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  1. Complete Existential Despair After Psybicilin Trip: I'm in Hell
    Complete Existential Despair After Psybicilin Trip: I'm in Hell
    It goes beyond any one example. Just the fact that reality is imaginary is my deepest love for reality. If reality was anything other than imaginary, I would be deeply disappointed at the stupidity of reality.
    The first time I realized reality was imaginary was the happiest day of my life. I said, "Thank God! Of course! Finally it makes sense."
    If reality was not imaginary it would be an insult to intelligence because then reality would be limited. But of course reality cannot be limited because there exists nothing outside of reality to limit it, and this is the greatest thing about reality.
    With more Love.

  2. Complete Existential Despair After Psybicilin Trip: I'm in Hell
    Complete Existential Despair After Psybicilin Trip: I'm in Hell
    @BakeJeyner hey there. This too shall pass.get off psychedelics and especially mushrooms for...maybe forever i would was a big mistake for you to take 6 grams.and even more stupid to try your luck with mushrooms again. You should stay away from these solipsistic nihilistic mindset you have built.part of the problem is your belief in what Leo says.stay off this forum as well.come back when you feel better me I have been through this.your ego will reconstruct in a month or so.try a different psychedelic next time like doesnt mess with your mind like mushrooms do.but dont rush it.take some time yo integrate.

  3. Isnt thinking that you are god a form of ego as well?
    Isnt thinking that you are god a form of ego as well?
    The kind of insight I'm talking about is a total state of awakening and infinite consciousness that you become. It's nothing that can ever be mistaken and it cannot be validated or invalidated by any other human.
    When you become infinitely conscious -- that's it. You are more conscious than any of these gurus and teachers. You are equally conscious to God. You ARE God. The end. All gurus and teachings become a joke. Become so conscious that every guru looks like an idiot.
    You are God. Don't let any fool convince you otherwise. They have no clue what God means. God is not merely no-self. And God is not merely some void. These are all inferior and reductionistic nondual understandings. They are not as high or as deep as God-realization.
    Do not stop until you hit INFINITY.