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About snowyowl

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  • Birthday 01/01/1964

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  1. I awakened - ask me anything. Started by Vladimir.
    I awakened - ask me anything
    Thanks for your reply. I can't really dispute your claims, if I'm in a different bubble of consciousness to you. Let's just say I believe you that your bubble appears how you describe it; you seem to be happy with your awakening and if it's not hurting anyone else I'm not criticising. How about we bookmark this thread and revisit it in a few years to see how it integrates and pans out over time. 

  2. Getting over low self esteem and insecurity
    Getting over low self esteem and insecurity
    If you struggle with low self-esteem and insecurity, I'd invite you to ask yourself the question:
    When did I last have it?
    You can't permanently solve a problem in the present when the origin is not in the present.
    Common advice like talking nicely to yourself, "stopping" negative self-talk, practicing loving yourself, and giving yourself other ego boosts like buying a new dress or a new haircut, it is like mopping with the faucet still open, as the Dutch proverb goes.
    Children are born with healthy self esteem. It is the default state.
    Then shit happens.
    Sometimes that shit is being denied love and attention from mum or dad when you needed it. Not being listened to. Being forced to listen to them, make them feel good, or even take care of them instead, whilst you needed to be a child. Anything that didn't give you all the space to be yourself and get all the loving attention and listening to that you needed, creates the instilled message: "I am not good enough to be loved in the way that I apparently need".
    This core "not-enoughness" later manifests into different insecurities, like insecurities about your looks, or your capabilities at work, or whether you feel good enough to get a love partner to not leave you. Whatever it is. The root is all the same.
    It doesn't have to come from the parents, sometimes we are getting plenty of loving attention from the parents and allowed to be ourselves, but then we go to school and our peers reject us completely, or force us to be something else than we are if we don't want to be ostracized. Bullying is another common factor in low self esteem. That was the one that was the biggest contributor for my low self-esteem personally.
    It wasn't until I found and addressed the root cause, that my life profoundly began to change. I've seen this in others as well.
    Self-esteem is not something you have to "get". It is your birthright. Sometimes you lose it along the way, and if you are willing to go back and fully feel and thereby heal that experience, you are worthy and enough once again.

  3. Getting over low self esteem and insecurity
    Getting over low self esteem and insecurity
    I think what probably helped the most for me was simply recognising that I wasn't the person I'd imagined myself to be, which came as a huge relief (mind you, it was very disorienting,too, because then it was like, 'Okay, if I'm not that, what am I?' I still haven't figured that one out, ten years later ).
    Low self-esteem was something I suffered with for most of my llife, I'd come to believe a lot of very negative things about myself: 'I'm stupid', 'I'm ugly', 'I can't do anything right', 'I'm useless'. This was mostly due to a combination of me just being a very sensitive, troubled kid anyway (stress and depression run in my family, largely on my mum's side), and my relationship with my dad, who could be incredibly insensitive and tactless, and it left me with the following core belief, which was what really ultimately broke my heart: 'I am inherently unworthy of love'. Because I think the thing we humans long for the most, when you get right down to it, is love, and acceptance, and so to feel yourself fundamentally unworthy of these things is so painful that it feels utterly, unfaceably painful. So you end up doing everything in your power to not feel that pain.
    But the cure for the poison is IN the poison, as they say; you really have to allow yourself to feel that pain in order to heal it. But that's easier said than done, mostly because we build up so much unconscious resistance against it, and so you have to become conscious of that inner resistance first, and allow it to release. Then everything you'd been repressing can surface, which is good, ultimately, but it can be a very challenging, very painful process. Developing presence in my body has been most helpful for me personally, because it's in our bodies that we store these traumas and emotional wounds - this is where practices like yoga and meditation are so important I think.

  4. Nahm
    Enlightenment cannot be the goal
    Those are not “things”, as in “separate” or “other” “things”...those are thoughts. 
    There are no “things”. Things, is a thought, about there being separate “things”, about there being “separation”. 
    (This belief is the belief you are a separate thing...which is thought attachment.)
    So there is no ‘thing’ to arrive at, only the realization of thought attachment, the belief in separate things...what’s ‘arrived at’ is No Things. But this is not ‘arrived at’, it’s what you already are, infinite being, No Thing. Try to think of any thing which is like awareness. It’ll ‘drive this home’. 
    “Empty your cup”.....empty of the belief in “cups”. Look at “a cup”, in the honest recognition “cup” is a word you learned, a label, the conditioning of ‘separate things’. ‘That’ is not “a cup”, it’s ‘perception’...and the thought ...“cup”. There are no “things” “in” perception. There is no ‘that’ in perception, only “in” thought. 
    “My mind” is also a belief in a separate ‘thing’.  Examine there a seeing of a my mind? Is there a hearing of a my mind? Or is there a thought....”my mind”? 
    Inspect direct experience. 
    “How” is just another thought. This thought, like all thought, is dual, or, based on there being separation, “two”. It implies there is a separate you....and the separate mind, or, thinking. 
    One can not pass what is not there. One can surrender the belief.