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  1. @Akos The sad part is that i know who you are as I've seen some romanian interviews, just a little bit. But I would have thought that you are better than talkin like this.
  2. I was able to do this hundreds of times after my awakening. I still do it, but not each night as before. Is just a matter of being present, that simple. You didn't notice your body falling asleep? You were not that much present. The present moment goes infinitely deep and once you start to self reflect on it you are going so far off track in a time construct. I don't think one can fully be one with the present (although obviously we can only be present), but to fully merge with it that's a work of a God. However here is how I've managed to catch the moments consistently: FIrst of all, you never go to sleep, you always go to meditate. When you start to wonder, you bring it back, clear headed, attention on your body, to help you reduce wondering you can do your best to focus more and more on your geometries, that helps your mind "wondering" in the right places, inside your body, focus on different points, try to unite them as much as you can, ego is separation/fragmentation, builds stuff from pieces, so when is wondering, focus on your body and try to build it from pieces. When you don't wonder, take everything as a whole, and expand as much as you can, when ego kicks in, you try to build the pieces up to the whole. But always do your best to take everything as whole, as clear headed as possible. Now attitude is extremely important, if you expect to go to sleep and then to wake up, that's what is going to happen. Try to really understand the One, reality is a dream and viceversa, when you really start to feel it, it will feel like death, the purer you are, the easier to let go. Your attitude should actually be to expect to catch it happening, this will build up some triggers in deep relaxation that will make you notice the subtle degrees. The longest I've gone was 28 minutes, I chose to woke up because I didn't want to hear the alarm. That does not mean I was fully aware. No one can ever be fully aware of their whole geometry (maybe there are some Gods that managed). Lucidity comes with various degrees, is not black and white as people think. Anyway, once you start to catch those moments, you will start feeling like you are leaving your body, please note, you are still losing your center when that happens. The experience of floating or falling will make you lose your center. I personally try to focus on my breath (however that might get scary, because you will not quite feel it like before). While doing that try to center your spirit to not leave the body, when you feel like floating, try to go a little down, when you fall more, try to go a little up. I don't think I was able to stay centered more than a minute. The thing is, you will start to attend the flow of energies inside your body. When this first centered thing happened to me, a ball of energy from my belly arose that I could move it wherever i want in my body, and it keept getting more intense. I did wrote a somewhat long post on reddit on WILD that they removed it for being unsafe. I went a little more in detail regarding this. Maybe I'll post it here if living on the edge is not a problem.
  3. You can skip to 31:00 This channel definitely needs more attention.
  4. If i was to ask you when are you going to die, you might say in your 90s, 70s, 60s... whatever. Either way, you will definitely say that you will not die this year, this month, this week, this day and especially, NOT NOW. Try to imagine a little how it would feel, if you were about to die soon. Two things will happen, first, you will do your best to not let go, the fear will kick and if you survival depended upon lifting a car for example, you will lift it, or you will break your bones and muscles, either way, you will be so full of adrenaline that there will be no sort of suffering, another way of saying it, you will feel alive like never before. Now, what happens when you let go is actually quite the same in intensity, only that beyond the fear, everything will open up to you, you will feel like floating, like you are not of this world anymore and yet, you are still here for just a second. Perhaps then, another second might come, and another, and another, either way, each one would feel like a miracle. This explanation is just to make you more aware of the feeling, is not really accurate. The first is quite of a hellish trip, you will just look to save time, always get to the next second. The second, heavenly, there is no more seconds to look for, even if they come, as I said, they will feel like a miracle. In short, the closer you bring death to life, the more alive you will feel. It is a paradox, at least, from a dualistic sense, but once they are one, the paradox is turned upon itself and by it's own definition it will not be a paradox. Luckily, me, us... no one reading this will die today, right? Someone up for netflix? Heard The Walking Dead is pretty cool.
  5. Here is a more naturalistic view to this idea. Ego is often seen as something that is bad, something that is separating from the other. However there is a dual aspect ofc. Without an ego my need for survival would not exist, so it will generate a chain-link that our process of multiplication would diminish extremely. From this point ego is not so bad as the love one finds in nature is all the wonder and possibilities one can be and the ego protects that. So by it's natural process it must protect it the same why that a parent protects it's child. The child doesn't have an ego yet. There is no neural path in which it crystalized yet because the child needs to engage and explore the world. Such a crystalization wouldn't make sense for him to have because he needs to remain open for him to learn so much. In other words, is a protection against terror or unfavorable habitats, or in christianity terms, against hell.
  6. I'm just wondering why is it that you guys don't like the psychology field? I understand that the BA is not that great but I can hardly call that real psychology. Shouldn't the real deal start after? Especially that you are free to educate yourself after masters. I'm asking this cause I didn't do much with my life in terms of being integrated in society but I was thinking of going to psychology field even though I'll be 26 when I'll start. This just seems like the only viable option, thinking about going back to corporations and these marketing and HR fields just make me sick. I'd feel like I'm contributing more to the downfall.
