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About dafels

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  1. War in ukraine was going for over 8 years and from Putin's position it is just a few weeks/days to just stop a war in Ukraine instead of having a war for the next 5-10years. Zelensky literally told russians in ukraine to go back to russia when they know that russians make a huge portion of the Ukraine population. And they have made a lot of anti-russian laws over the years which hurt a huge part of Ukraine population since the coup. Ukraine and multiple other major european countries signed a deal with Russia to resolve this issue, but guess who didn't abide by the deal that would make this war impossible. Ukraine is a chess piece for the west. I think this war is mostly west's fault than the russia's. West sanctions is just a materialistic punishment when Russians don't care as much about materialism the way the west does.
  2. The west invaded iraq with a pretext of "weapons of mass destruction" that turned out to be a lie and later turned all of the middle east into living hell that tens of millions of people still experience today. The west invaded lybia and turn it into hell too. No sanctions and all of these invasions were "justice" Russia invades a neighbouring country which literally had been turned into a western puppet state by a western coup when russians and ukrainians were living well together until the coup and they now do their best to turn it into hating Russia through bribery and huge levels of corruption. I don't justify anyone invading, but the hipocricy between the west and russia is huge and the world needs to get rid of the unipolar world where one side gets all the saying what is "good" or not.
  3. Soviet Union 50 year forced rule in my region basically destroyed the region and put it in stagnation. Since the collapse and the moment we broke free, we have been developing back slowly catching up the western average level of development... Soviet Union was a disaster. The way the state kept power also needs to be considered by the people that are dreaming of the "Soviet" nostalgia, it was basically snitching, NKVD, censorship, strict policing, propoganda, and early at the beginning of the state it was killing or putting in prison the people that the regime didn't like. Most of the people that think that Soviet Union was good need to be informed about the attrocities on how the communism was achieved and maintained.
  4. There is no "toxic" value There is no "top" values Do what you enjoy the most in your life and embrace it regardless of what the society says or thinks about it or how useful it is to society. It doesn't matter. But remember, that you have bills to pay.
  5. Don't trust anything what she says about this situation. Observe the actual actions she is doing. From what I was reading, I have a feeling that this relationship has steered into the path of ruins already. I think you should trust what your gut says about this relationship.
  6. I can only share my experience in the hopes that it helps somehow. I have been a heavy "gamer" since childhood. I was spending most of my free time on computer playing games, started with shooters and my favourite game was literally where I could split bodies of humans to pieces (Half life - to all gamers out there). Maybe games back then were more brutal and iFortnite is nothing compared to the games I grew up with. I also had a side hobby, I was doing martial arts and I loved it and helped me with socializing and I didn't feel socially excluded at all even when I was spending bigger chunk of my free time after school on PC. Does your kid engage in other REGULAR social activities outside of the family and school in parallel with spending his free time playing video games? I think this is critical, atleast, it was in my life when I was growing up. I also got interest in a game that was a turning point in my life. This video game basically steered my life into what I am now. I loved this game so much that I started programming modifications for this game and I was even earning hundreds of dollars when I was only 15 for programming modifications for this game and I really enjoyed it. And I was working in teams with other kids to create projects. Video games sparked interest in programming for me. And fast forward 10 years, I am a software engineer with a computer science degree working in a international corporation earning salary that is in the top percentile. It was not as flawless though, I spent 4-5 years on the wrong path until I came back to the PC world again. It is weird how it all worked out for me. Video games was the best thing that happened to me when I look at it from my perspective. But, yeah, agree to many here, "Don't worry, it is just a game" unless your kid is spending 80-90% of free time in that game, then it should be very worrying. You should also observe how he is actually playing it, if he is communicating and talking/chatting to other people and doing teamwork in the game instead of mindlessly consuming the video game