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Everything posted by MrBON

  1. @Preety_India Same can be said for women. Plenty of ways for women to make themselves more attractive. "If a man games well he will get girls". With that logic people in poor countries should not complain about money because if they "knew how to run a business" they would be rich and not have issues with money. If you have to be on the top 10 percent to get a basic need met then there is something seriously wrong. I do not see females complaining about being incels and not getting sex and love. You cannot say that females complain less in general than men, it is just that this is NOT an issue for them. It is an issue for men though. I love how you keep ignoring online dating which completly debunks all your "girl needs to be social" bs
  2. @Preety_India Why not? Why should we approach? Of course you will say that because approaching is annoying and scary af and you dont like that burden. We will take it if we have to but at least don' complain about "dating being skweed against women". I
  3. @Preety_India Before i make my response i must say that i will be refering to developed western countries here. You might be right about x country for example but i am refearing ONLY to the west. Here we go then 1. In theory you are right that guys have more options than girls since they can approach. However there is no rule out there saying girls cannot approach.MOREOVER a girl approaching will have a very easy time since the guy will basically get free date, sex, relationship etc. MOST guys HATE WITH A PASSION to approach. I mean you hate doing that too, so why shouldn't guys hate it? Approaching, rejection etc hurt EQUALLY much to everyone. You do not like approaching, so don't guys. Therefore in practice like 95 percent of guys will not approach unless they are shit wasted (shit wasted guy is the opposite of attractive) and therefore have very few options, even fewer than a girl of equal value. If the guy approached he would have more options but as i said, the same logic applies to girls. Both genders hate approaching equally, especially pussified western guys so yeah 2. You can always use online dating which are VERY POPULAR. A shy girl can get a lot of dates from online dating and most guys have very low standards, especially if the girl shows interest. An average looking girl can easily get as many dates a week as a player hitting the field can if she wants to. You completely ignored online dating on your response but that is the biggest leverage point for shy girls. 3. Yes, unattractive girls have a harder time out there. HOWEVER, a girl that takes care of herself properly will rarely be unattractive. She will be average or more attractive. Ugly guys have it hard too, they have shit confidence that is caused by them being treated like shit by girls all their lives so they suffer too. Just as much. 4. Personality wise all girls have to do is be sweet, caring, cute (behavior wise) and not bitchy. How hard is that honestly? A guy has to be confident, independent, funny, strong, assertive, dominant, witty etc etc. Being kind caring and sweet comes more naturally in today's world than being strong, dominant and confident. We do not live in the stone age anymore and these "strength" traits are rarely developed due to our comfortable lives. You honestly have no idea how difficult is for a guy these days to act in that strong charming way that you girls like. It is a lot more natural for us due to our upbringing to be nice, sweet, caring , kind and "cute". I am not saying that it is wrong to be more assertive, it is just a struggle we have and you don't , this struggle of growing balls. Would love to hear your response. By the way i am not saying girls have an easier time in GENERAL. Girls have issues that guys don't, but they are outside of dating. Fear of rape, periods, giving birth, having to balance work and raising child, crazy emotional fluctuations etc are issues guys don't have. However, i was strictly refearing to the domain of dating.
  4. @Recursoinominado You basically are saying the frustration of all the guys making these threads. Girls have to exist, guys have to do all that work and be awsome. People find this shit unfair and start crying because they dont want to do all the work while others exist. Personally i love going to the gym, meditating, reading, meeting people etc but if i didnt like this and i had to do it to find a girl i would be VERY angry and frustrated. i would love if girls jumped at my dick though without me having to do shit
  5. @Leo Gura The thing is that most guys WILL have lower standards even for relationships. Most of them do not qualify for the big number of criteria girls have for partners so they settle for whatever they can get. Players have options but that is like 2 percent of the population, most will get anything they can, just like a starving kid will eat anything. It is not just sex they want, also love companionship someone to love etc. Girls normally are more social but a girl can still get great guys to date and be with via dating apps at this time so going out is no longer needed. A shy girl will have just as much abudance of guys as a player will have of girls. And since guys hate approaching with a passion, you have plenty of great guys using dating apps, its not just the bottom of the barrel. Why cold approach when you can find sex/relationship via a basic swipe right? High value guys have it even easier online than in person.