  7. So this is a topic that I want to talk about that is based on the research of Iain Mcgilchrist. I think there is an important point that is missing from the non-duality view of the right hemisphere, or maybe I didn't fully understand it and I'm stuck in a certain model, but neither Iain got too much into this aspect of time. So this is important in the relationship with time. The left hemispheres takes the gestalt view of the right and deconstructs it into little mechanical pieces, the view is static, lifeless and in a way meaningless, things are black and white, giving rise to the perception of duality. An important characteristic of the right hemisphere is that it doesn't see this duality and sees things as a whole. However I think here is a problem I'm facing. If we look at the brain we can clearly see is divided into two (at least the left might say). One can be treated as black, the other as white. The white (right) can be seen as the part that is all loving, forgiving, caring, full of emotions and life and lets go of the past (because it can't perceive it actually) and just flows (into the future). I believe the unrealization of the duality is simply because we are moving towards the future (there is no behind, there is just upfront) giving rise to this wonderful experience of the world, of movement and expression. The black realizes the duality exactly because we are moving into the future, and he is not, it cannot grasp it cause time ever flows ahead and he is ever collapsing it. So the right hemisphere is not actually in a non dual state, it just seems like it cause is merging with time moving towards the future.. Even if one might say that this is in itself is an illusion and time doesn't exist and maybe we are moving backwards and the left hemisphere merges with the past anyway, is actually irrelevant. Because the left cannot feel the connection anyhow. To say that the white it is not dual is to say that it realizes both the past and the future as one (which it doesn't). It just simply let's go of the past (although it can't even perceive it) to maintain an open system. Iain also points out that from the right hemisphere we get the sensations or intuitions that something is about to happen. That is simply because it actually lives in the future. All the characteristics of the right hemisphere point to this. Now the black, as it's opposite, keeps repeating what it already knows exactly because it's living in the past. It cannot go upfront just as the white cannot go behind. The past is static, set in stone, so is lifeless, or dead one might say. But by not merging with the movement towards the future it notices the dual aspect of it. I'm just trying to point out that people think they can actually be fully in the present moment. Or they interpret the right hemisphere as the one in the present, which as I've mentioned, I think is wrong. Is almost impossible to live in the present (although paradoxically, you can only be in the present). But you cannot fully merge with it. To be fully conscious of the present (or as Leo calls it God) is to be fully conscious of all. The mechanics and processes that work inside of you as parts and as a whole. People associate meditation often ( not always) being present with being the whole, but that's not it. As I've mentioned, it just seems like it because you are letting go of the past. But the present is also static! Is always now, always the same yet always moving. So here are some features I believe one must have to actually reach the present moment and why is pretty much impossible. We have to be fully conscious of all the parts and also of the gestalt. So I have to be fully conscious of all the geometry inside of me as pieces and make up the machinery of being me up to the gestalt, to create a simulation of the gestalt. Now at the same time I also must be one with the gestalt simply by being and feeling it (this seems easier, however is not). The reason for focusing on all the fitting of the geometry is to have a grasp on how the gestalt is, even though is just a simulation. Like building a puzzle. However once the puzzle is fully build the left hemisphere has a better understanding of the right (remember that the sum of the parts does not make the whole, however there might be some debate here). But now I have a model in which I can use myself (left hemisphere characteristic) to be myself (right hemisphere characteristic). We also have to scale down at the same time from the gestalt. This might be counterintuitive but a good example is the practice that one tries to open the chakras. Is not just an endocrine system(left hemisphere might say) with mechanical functions, is a living system that you can feel it inside of you. Is more of an archetypal understanding that the gestalt has. Either way, one scales up, one scales down Once a theoretical full union emerges, being able to change certain parts of the gestalt, the being experiences the world different. For example inducing synesthesia or anesthesia, pleasure or pain, perfect imagery or music. Being able to shape reality as one sits fit. Reality and dream merging into one. maybe even actually being able to create complex energetical systems that might even collapse into matter. Because remember, the right hemisphere sees the world as full of life and God exists. But the left doesn't, everything is just mechanical and being seen as a resource, just something to use. This detachment is important because as Iain puts it, "the left hemisphere says "No" to the right". Being fully conscious you can operate the "No". If it sounds to crazy, well, is like NZT overdose meets psychedelics. However, as I said, this is almost impossible to do so. Present moment is beyond time and space. So I must be with one foot in the heavens and the other here. Dead and alive at the same time to fully experience the present. Now this is more like a side note. I don't think is helpful for people to keep talking about how we are one with everything and God and why you are God and why you are One and so on. I know a lot of people do it, including Leo. I don't pretend like I know much about the subject of egyptian mythology but one must wonder why the highest God in kemetism (Nun), they don't find it that important. They focus more on other Gods. By doing so they bring the Gods closer and can better work with them, through the symbolism. This creates certain archetypal understandings, psychological configurations or "crafted" states of consciousness and deeper understandings of reality.
