way that there is no difference between you and it anymore. Now whether this is all mental or you are actually connecting to an energy archetype or organism, is not something I know.
  16. There's a state where you realize whatever is happening/not happening is your will. So even if someone WAS deceiving you relatively, you realize that's actually you're will. So ultimately no one is deceiving you, the ultimate You or God can't be deceived, because no matter what state it is in is truth. If you don't wanna go that high up then your question is one that can't be answered, because no matter what you experience it can be suspected as being part of the deception. Maybe there's a way, Idk.
  17. Apparently he graduated to the negative polarity fourth density according to the law of one.
  18. Embodying Love is not about generating a state of Love within you, nor is it about expanding your sense of self to contain everything, nor is it erasing your sense of self until all that's left is pure oneness, nor is it about extinguishing the illusory center of experience. It's about doing absolutely nothing at all, do not change your experience that's happening right now, do not do anything, let it be. This is being purely authentic to oneness. And when you're purely authentic to oneness, then you can expand that awareness to encompass everything, be it thoughts of jealousy, hate or what not, encompass all of it, and let it be observed by your awareness that it is everything, and then it will see there was no encompassing that was happening, it was all one all along. Important points: To do this you need to be able to separate thinking from awareness. Compared to your awareness, your thoughts are dead. You are this awareness(for now) and you would need to learn to expand it without affecting your thinking at all. It's like trying to play the piano with both hands, but they keep influencing each other. In practice this will look like you(as a thinking mind) wouldn't even know you are doing this, because it can't, it doesn't have access to awareness anymore. If awareness stops giving it data, it has nothing to feed on. Awareness usually lets itself get guided by the thinking mind. If awareness is free flowing water, the thinking mind is like a pipe that directs where the awareness should go. But the thinking mind by itself doesn't know where it can go without the awareness. If you suddenly take the pipes away, the awareness will simply spill everywhere, and encompass everything. The key is that you realize the pipes aren't different from 'everything' that they need to be taken away, the key insight is that the pipes are an illusion and the awareness can simply and independently spill everywhere even if the pipes are there. I stress it again that even if you are feeling anything that you don't like to feel, anger for example, then do not try to change it, suppress it or let it go, don't do anything about it, because the thing that wants to do something about it and will do it, is the thinking mind. The awareness, will simply expand, to encompass that anger, and suddenly the anger will seem weak, even pleasurable. This includes all your petty ego games. Feeling worthless, rejected and what not, all of it is part of everything, instead of changing it let your awareness expand. I would suggest first getting a good grasp of 'everything', try encompassing and figuring out what 'everything' is in the first place. At the end it will be seen there was no awareness separate from the thinking mind, nor was it separate from everything else. It wasn't being narrowed down by the thinking mind, it always was and is everything. You were always doing what I have told you to do here. The metaphor of the pipes is transcended. So everything is essentially the same as you began, but your thinking mind is now not narrowing what you are aware of. It's pure mindfulness. Your thinking mind instead of taking up 99% of your awareness, will only become a minuscule part of everything. I am sure there are more nuances and factors, so I would love your input.
  19. - Good Will Hunting, directed by Gus van Sant I am sure I am taking this quote completely out of context, but I just found it randomly after making the post, and it fits so well to what I am saying. Think of Will as your Will Power, awareness, and the speaker as the thinking mind.
  20. I acknowledge that most people out there do not know what you were talking about, but understand that this hate you feel is different from that fact. This hate originates from rejection of your ego by those people. You yourself might even reject that part of you that is a total normie. Bring that part of you up, which is exactly like those normies, and give it some love. If you feel resistance doing this then you know this was the problem, so work on it. If you don't know how to feel about normies then let me tell you what I feel about them when it comes to spirituality. For me, it generates fascination because something that is clearly basic level seems to change their whole lives. They dance around what they really want, lengthening the process of completion. That said, I do that as well to a large degree, to hate them would mean to hate myself. To even refer to them as 'they' is already creating an identity that is separate and labelled superior. So while I do acknowledge your feelings because I have felt this way many times, understand that your emotions are in your hands and they are indicative of what you should work within yourself. Try doing what I pointed out above.
  21. Lately my ability to visualize has gone through the roof compared to the average person. I haven't consciously aimed for this, it was a natural byproduct of spiritual growth. The problem is that I seem to also not distinguish between what's real and what's my imagination. At least not to a degree that should be healthy for me. Today I reached a personal deepest embodiment of "Kaivalya". It left me dizzy but blissed out for maybe 2 hours. But now my baseline is even better at visualization. This has become a serious problem, because I cannot control my thoughts properly yet. My monkey mind is very active. I still accidentally think of scary shit when I am walking alone at night. But normally it wasn't a problem because what I imagined was being labelled as 'fake' and 'imaginary' and besides the image wasn't that strong anyways. Tonight, I was walking in the hallway coming back from the bathroom, and as is the usual tendency I accidentally imagined a scary person standing across the hallway look at me. But today, it was on another fucking level. I couldn't stop it even if I wanted. The image ALMOST seemed to manifest transparently into reality. It was still different from seeing it physically, I know I imagined it 100%, but it was on another fucking level. The details, everything, all imagined so suddenly that I got jumpscared. I walked past it and I felt it physically standing there (all part of my imagination, I am 100% sure, the being wasn't real). It scared me shitless because I couldn't assign the 'fake' or 'all inside my head' tag onto it because my recent awakening had revealed that mental tag to be a relative and subjective thing. I was shivering and barely stopped myself from panicking. I had to call a friend and all that stuff. And my mind kept imagining that being rushing multiple times at me to attack me, each of which time I flinched. I know the reason for this. I don't seem to have a strong sense of self and material reality. Which is a basic foundational block for this work. I thought that I did but I don't. I know now because of today's experience. I am going to stop going any deeper and first develop this. I really want to develop a strong sense of material reality, and am thinking of diving into the 'rational' + 'highly skeptical' mindset. I don't know how to develop a strong sense of self however. I would appreciate advice regarding today's experience. Those of you thinking of saying that this might have been an actual entity, I am 100% sure it wasn't. I know it was produced by mind, and I am not saying this out of denial. I could feel the thought/imagination coming my way before it actually happened. I can still kind of see faces popping up in front of me whenever I blink.
  22. @Hojo I'll make sure to do this. I do very little physical activity.
  23. @integral You're right. I did watch Hereditary recently and I am sure this is why my mind has been in a spooky mood and is why it imagined that suddenly. I am sure this will pass. Man, I am scared of consuming any horror from now on. I do remember the imagination coming in, but I didn't choose to imagine it. It just happened, usually I can stop it but this time it was too much for me to stop. I knew it was my imagination but all imagination is just as real as reality, I didn't imagine it to be any more fake than myself. It felt so strong, I doubted if I actually attracted a spirit. Especially when I tried to quickly walk past it, I could feel the pressure emanating from it onto my body, the animosity was what scared the shit out of me. Because in appearance I imagined it as a normal looking human. This is so unusual, it's ridiculous the mind's ability to imagine. I scared the shit out of myself and I feel like I might do it again. This is because anything I imagine, it's very detailed and vivid at this point, I can't control the vividness. Nor can I really control what I generate. I think I should just stay away from consuming anything scary and watch more comedy instead and stuff like that.
  24. I like this definition. However I wouldn't put Transcognition as something beyond Metacognition. Rather I'd say it's on the same level. This is because these both are essentially the same process of observing in order to understand, only in Metacognition the focus is on cognition while in Transcognition the focus is beyond cognition i.e external systems. In practice as well these two develop at the same time.