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About BoyinParis

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  1. @Megan Alecia Thanks....I found this video very interesting.
  2. What are the "big aspects of life?" Because I rank happiness and love at that top (among others), and there are "good people" who don't get either of those aspects and then they die, and there are others who get multiple opportunities at both despite having done NOTHING to deserve that privilege.
  3. many places to start with that questions....however, I guess we could start with good people not suffering. Then children and babies not dying with unfulfilled dreams and "assholes" not living until they are 80 to 100 years old. And that's just to start. (*Please excuse my language, but that's just how I am triggered in this area.)
  4. I don't even know where to start with that question. However, I will say that for some - their lives are full of pain and suffering and then they die, and for others - life is fucking banquet. So what's the lesson/purpose in that? And not only for those who experience both ends of the spectrum, but for those of us who witness this gross inequity?
  5. I have struggled with accepting the fact that life is unfair. Of course, I know that it is. But accepting it has been a challenge. In fact, not being able to accept it has destroyed my faith and created deep anger within me. I have yet to find an answer or response that has been able to help me. Please help!!!
  6. I have struggled with accepting the fact that life is unfair. Of course, I know that it is. But accepting has been a challenge. In fact, not being able to accept it has destroyed my faith and created deep anger within me. I have yet to find an answer or response that has been able to help me.