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Everything posted by Axiomatic

  1. I'm sure there are neo liberals who would gladly send all white people to concentration camps, because in their eyes, white people are the cause for all of suffering in society. To them, that would be justified and for the greater good. Yet if one tried to compare them to Hitler, they would be outraged. "It's not the same thing! Hitlers reasons were wrong, and mine are justified! So it's different!" Thats the ego for ya tho.
  2. just fucking get it. you're doing a disservice to society by not getting it
  3. preety india's views on existence are still very black and white and lack real deep thinking. In her world, shes good and people who disagree are evil. She isn't ready to understand the concepts of not demonizing anyone. As terrible as hitler was, he didn't come out of the womb as a demon. And to suggest that hes inhuman and 'evil' suggest that we as humans have no connection or understanding of who he is. It is perfect for the ego to distance hitler as an evil non human who we cant relate to at all. It makes the ego feel all good and all knowing. Everyone has the capability to go down the path that hitler did, and that is why it is important to not see him as inhuman. We are doing ourselves a disservice to understanding our true nature when we do that, and it leaves the option for us to repeat history. Preety India is not ready to see this.
  4. yeah thats obvious. Ive hung out in many hoods, and been to Baltimore as well lol. But for some reason, you give me the option of here or China, I'd say here. And maybe thats just because I am culturally more familiar with America, but China just seems like it fuckin sucks to me.
  5. living in china sounds shitty. though I am not trying to raise up america by saying this.
  6. @Preety_India its all good. I think were on the same page more than we realize. And I apologize if anything I said came off insensitive.
  7. I am taking an american indian indigenous studies class, and we are talking discussions of land acknowledgment, and how to give back sacred land to native tribes. But the complicated part about that, is the paradigm which is being operated within acknowledging the land is inherently colonial. Of course it is hard for me to see something that deep, because I was born into a colonial system. I accept that there are things I am unable to see without proper guidance. Of course the obvious racist stuff that you see on the news happens, but there are white people with good intentions who don't see the picture as much as a person of another race. I feel like you are saying "Its easy to stop being racist. Just dont be disrespectful!", and thats obviously easy with the shit that is right in your face. But this shit runs wayyy deeper than the blatant racism.
  8. My friend was fired from his job because he said he would like to ideally make twenty dollars an hour. His boss accused him of being racist because he thought my friend was feeling entitled to a certain pay. My friend knew that wasnt the case, but accepted that it was a misunderstanding. These things happen way more than you realize. And for the record he didnt expect the pay, he just said that would be his goal to work towards.
  9. Rewind to pre covid, I am playing a pick up game of basketball. After the game is finished, I am going to get some water. A black person offers me a sip from his water bottle. I say no thank you, Ill just get water from the fountain. He seems disgruntled and asked me if it is because he is black That is definitely not the case, I don't feel comfortable drinking from anyone's water bottle. But to him, I appeared racist, when that wasnt my intention. I just gotta accept that I will come off the wrong way in weird situations like that. Wasn't my intention to offend him.
  10. This is a fine example. This person is taking what I am saying out of context, and is trying to make me feel bad or wrong for what I am saying. But I know for a fact that I have taken the time to understand myself and how affect my society to the best of my ability, and I am always open to learning more. This woman here doesn't seem to approve of that. Apparently I am wrong somehow still. Oh well, guess I am wrong. All I can do is just be good to people *shrug*
  11. "Respect all races" is such a cop out solution, and wayy too simplistic to figure this out. I have contemplated and tried to understand how to handle myself within these situations after having friends in different communities, and this is what it seems to come down to: 1. If you are white, you are probably going to offend or come off the wrong way to someone within the issue of racism (even another white person possibly). You can educate yourself on issues, try to apply the best methods to not be racist, and do your best to support causes. But despite this, your actions can still be misinterpreted as insensitive or even racist. This is because human beings aren't a monolith, and miscommunication or misunderstanding is a common thing. A white person could think that they know what it means to respect other races, and still have some kind of blind spot that they are unable to see. Accept this as a white person. Accept that you may come off the wrong way, even if it isnt your intention. It is just apart of the system we are all currently stuck in. Even if you technically didn't do anything racist or insensitive, and they misunderstood you, you just gotta let it go. 2. Do your best to have good intentions. You won't be perfect as stated before, and people of other races may think of you as not good enough in their eyes in terms of "not being racist". But ya know what? As long as you have pure intentions, then you can let that shit go. Part of getting past white fragility is having empathy for people of other races, while at the same time not getting caught up with what every single non white person thinks of you. Not everyone is going to like you, and not everyone is going to approve of you being a good white person. All you can do is have pure intentions and be open to learning. 3. Try to see that when it comes down to it, we have more in common with each other than we realize. I know that these topics need awareness brought to them, but sometimes that just brings a negative energy. We are all living in this world, and we just gotta practice applying that golden rule. I notice little things all the time that apply to what I am saying. I am at university, and a black person in my class thinks that it is irresponsible of me to support a certain rapper. He thinks said rapper promotes ignorance, violence, materialism, and doesnt raise up the black community. But my friend back home who is black, in a rougher neighborhood loves said rapper. He sees him as someone who was in his situation and made it out. And if I started to preach what my other black friend was saying from my university, then my friend from my neighborhood would see that as disrespectful to him and where he is from. To him this rapper is telling his story and demonstrating his struggle. So who am I to call that wrong? Who is the person at my university to call that wrong? As stated before, races are not monoliths.
  12. American nationalist respect Putin because he holds the same general oppressive views as they do. I recall Putin giving a grand speech about how minorities and foreigners are lucky to be in Russia and shouldnt be pandered to. Something along those lines.
  13. @vinc3nc Thats great philosophy, but not practical. OP find meetups, seek people who you are friends with who do social things and let them know you are looking to expand your horizons. I am living in a new city and have few social connections here, so the best route is to literally put yourself out there. You gotta be active.
  14. best way to make friends is to just have pure intentions. if you are a cool person they will attract to you
  15. AMS is successful with women, but hes a total douche bag. But he wears that proudly, calling his movement sleezball gang. All his videos are for sex and nothing more
  16. She says shes in a happy relationship, but judging by how much shes talking about these things, she doesnt seem happy or content. it seems like shes trying to figure out how to be. The idea of what attracts a woman to a man versus what a woman actually wants is causing a real challenge within her. IMO this can be applied to the entire feminist movement we are seeing. Fighting their raw attraction and what they naturally fall into, versus wanting something better and higher quality. A lot of women's problems can fall on men, but as with all humans, many of their challenges are with themselves
  17. Step 1: Don't do it for women. Thats counter productive
  18. @Phenomenon "I have you pegged bro" Damn bro! you got me! Im gonna listen to everything you have to say now. please send me more paragraphs about how I should be and act. Ill definitely listen with your 7 post ass. anyone who says "I have you pegged bro" gets an ignore from me
  19. @Phenomenon Ironic that I'm some kind of asshole, but you trying to sum up my entire being through a forum. You sound like a real prick
  20. It's technically easier for me to be more polite, caring and empathetic towards the opposite sex. But it never gave me any real love or respect, and for the most part still doesnt. women seem to think I am phony when i do that. or desperate. or something negative rather than positive. So I just started being more self absorbed and not giving a fuck. And it made women want me more. It isnt my intention to disrespect you or write you off. I am just saying what has worked for me. Women appreciate me and respect me and I know how to handle things in a healthy way when they are being toxic. And I learned all that from men. Its not because your views hold no value, I just think you cant really see it from my side as much as you think. If being nice and polite was the key to finding success, then every man would do it.