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Everything posted by Vision

  1. But the idea that I'm talking to "other people" is also a belief, right? How can I know if that is true? How do I simply drop it?
  2. I CAN'T HELP BUT DOUBT IF ANYONE I INTERACT WITH ON A DAY TO DAY BASIS IS EVEN REAL. So I'm God, experiencing itself. Is everyone else also God, experiencing itself? Therefore everyone I interact with is real?
  3. Infinite intelligence? God? The Universe? You and I don't exist right? We're the same? @Javfly33 I'm not ready for awakening. I still have basic survival needs and desires to take care of.
  4. @Leo Gura himself said that solipsism isn't true? That it's not the same as non-duality? If it really is true then yes, help me fall back asleep. I can't stomach this loneliness, at least for now. I'm not ready yet.
  5. @Leo Gura @LfcCharlie4 While I've never done stocks or real estate before, it doesn't seem meaningful to me. I'd be investing my time and energy into it as a means to an end, out of extrinsic motivation. If I had all the money in the world, I wouldn't be doing it. Is it even worth going into?
  6. He gives all his profits away to others, which gets him views, making him even more profit, which lets him give even more away. Would you say this is Stage Green? I'm thinking it's peak Orange Here is his channel:
  7. @Jacob Morres What do you think he would need to do to transcend Orange and fully transition into Green?
  8. What makes you guys think that? I don't disagree, just want to understand your analysis.
  9. From Wikipedia: Karma yoga is a path to reach moksha (spiritual liberation) through work. It is rightful action without being attached to fruits or being manipulated by what the results might be, a dedication to one's duty, and trying one's best while being neutral to rewards or outcomes such as success or failure. Life Purpose (Leo’s definition): An overarching mission in life. Your life's work. Something important enough, noble enough, beautiful enough for you to die for. Something you choose to completely commit yourself to. In this way, does your Life Purpose help you reach Enlightenment?
  10. Would you say Life Purpose is synonymous to Karma Yoga?
  11. I know that I can’t do anything wrong, but I don’t want to waste my time.
  12. David Deida says that your Life Purpose is like peeling back an onion. Each layer is something you're fascinated with while you're in that chapter of your life. After you exhaust/fulfil your desire to actualize your vision within that chapter, you have peeled back a layer of that onion, or burned through your karma. "You will experience layer after layer of purposes, each one getting closer and closer to the fullness of your deepest purpose. It is as if your deepest purpose is at the center of your being, and it is surrounded by layers of concentric circles, each circle being a lesser purpose. Your life consists of penetrating each circle, from the outside toward the center If your deepest purpose is to meditate and realize God, you might find that before you can totally dedicate yourself to this practice you must work your way through the concentric circles of playing with sexual partners, using drugs, getting married, raising children, developing a career, and finally, having dissolved your fascination and need to do all of that, getting down to the business of fulltime meditation. As you dissolve each layer and move toward the center, you will more and more be living from your deeper purposes, and then your deepest heart purpose, whatever that is, in every moment. However, you probably are not living your deepest purpose yet. You probably need to burn off the karma, or fulfill the need, of the present purpose by which you are fascinated and distracted." - The Way of The Superior Man, David Deida. Would this mean that our current Life Purpose is (most likely) just one of the lesser purposes we are burning through to get to our deepest, core purpose? Would this mean that our deepest core Life Purpose would most likely be all or either of these? Helping raise humanity's consciousness Raising my consciousness (A.K.A becoming a monk) Realizing God Enlightenment Let's take the example of someone who's Life Purpose is to be a doctor. Helping solve people's health problems. They work as a doctor for 10 years perhaps, then burn through their karma of being a doctor. After some reflection, they decide that they want to become a Spiritual Teacher (like Sadghuru for example). Now their Life Purpose is to help raise humanity's consciousness by sharing wisdom. They do this for 10 years. Then they feel that they've exhausted their desire to help raise humanity's consciousness. Now they decide that they want to become a monk. Devoting all time and effort to raising their own consciousness and becoming Enlightened or realizing God. Isn't a monk an applied metaphysician after all? So would this mean that at our very core, our deepest purpose, whether we could reach it in our lifetime or not, we would become a monk?
  13. Watch the 2 part series on Survival by Leo. Also watch the 2 part series on Fear by Leo.
  14. I haven’t enjoyed anything for months now, even things I used to love. Everything feels so repetitive and empty...
  15. Journaled about it. This was a painful reflection, but I think it’s time to close a chapter in my life. Enlightenment?
  16. I’ve been doing all my written self-reflection digitally. But after hearing that handwriting with a pen helps you remember and connect much more with what you’re writing than with a keyboard, I’m considering switching to handwriting. Apparently it’s because when you’re handwriting, you’re making a lot more fine muscular movements than the movements you make when simply pressing buttons on a keyboard, which better immerses your thoughts into the writing. What are your thoughts on this? What do you use to journal?
  17. After listening to the entire audio series "Your Wish is Your Command" by Kevin Trudeau, things feel a lot clearer. I've never come across an audio series as life-changing as this one. However, I can't help but think that this is too good to be true. Edit: Here is a video talking about the downsides of the Law of Attraction. What are your thoughts on this?
  18. ^^^ Also, watch this and the comments below it. @Gesundheit
  19. Kevin Trudeau. Author of Your Wish is Your Command.
  20. Kevin emphasizes that we are better of desiring a "feeling", rather than the method we think will get us that feeling (which sometimes isn't the right method for us). E.g. "I want Suzie, she'll bring me love in my life" when actually Olivia is much better suited. I don't understand. Finite is within infinite so why can't infinite know finite? If Truth is too good to be true how is it the Truth?
  21. I'm looking for courses that mostly cover financial literacy - I want to be financially free/have the mindset of a rich person. I wonder if there is a course on the practical implementation of Spiral Dynamics, that would be amazing! I know there's a book about it though. What would courses would you suggest?
  22. I'm still making money from it, it's scalable and lucrative. But I'm no longer passionate about it. Here are the options I've come up with: Figure out how to revive the passion for it. Reigniting my excitement for life again. Strategize. Continue working on it for X years to become financially free. Then have the freedom to pursue whatever interests me. I think this is/was my Life Purpose (before I knew what a Life Purpose even was) but is it normal for a Life Purpose to lose its spark? What are your suggestions? How can I reignite my passion for something I was once revolving my entire life around?
  23. Naval Ravikant - ties in philosophy and psychology with building wealth