  6. @Recursoinominado Could you please explain how this is possible? So girls are naturally more picky and demanding than guys. Is this natural or the trend these days is like this? I had heard about female hyper gamy and that all females dated only up but i thought it was sexist red pill stuff. So you re saying it is true; So if the quality of the guy would be food, then they are picky like Gordon Ramsay (over exaggerating for humor)
  7. @Recursoinominado Nothing will change from this discussion, noone will become more social or better with girls. That is not the point. You are saying "stop crying, start growing" and yes i agree. You are not rejecting what i said. That is that an average girls has it easier to find an average guy than an average guy has to find an average girl. Yes an average girl will not attract a top guy, i agree. HOWEVER an aveage guy wont attract shit. Bread is not as good as pizza but is better than nothing. Are you saying than an average girl will be less happy with an average guy than an average guy will be with an average girl? IPlus do not assume that the people here that are complaining are not trying to improve their social skills. @Ananta Those girls are either less, the guy got lucky or he tried seriously to get her. I doubt he got her in a couple of tries like girls get guys.
  8. @Recursoinominado So by default for most men it is worse. You use the majority not the top 10 percent. This whole logic of having to be on the top 10 percent for a normal life is quite outrageous. Why should a guy with value 5/10 ( i know value is relative depending on the gender and even individual) struggle to find a 5/10 value female MUCH MORE than a female value 5/10 struggles to find a male with value 5/10. I know this way of writting it makes it seem like a math problem but there is no other way for me to explain it properly. When a 5/10 guy can easily get a 5/10 girl or at least JUST AS easily then people will stop complaining here. Maybe females should lower their ridiculousness standards? Maybe biology has created this situation and it cannot be solved. IDK and IDC
  9. @Leo Gura Why did you say on your video about being a man that girls find it attractive when you are authentic even if it is a bit feminine. If you dont act vulnerable at all it means that you are presenting a facade that is not your true authentic self. Could you please fill me in because i find this a bit contradictory, either you act macho and strong or you act authentic and yourself 100 percent which ofc involves being vulnerable (not saying to overdue it ofc)
  10. @Leo Gura How do you deal with the "dont care about her until fucking a few times" attitude. It is 1 thing to be strong and kind at the same time, that is doable. But being invested 0 until you fuck like 5 times is quite hard. It means that you will go on at least 6-7 dates and texting in between and stuff. Is it okay if you are strong kind and also independent but you also care about her and stuff
  11. @Leo Gura It is still very fucked thing to do to cheat like that for over a year. I understand if the person is unhappy they should first communite and try to work things through. Relationships have difficulties and you first need to try to work things through before you decide that it will not work. Divorce should be a last resort. Not try to cheat on first chance you get. This applies for both genders. No wonder the red pill and feminism exist when people act in such cruel heartless ways to the parent of their childreen. Marriage is not just about excitement it is also about responsibility and commitment especially after 15 years of marriage. @ern Seems to me like you deserve better than this kind of person. Try to maybe screen better and take it as a learning experience.
  12. @Leo Gura Would you say Connor now has shifted from orange to solid green?
  13. @Leo Gura I do not agree with everything he says ofc but he has some solid points. One that comes to mind is that he is against the gender equalization that is happening in stage green societies. I do not think treating guys like girls (forcing them to play with dolls in kindergarten) is really something healthy for them. Genders are equal in terms of importance and value but different in strengths/ weakness/desires/ways they think etc. Peterson never says that men are superior unlike a lot of red pill material but he promotes the differences in their psychologies, just like you have done with your video about "male/female psychologies". Now are there flaws in his tackling of genders? Maybe some yes. But his overall idea is fine in my opinion. If you disagree i would be interested in your opinion. I do not agree with his treatment of incels though, it promotes victim mindsets but that is another issue
  14. Just have sex the way you enjoy it and be done with it. I don't understand this obsession of calling x position or fetish as "bad" and others as "normal". As long as no one is harmed then who the fuck cares lol
  15. @Leo Gura In your spiral dynamics videos you do not criticism him so harshly. You just give some basic critics and even say he has some yellow in him but also a lot of blue/orange.
  16. @Leo Gura Why are you so harsh lol. You have called him one of the best academics out there and now you insult him like that. He may not be perfect but at least he does a shit load of research and reading before talking about what he says.
