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Everything posted by mandyjw

  1. @SQAAD That's not true, it's Buddhist dogma. God is perfect grace, love, forgiveness. You choose how affected you are by other people's actions. If you believe you are a victim you will be. If the universe is you and only you, you did all of the best and most worst things anyway. You have to own up to all of that. That is perfect grace and forgiveness and self love right there.
  2. We live in a world where people are blocked from both receiving and giving love in various ways. Love is the energy or source, it is our life force, it is what we are. All suffering comes from disconnection with love, or source energy. Love, when blocked from flowing freely and encompassing everything will come out in opposite ways. Someone who does not receive love from others, or love for self will experience intense suffering and out of love and care for themselves they will try to discharge some of it by seeking out someone to give some of the negative energy they feel towards themselves to. So everyone is acting out of love, but love can be turned inside out, and you can act out of love for yourself without concern of others. You can only do that if you are deceived into believing that there is a self and an other. So getting rid of the illusion of self or other, and understanding your nature as love and how to let that energy flow and be given and received freely, that is the work we are doing here.
  3. @tsuki I watched it when you posted it. I definitely played out times in my life where I was both the doomer and bloomer but my Christian faith gave me a different world view, one in which the world was made with pain, suffering and sin, yet there is an ultimate beautiful purpose for it all. As I got older that understanding deepened and always my highest self was similar to that of the bloomer even if I did forget myself and fall into doomer and boomer stages along the way.
  4. No features, no thing. No unique perception, no creation. So sure, I created Leo to teach me all the stuff I couldn't see on my own. You got me.
  5. Religion is a strange loop. I ended up right back at the religion I was born into. I see it now as an infinite rabbit hole. Yeah, Leo is a prophet. Religion is only limiting if you look at it as a stop on the loop and can't see the whole.
  6. @DrewNows I tend to speak more from the heart. Sometimes it doesn't have much to say. Tsuki can definitely help you a lot. There is no proper use of this journal. It's complete chaos.
  7. You think Tsuki can help you with this but I can't. I'm your Mommy and he is your Daddy. Who started this journal? Who gave you life?
  8. @DrewNows Daddy is so smart and capable isn't he?
  9. @DrewNows I only let the people I love see my messy house. I guess that should include everyone.
  10. @Truth Addict I highly suspect that being forced to fast has given you a kind of spiritual maturity that you do not yet fully appreciate about yourself.
  11. So this thing you refer to, it's already God awareness, we already have it. So I get confused because you say, "maybe" and "one day"
  12. @now is foreverI see the tunnel problem. It would be easier to convey in color. I associate the sun with the heart chakra, the sun is love to me. I'm still learning the traditional associations with each chakra.
  13. Who do you love? Yourself? Or the idea of a person who meditates everyday? Is meditation loving yourself? Is having a meditation routine loving yourself? Is having an expectation on yourself that you won't miss a day loving yourself? Only you can answer.
  14. This one looks like a rainbow with the moon over it, but one end never quite reaches earth. Maybe because it's leading us upward, away from earth.
  15. You know how people always say that their life flashes before their eyes when they think they might die? In the process of "dying" to self, you life will flash before your eyes. You can't honor past lives, or no beginning no end if you don't go back and recognize and thank all the teachers of your past who you thought were just fucking your life up. All the time they were really manifestations of God there to awaken you. if you can't go back and make peace with God in all the ways he raised you/loved you and abused you to make you the perfect you that you are today, then you can never love and embody your true self. Because it was you the whole time. Sometimes when your house is really messy and someone is coming over, it's a good idea to shove everything in the closet and under the bed. But inevitably later on if you want to be comfortable in your own home, you'll have to sort all that stuff out and put it in its proper place.
  16. @tsuki We already are a resource to the Earth. We've deluded ourselves to believe that it is our resource. There is no hierarchy in connection with Earth.
  17. I think the teachers we resonate with most mirror us and I think there is something to wavelengths. To be attracted to a teacher we both need to deeply resonate with something, see ourselves in them and also recognize something in them that we do not have and deeply desire to learn from them. The first video I found of Leo's was how to deal with anger. I was just searching youtube for answers because I realized I had a problem. I still find it funny that I still resonated with him so much when he admitted in the video that he doesn't really get angry and can't really understand it. Yet the video was still really helpful. I know my resonating with Eckhart Tolle was because his path of working through emotional pain without traditional practices was generally the one I was destined to follow until recently. The more work I do the more teachers resonate with me, even ones that infuriated me in the past. Sadhguru does kind of seem like king shit on turd island. But there's a certain perfection in it I guess.
  18. People travel to get a sense of adventure. It's a great way to find it but the real adventure is within. Wherever you go there you are. It's a wonderful gift to experience community and grow roots and also see the world. I think we can do both.
  19. "I'm sorry, wrong address." They only tell you what they need at first, if you don't listen and let them get too upset, they lose the ability to verbalize very quickly and it just devolves from there.
  20. @Truth Addict There's no way you have low EQ. The heart and mind are one.
  21. God. There's no instruction manual to the heart because it's all about the element of surprise and experience. EXCEPT that here's the big dirty secret. The heart and mind are one. Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday.
  22. Well, they are completely unpredictable. Maybe you get plates thrown on the floor, maybe they pick all the tulips out of your garden while you're looking at your phone, maybe they want to scream for a solid half hour because you said they can't have more ice cream, maybe they give you the best hug you've ever had and they say 'I love you", maybe they hide and poop under the kitchen table because they are scared of using the potty and think pooping under the table while everyone is eating would be the less embarrassing option.
  23. What if the three year old IS your heart?