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Everything posted by Axiomatic
ok. then we are done here
Does preaching the same thing over and over to me make you happy?
you're talking to me like I am supposed to care
am I supposed to care what you think or something? do you. I dont want you to be annoying and preachy, I want you to be happy. If thats what works for you, then more power to you.
@Emerald I just skim your paragraphs and see things like "pick up" and "getting laid". Im not looking for a certain result. If a woman presents herself as relationship material, then she will be treated as such. If not, I most likely wont have the energy to deal with her.
Listen, you are projecting a lot on to me, but you really know nothing about me. I am simply just sharing my life experience, and what has helped me have a succesful romance life. If whatever you're preaching is correct, then ill adapt. but so far, nah that doesnt work in the society i am in. I know you're hurt and bitter towards the way things are. I was too. But this is how I need to be to survive romantically in this world. I dont know what else to tell you. And I think you want to force everyone to be a certain way, but I think you should learn to let things be. you cant control me and you cant control all men. you can only control yoursel.f and for the record i dont control women or attempt to control them. they can do whatever they want, and i do what i want
thats the disconnection women in this thread have. just because it works doesnt mean we will/should do it
On board with what? What a stranger on the internet thinks should be?
who said I dont want it to be that way?
yeah yeah yeah
oh the irony difference between me and you is that I dont try to make women a certain way. I simply just act accordingly. you on the otherhand, clearly want to will a certain reality into existence with your words. "One day society will change" "It disgust me how many men like pick up" "you will never have a good relationship!" thats all you say. I am just saying what works for me. I'm definetly not an asshole, but i dont try to be what women think they want.
Well my romance life is going great so...sounds like a you problem! lmao. typing paragraphs about how im wrong doesnt change the fact that my actions and choices have been right for me and worked and as many threads as you make, it sounds like yours is not good at all. idk what to tell ya.
I value real connections, but I still wouldnt listen to you for that. And I mean absolutely no offense by it. But listening to men always makes things work for me rather than the other way.
I'll bet my life savings that if you were at a party with my friends, you would be attracted to the loudest dude whos peacocking. you wouldnt be attracted to my friend who is passive and quiet and doesnt speak up. he never gets laid, and its really tough for him. guarantee it Ive never once seen a woman whos having her attention being taken up by the loudest man stop talking to him and approach the meek quiet dude whos too shy to talk to her. never. I never once her a girl say "yeah youre a hot shot, but i wanna see what this dude in the corner has to say" you like being woo'd, you like laughing, and you like being messed with. literally every girl likes this, and these are cocky peacocking qualities. if being with a real good guy is that meaningful, most women wouldnt be concerned about the emotions within the moment
nah see women say that, but they do want to control us. they want us to text them all day everyday. thats not in my best interest 1. because i dont like doing that and 2. because they would get sick of me even tho they think thats what they want. happens EVERYTIME They want more and more of my time, they compete for it. it makes them feel special to know that id cut off my friends for her. but thats not in my best interest. to her im being a gentleman, but thats not being a gentleman, thats bending over backward for her. to her im being an asshole for establishing boundaries and not allocating all my time to her, but im just living a balanced life. If relationships were so easy peasy, then they wouldnt require work and self interest. theyre hard. one persons idea of what it means to be a giving partner doesnt align with the other. I will never hurt a woman or treat her like shit on purpose, but every woman test me to see how much they can get from me, and i gotta shut that shit down. cuz they wont respect me if i play into it. Thats what you just dont see from my side. When I say asshole, i dont mean woman beater or emotional abuser. I mean being independent.
women also need to realize that whats best for them isnt always whats best for the guy and visa versa.
I can tell by your paragraphs that you have a narrow view of what it means to be a man. I stopped chasing lay counts years ago, but I still dont bend over backwards for a woman who doesnt deserve it. And thats usually what women mean when they say they dont want assholes. They just want more control. And Im sorry, but I dont trust humans in general enough to bend over backwards for them undeservedly.
preach, anytime a woman says one thing about attraction, I see her actions do the opposite
The dude in the video I linked is now happily married and a good guy. He just had to play the game to learn and grow. Its not black and white But if what youre saying is to be, then itll be.
Trust me, it was probably the biggest mind fuck I had to figure out when I was young. I thought that being a gentleman and polite and courteous was key, but they either didnt respect it or found it phoney. I did the opposite. Act cocky, dont give a fuck, and it worked for me. I dont want it to be that way, but its what works. At least in my experience.
ion even know who teal swan is lol
I am obviously attracted to a sexy woman, but I know that she is going to bring more problems versus a less attractive woman who is more grateful. I know this, yet I cant help but take my chances sometimes. And I have been around the block enough to know that the beautiful woman will most likely make my life difficult, so it doesnt throw me off anymore. I cant argue with this. Its just truth. Women always seem to argue against the truth though. Like I said, it is probably their biggest blind spot. Just being able to accept these truths will ease their turmoil. You like assholes, you are attracted to them, and no matter how much you deny it, the polite nice dude will somehow be put to the side for this asshole, and women will make up some reason to say its otherwise.
yeah im willing to bet your actions wont match your words 100%. its a lot easier to identify healthy food versus the true nature of a human
thread is quite hilarious