  17. Now before you guys lock this thread and trash this i would like some explanation. I have watched a few of this guy videos and it confused me. I feel like it is quite harsh and ruthless. Leo says girls are loving and caring and loyal but this guy is saying that when he was a good boyfriend in the past girls dumped him, took him for granted etc. After enough pain from break ups he has never been dumped again. If girls punish red pill behavior then it means he is lying? He claims he got treated far worse in relationships as the kind caring boyfriend compared to being stronger and more ruthless (but still somewhat caring). Or the girls he was with were bad eggs? Please if you intend to reply watch at least half the video before writting a response.
  18. I can easily tell he is toxic and shit but that is not the point. He says that when he was nice kind and caring girls left him and treated him badly. When he became more ruthless and harsh girls never left him anymore. So kindness and caring was punished in his life. I find this the opposite of what Leo says where he claims to treat girls well and that they are loyal and shit. I doubt a PUA will have problems stimulating a girl emotionally so what the fuck guys lol
  19. @arlin Leo has done it. 440 approaches and then did pretty well ( i am trusting all his claims here). I dont think you look worse than he does so why are you so upset about this. 440 rejections in a row, tall glass to fill i know. I have mad respect for Leo from this feat alone, idk if most people can do that and still be going strong. I will tell you this, a lot of girls are full of shit when it comes to attraction. If they rejected you based on looks it can be the case. However, sometimes they just found you okay looking (average) but your personality was not good enough for them. Work on your personality until it becomes so attractive that a girl will reject you ONLY if you are LEGIT ugly in her eyes. If you are 4/10 for a girl you can still get her with a great personality. The issue is that great personalities are super rare while good looks are not. By great personality i mean what is attractive to girls not being kind honest and any of that bluepilled bs.
  20. The people that judge the most other people regarding their looks are the most insecure about their own looks. They are not happy and are living in their mind created prison. Talking from personal experience here with people i personally know. The people that insult you are just projecting their own shit on you. Now i would like to be a bit pragmatic here. The only value looks have for a human being is regarding finding a romantic partner (and maybe some specific professions like being a model, bodybuilder etc but will be ignored since it is not the focus here), and therefore that is what matters. Do you struggle with meeting decent guys? Do decent guys reject you based on your looks? Are you successful with the opposite sex regarding attraction, not keeping relationships since keeping relationships has nothing to do with your looks. LOOKS ONLY MATTER REGARDING ATTRACTION. End of discussion. if you have no issues there then there is ZERO reason to give a single shit about what some insecure fucks tell you on a food table. I KNOW it hurts your self esteem and such but you can try to be a bit more utilitarian here. I am not talking about unconditional love etc since it may be too advanced at the moment. Contemplate this sentance well: LOOKS ONLY MATTER REGARDING ATTRACTION. Anything else looks are USELESS for.
  21. @Leo Gura Manipulation yes. Everyone does manipulate unless you are a VERY developed person. However i was talking more in terms of cheating, abuse, physical abuse etc. Most guys do not do these things in relationships, it is usually the bad characters that do that (pua or not). Personally almost all my guy friends for example are very strict regarding loyalty in relationships and would never physically abuse a woman. Even verbally i do not think so. Subtle lying, manipulation etc is another story. I am talking more about the hardcore stuff. It depends on person i guess, idk. I have a question btw, since i am a virgin and a bit young (like 21), if i am on a date with a girl and she asks about it what would you recommend me to say so she wont loose attraction. Should i own it? Lie about it? Or bang a hooker so i get some basic sexual experience (hookers are legal where i live and quite cheap and safe). Would appreciate a short response
  22. @Preety_India Where do you live and how old are you if i can ask
  23. @Preety_India Being confident is a must for any human being. Thing is that the way for a person to seem blatantly confident is if he acts arrogant and like he is the shit (fake confidence but people buy it sometimes).
  24. @Preety_India Careful with labeling. The mechanics of attraction are shallow, selfish and survival oriented. It has nothing to do with kindness, truth or honesty. You being attracted to a funny guy is shallow too. Me being attracted to a girl with nice curves is also shallow. We are all shallow
  25. @Preety_India I might be wrong but i feel like Leo has a bias regarding how guys treat girls. I feel like a lot of his friends in adult life have been PUA players and he feels like most guys treat girls badly and finding a kind caring person is quite rare. Kind caring person that is NOT a people pleaser and a Wimp i mean. So a confident independent caring kind person (does not have to be assertive or dominant or edgy or any of that shit)