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Everything posted by ted73104

  1. How were you brought to the district attorney in the first place? Could you let us know what happened between you and your so-called abusers?
  2. It feels like this is the natural way to grow. Thanks for this explanation, however this process is also too slow. I might go take lessons on meditation.
  3. The opposite of survival mode is play mode. However it is so easy to be trapped in survival mode. Although survival mode is not really a bad thing, I do believe most people would like to be able to enter play mode whenever they want to. Just thinking about why we are stuck in survival mode most of the time. Perhaps it is because we believe there are somethings that we can't be happy without. Or maybe it is because we are in a state where we lack a lot of options, and we don't know how to change/position ourselves to gain access to those options. I've just been realizing that the path from survival mode to play mode is more counter-intuitive than I thought. With a survivalist mindset, gaining everything a person wants doesn't necessarily guarantee happiness or satisfaction. That person might just want more of the same things, try to replicate successes or maintain their lifestyle, inevitably re-entering survival mode. Play mode is more about being in the moment. I've been more able to enter play mode after I conciously told myself I didn't want to spend that much time swiping my phone, watching Youtube, or video gaming. I worked at my job harder without thinking about a raise, I exercised more, and I connected with people more. Previously I would only attend social events that had people I was interested in, however making myself attending random events and seeing all sorts of people seem to allow me to appreciate more types of people. Pushing myself to the extreme via work and excercise seems to force me into a higher frequency or vibration. I don't really know how to explain it, but the more time I spend sprinting 100 meters over and over again, I seem to find the stamina to stay in a high frequency state. These all kill my cravings and urges, which makes me feel better overall. Play mode is more like an ability, being happy with nothing.
  4. This is a very interesting and probably very acurate way of describing it.
  5. I think you can dollar cost average your savings into the S&P 500, or Nasdaq 100 if you want more risk/reward. Dollar cost averaging also prevents huge immediate losses in the low probability case of a bear market.
  6. Chicago, I love the vibe there. However I'd have to be able to afford living there.
  7. It's hard to understand your full situation, but my guess is that you're locked deep in defense mode. The trauma you're experienced throughout your youth has caused a lot of negative emotions to be trapped within you. Therefore under this climate, the only thing you want is to feel better. The therapy sessions that you take, they help you to not only understand your situation, but also to justify what happened to you. So what you're doing is that you're using the information that you've learned to fortify yourself while you try grasp and fully understand the pain of what actually happened to you. You're probably 100% resistant to any change right now, because you want to accept yourself as you are. However I think at your stage, that is not possible unfortunately. I have to say anyone in your position would feel exactly the same as you are feeling, and would have a very difficult time getting out of this ditch. Unless you somehow become a sage, no one would be able to 100% accept being in your position. So the sad thing is you have to build foundations for change and get of your hellhole. The reason you still feel bad is precisely because you don't like where you are. Good news is you're very young. You're only 26. Your instinct resists change because you've already put in a lot of effort, but your results are limited. You don't want to suffer anymore from the feeling of being unworthy. However this is probably the problem, what does unworthy even mean, why are you unworthy if you can't meet specific requirements right now? If you get the truly successful people and ask them if they're successful, they'll just tell you how much of a failure they are, how much failures they've experienced in they life. Success is basically only the process of getting back up on your feet when you've been beat down. You need to change your mindset while you plan methods step by step to improve your work ethic, your social skills, your dating life, etc. Give yourself 5 years to change, the world is not over when your twenties are over, your world will only have begun by then. Most people's lives start in their forties!
  8. The negative energy you accumulate by doing those things would trap you. You'd be addicted to doing those deeds over and over again. You'd also have a negative self image that prevents you from trusting others. And then what type of actions you impose on the world and everyone else, the world will naturally impose on you. Imagine evil people doing those things to you or those you love. So by going full evil mode in your definition is probably not even a zero sum game, it is a below zero game where you would 100% get fucked in the end.
  9. Bitcoin most likely won't be used as a currency, but it can be used like digital gold. It has the blockchain aspect where it is decentralized, all exchanges can be traced, your keys can be easily carried/transported without risk of being stolen physically. Plus the amount is fixed, so no need to worry about inflation. So it is a good replacement for gold, and if people would agree to replace gold with bitcoin, bitcoin will have value.
  10. Life is a struggle, but only this way can life be worthwhile. All the beauty and value comes through the hardships. I believe most people would choose to continue in this struggle rather than to surrender in death. Just live in the moment.
