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Everything posted by mandyjw

  1. @now is forever left side, bellybutton level, slightly lower sometimes, moves around a bit. It doesn't hurt on the right if I push on it and release.
  2. It's only on one side. What does that mean? I only know what chakras are, I haven't done anything with them.
  3. @tsuki I feel like I'm dying. I still can't sleep or eat. I thought it would be over by now. Those are my two favorite things. What gives? I've had a strange stomach ache since December and I've tried all methods of healing it myself and figuring it out myself. So one of the things i realized yesterday was that i just needed to call and make a doctor's appointment so I did. I feel like I'm on track to fulfilling a purpose that I saw as more important than my life and i don't know how I can be alive after that. Maybe I really am dying. Afraid of the future. Afraid of death.
  4. In all honesty my focus isn't great and I'm suffering a lot too.
  5. Don't lose your focus. Don't lose the present moment. It's all paradise.
  6. It's all paradise until you believe that God is different from the snake.
  7. You create pain when you create duality.
  8. @tsuki A week ago I didn't know I was a sadist. You showed me that too.
  9. Not goals. Desires. I'm a goddess of desire. Reflect my light. So a woman wants a man to fuck with her pysche but a man doesn't want a woman to fuck with his?
  10. "The other question is: will your future wife really be happy with a man that can't fuck with her psyche properly? How are you going to keep being attractive to her through 40 years of marriage/relationship? You need to get this experience somewhere." Do you see why you felt the addition of this sentence was wrong now? Did you have an unexpressed desire that the law of attraction responded to?
  11. @tsuki But what is good?
  12. Agnostics don't know what the truth is and don't really care about it, spiritual seekers care about not knowing more than anything else.
  13. @Preetom Thank you! @tsuki Do you believe in dumbing down teachings, meeting one where they are at and putting their growth above one's own state of presence in that moment? I'm guessing no from that story. Osho's eyes remind me of the time I was a kid and I tried to take the soccer ball from an older boy at recess and he kicked me as hard as he could in both shins and laughed about it.
  14. @tsuki It requires a really long backstory which will expose my craziness to make sense. I will be happy to share if you're interested.
  15. @tsuki Still reading.
  16. @Preetom That explains a lot. He is regarded as a pioneer of some sort? What book would you recommend to start? @tsuki I started it but can't remember if I finished it. Thanks for the translation, I'll make it a point to read through it. I've listened to a lot of teachings taken from it. I have the opposite feeling/reaction about Osho than you.
  17. I think there's only been one other book and of course the Harry Potter series, that I've found more engrossing than this. Hope you don't mind.
  18. @tsuki I'm completely missing the value/attraction in Osho. I watched a couple videos and they were dead-eyed delivered commands for how he thinks one should live their life, not in a spiritual way but in a practical one. What am I missing?
  19. @tsuki Wow. You do a damn good job of holding neutral but lose yourself to the masculine occasionally. Why did you answer Osho in the thread about the most deeply enlightened teachers?
  20. I'll never ever forget my first reaction to an Eckhart Tolle video. I was 19 and still lived with my parents and my dad got into spirituality (it ended up being a phase for him) and was watching this Eckhart Tolle video. I hear the piercing sound of the bell at the start of it, and then I watch Eckhart sit there blinking for a few minutes and then he starts talking. It made me FURIOUS. So I lit into my dad and told him what an absolute idiot he was for watching that crap. Eckhart Tolle is currently the spiritual teacher I've spent the most hours studying "from". Read every single book, seen almost every single video he's made, some multiple times. First impressions mean nothing. I'll look more into Peter Ralston.
  21. @zambize I noticed that too, he definitely has that side, we just aren't seeing much of it lately. Trying to integrate the feminine with the masculine in yourself is really difficult and key to this work. Our culture shames femininity, in men and even in women. I remember being dragged to all these STEM things for girls when I was a kid and I felt this pressure to do things I had no interest in doing. You learn to hide and be ashamed of the things that you really love to do. Most of feminism is about teaching women to assert their authority and identify with their minds. Then there's a backlash by men who are frustrated with women and women that were feminine by their nature aren't true to themselves and everyone is frustrated. Feminists would burn me at the stake but being feminine is a lot about being vulnerable, surrender and submission. Those words even sound dirty. But that's the gate to enlightenment. If you can't even apply those qualities to your persona how are you going to ever going to be brave enough to submit your persona to them? Of course vulnerability is in truth the greatest courage there is. I think we're starting to get it more and more. Otherwise Brene Brown wouldn't have gone viral.
  22. @tsuki I see what you did there.
  23. So my intuition is that that plan needs some revisions and when you've got the right one, you'll get the money to make it work. Even your plan begins with the expectation of having shit hit the fan.
  24. Get rid of all THAT and keep those thoughts and you'll get there.
  25. @tsuki Yeah, I see that too. I still think you all would benefit from less rigid more feminine approaches to teaching. But you don't seek them, you seek Peter Ralston for a reason. It appears like male ego in all its glory.