Hi all
I've been following Actualized.org content for the last 9 years and it's been a very riveting journey indeed.
Since watching the video "How Happiness Works", I'm curious @Leo Gura regarding how/why your values and interests seemed to have changed since launching Actualized.org
E.g. You mentioned meditation no longer makes you happy and I'm guessing you've ceased your daily meditation practice. However, in much older episodes like "Renouncing your Busy Life" & "10 Things You Want", you mentioned that everyone needs meditation as well as alluding to the fact that enlightenment and awakening attains unconditional happiness (you also referenced a similar subject in "You're Not Happy Because You Don't Want to be").
In summary, would you say you've 'debunked' the claim that meditation will end all suffering as a result of exhausting that spiritual practice you've been executing for however many years, now purely focusing on God and consciousness?
Additionally, would you say your tone has changed to a more masculine, direct approach since encouraging all to maintain "sovereignty of mind"? I recall from your insights blog few years back (below) mentioning how you would adopt a more compassionate tone but I discern you're striking that balance again, is that right?
I'm also aware that "state' and 'stage' are different hence while one might be in a higher stage of ego development/Spiral Dynamic, they still have cravings to burn karma by chasing sex and money for example - thus, would you perhaps that technically sex and girls are still somewhat part of your vision despite what you previously wrote in the above?
Keen to hear your thoughts - open to others on the forum as well if they have similar questions/comments.