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Everything posted by Conskript

  1. Hey everyone! Hey @Leo! This is my first post even though I have been following Leo here from Norway since early 2015. You have had a profound influence on my own path. I can say we got some really major exciting things developing up here in cold. I have been pondering what sort of mechanism that would enable a team to develop a shared mind like in the series Sense8? With the increasing complexity in the world, I think we need to learn to start operating as teams ( I am currently immersing myself in Steven Kotler's work on flow). I must say I am a bit disappointed that Leo has not made a video about this yet. I guess it could be a cultural blind spot, but I really think this needs to be emphasized to a greater and greater degree as we move forward into the 21st century if the motivation is to have an impact in bridging the planet to an enlightened society. The road to enlightenment is of course on one level a personal one, but my experience is that the right group could amplify this process to a great degree for what I´ve seen in my work with teams. I think the people who are going to much of the heavy lifting going forward is the enlightened "navyseallike combat readiness grit and discipline" creative artistical entrepreneurial type of individuals (and teams). Be free to challenge this ideal, but this my working picture of the kind of person I am striving to be. So we need a place where we could develop these kinds indviduals. Here some inspiration of how such a retreat center could be: Architecture that faciliates flow. A place like this will contain: Small cabins for living around the actual center for participant Neurofeedback brainwaves training technology like the biocybernaut center. Floating tanks Ceremonial room for psychedelics meditation room Gym Located in the countryside near nature, but not too far from a city. Cold exposure availability (no problem up here in arctic) Conference center Creative/technology room for working with other teams across the globe. What else? What sorts of practices could we engage in here? What sort of skills would we need to train people inn?