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About haael

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  1. Hello, everyone. I wanted to share my short story. After my gf broke up with me when I was 34, I got depression. I had to move to a very small room (literally 2m*3m), because I was simply unable to find a job. I am a freelancer and I don't have a permanent job, instead I must look for new opportunities constantly, and when you have depression, that's simply impossible. I have savings so I can survive when I'm out of the market for a long time, but there were 2 times when I didn't land a gig for 12 months and drained my warchest. Then I realized I have no friends, because no one wanted to lend me any money. Also my family turned their backs on me, despite I helped them many times when they were in need. I struggled like that for about 4 years, but this time wasn't wasted completely. In my idle time (which I had a lot) I was working on a certain scientific software project. Now it looks the winds finally turned. I got recognized by a certain organization and they said they were very interested and they're gonna assign me a grant. It's not all decided yet, but maybe in a perspective of 3-6 months I will be able to found a little startup with the goal of selling this technology to bigger players. I also managed to land a good contract and moved to a better flat. Life is a zigzag and there will be probably lots of ups and downs, but I hope the worst is the past.