  11. I wish I saw this at the beginning of my depression, this is really an answer to the problem. But then again I probably won't get what he's saying at that time, I had too much connecting the dots to do before I could fully take this in.
  12. Let's see if Trump really goes through with the Bitcoin strategic reserve. If many countries do the same, Bitcoin will replace gold.
  13. Some people say we are already in a recession and going to enter a depression. I guess it depends on how you define things. However if you choose your stocks correctly, you WILL get significant earnings. The market already believes Trump will cut taxes for big corps and pull down regulations for them to expand. The tariffs could hurt the economy, but I don't think Trump is that dumb, he should be able to apply tariffs strategically. Obviously there is a possibility that Trump could wreck the economy if his tariffs are just too high and too unrational, and if he's not able to get enough tax income from other channels or reduce the amount of government spending (which Elon Musk claims he can do). However this is not certain yet, Trump could still pull this off without hurting the US economy. Even if he does hurt the economy, he has too many tools to prop up the stock market, he'll do anything to create the appearance that the US is doing "Great"! Actually, just read @Aramara's post.
  14. Your book has only 30 pages. If the contents are like quotes of wisdom, there's too much of that free on the Internet. Do you narrow down on anything in your book?
  15. We are talking to you seriously about this, man. You got to beware of what you're becoming when you're finding this solution for the current American situation. Remember Leo's video about the devil and how to actually resolve devilry. Most people who voted for Trump in my belief is just the average American who can barely pay his bills. They don't have any extreme beliefs, they are just stuck and want their situation to change. The extreme right wing is only a small portion of Trump voters, and fighting them doesn't necessarily resolve the problem. Also there are over 14 million Democrats who stayed at home instead of going out to Vote for Kamala Harris. There are reasons why they stayed home and didn't vote. Perhaps reaching out to them is a more efficient approach?
  16. There probably is one more choice, the Democrats could learn to interact with and help the Trump supporters in some way. I remember 10+ years ago I was still that conservative, simple minded Christian and that version of me would have been a hardcore Trump supporter. I know what it feels like to be in that position. But then I found Leo and changed my life, anything can happen. I realize that what I said before might be too naive, ok maybe Trump will turn America into a fucking joke. But what other option do we have but to accept them and interact with them in some way?
  17. Look, you can't predict what Trump is actually going to do or their results. I don't think things are going to be as dire as you think they are. And even if Trump would destroy the economy or America's hegemony, just position yourself to profit from it. I think Trump would be impreached, taken down from office, and probably imprisoned if he really did something that would seriously harm the US. Trump is not really a dumb guy, he's only a salesguy. Again, I don't believe he's going to do anything that would seriously harm the US. Relax.
  18. Chill down man, wait and see what Trump does first, I mean like do you even think Donald Trump forms the actual policies and does the actual governing himself? He has an almost entirely new administration now, there are capable people at his side to execute the policies that his "avengers" will create. Trump is not even capable of acting like Hitler even if he wanted to, he is just a "paper tiger" as we say in Chinese. Chill down and relax man. Buy some stocks, the market is going up under Trump.
  19. The average voter isn't that aware of how the economy is really doing, what geopolitical tensions there are around the world, and they don't care about whether the US can maintain their hegemony on Earth or not. A big chunk of them are possibly living paycheck to paycheck and things have just worsened for them with the recent amount of inflation, loans being higher. Most Americans are financially stuck and with the amount of stress in their lives, they don't have energy to do research into all the details that are being discussed on this forum. They feel like the "elite" have just no interest in them. The personality and message of Donald Trump just really resonates with them in this situation. If you look at it this way and go to a mid-western town in the United States to spend some time with these folks, you'll fully understand why they chose Donald Trump. They simply want America First.
  20. Let's wait and see what Trump will do first. He's supposed to "resolve" the Ukraine and Russia war before his inauguration, this has the possibility of pushing away many allies if handled improperly. Then he'll slap 60% percent tariffs on a lot of imports, which might raise prices also by 60%. Or he might do nothing and say he never said any of this stuff.
  21. I guess average folks don't know all the real criterias a president needs, maybe even we don't know all of them. This may be a flaw in the current democracy, but Donald Trump might surprise us. You guys can only let him try.
  22. Don't fully embrace it, find a method of treatment that is affordable and healthy. Put in the effort, you hair really determines how you look.
  23. Therapy is definitely effective, especially if you have no idea about your inner psychology. Obviously some therapists are better than others, also there are like hundreds of schools of therapy/psychology, if you find the right therapist for you then that can be a life changer. Any amount of money is worth making that change!