  8. I know is not accurate to call it "biggest" or even "God", but I'm sure everyone understood the context. Is not like I live by this. I also believe more that God is One, however that doesn't make op less true. You will still keep going, perhaps not even realizing your are one with the oneness from before, but I do think of myself in terms of " I ", not " WE "(although archetypes, dissociations, lack or realization etc, might contribute to this apparent division inside of us). I think of God as a paradox actually. I found out about this when I realized years ago that past and future coexist in the present, although they are opposites. Had very profound experiences. However paradoxes are hard to wrap your head around. Recently I had the idea that, if I go straight ahead, I come right from behind (since the earth is a sphere). Although I thought about that when I was younger, I never associated this with a paradox, because it seemed too common sense for our age. However it is the strangest thing if you wouldn't know that. I do really like the op idea, it gives a new perspective that we are One, making it very comprehensible for even people that are not spiritual or not even think about it. Also, IMO, is really funny. Makes things very clear that you are God, also in that, you aren't, cause when you are being born in that world with the so called "Father" (and Mother), you are exactly like them, and so they might have a "God" of their one, but always in a similar process. So God is like always coming into being through us. It is really not an abstract notion I believe, and I think is an amazing way to express Infinity.
  9. I can't seem to get this funny thought out of the way, it came to me when I felt one night that I am like in my mother's womb. What if Big bang was basically The Father ejaculating? So now we are in her girlfriend's womb waiting to be born as literally one being? (maybe through a blackhole?) Last night I thought maybe it is like a recursive function, and on every loop it adds a new dimensionality. So our parents from beyond experience the same. Thoughts?
  10. Solipsism is definitely not the way to go. The separation is being created by the left hemisphere. The division, mechanical, lifeless view of the world is being constantly generated because we are constantly feeding that one. The right hemisphere does not see any division, it is beyond this duality and sees being connected with everything, not a difference anymore from the subject and the object.
  11. After reading Iain Mcgilchrist, these methods does seem to promote right brain activation. Thanks!
  12. I've read his book "You are the placebo". It points out very well in a scientific manner how our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, changes our reality. He went from being paralyzed to recover in a matter of months. Is nothing new really and people will always move in circles with these kinds of things until they really get that "ah ha!" moment, that only fully commitment and a holistic approach experience can confirm.
  13. I guess many people know him through his works on V for Vendetta, Watchmen, From hell and many more. I suggest people to watch the full documentary,
  14. If I die now, You will still live. Is just a perception of the ego that will cease to exist. For me the root question that made me feel like death was around the corner was " How do kids see the world? ". The most wholesome answer is in us, because we were kids and we know how it was. This might be counterintuitive because we go back instead of forward but it makes no difference actually, since before our births or after our deaths shouldn't make a difference in the realization of "non existence". A little kid can't tell the difference between the feelings of others or his since they are full of empathy. The ego is being established as a means of protection for survival, so is an archetypal mean of natural caring and love that establishes ego in the first place. From this perspective we can see that love is at the root of ego. The problem that we can't access that love that is inside of us are from various reasons but the root of it is fear. The fear itself is the problem not the branches that it evokes ( isolation, lack of meaning, death..) So from this conclusions the way to get in touch with death is to get in touch with love. I think Christ is a really good example of the way to face the aversities of the monstrosities life can bring and how to raise above one's condition in the world. His conscious was already aligned with the true nature of love making death even non existent through the symbolical resurrection. One cannot get in touch with this consciousness if they are not willing to sacrifice their time. That, can only happen, through love.
  15. I've had hundreds of WILDs happened naturally to me at some point in my life. Here is a how I did it: First of, a paradigm shift regarding reality must happen. A collision (or realization) of both dualistic forces must occur. You must understand that all is one and the reason we are not aware when we sleep is just a problem of matching vibrations and frequencies, since an ego dissolving occurs. One must be willing to sacrifice his ego in real life for it to enter easily in the dream world. Reality checks become irrelevant after that because your whole waking state starts to feel like a dream. Most of the techniques are based on Intention and Attention to reaffirm the Belief that lucid dreaming will occur. Journaling is also a way people do this. You can say that the intention is beyond time and the attention is the length of time one can maintain the intention. For me, the intention was always the present (not lucid dreaming), here is where I've found that the collisions of both forces ( past and future) happen, and so everything else. The attention was simply how long can I be with it. Now you should understand that these forces are not outside of you and one cant simply be one with everything if it doesn't feel everything. Feeling is also key. So to have a continuous state of meditation should occur. There is a lot to talk about this and since I'm new here I might create some topics or journal entries regarding this subject. But I hope this might give you an idea.