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Everything posted by Vision

  1. I really want to think hard about this as there’s usually no going back once you pick one and it takes a lot of time to develop a brand. The ones I initially thought of are already taken.
  2. @aurum I know that changing your name at the beginning doesn’t hurt as much, but I want my name to have some meaning behind it. And you’re absolutely right about not making it a top priority. I’m focusing on the core aspects too. I’ve gotten more ideas while I was working on it. I should be able to figure it out soon, if I find that it’s been 2 weeks and I haven’t just gone with one I’ll just jump in.
  3. That's interesting. Thanks for sharing!
  4. @EugeneTheSage Interesting. Thanks!
  5. It always feels like I have pent up tension all over my body and mind. It feels more prominent in my upper abdomen, chest, and lower neck. It makes my body feel heavy. I want to feel more loose and playful, but I don't know how to release this tension. Are there any meditation/yoga techniques that could help? Or anything else?
  6. @Ora That's the book I'm currently reading actually. On Chapter 7 right now. What other resources would you recommend?
  7. @Snader What did his hardcore practice entail? Did he become a monk? What psychedelics did he use? What's he focusing on now? Stage Orange stuff like financial freedom? (well, he kind of already was) Does he have a Life Purpose?
  8. @Snader What was he doing that caused this?
  9. @ivankiss Dude... that was beautiful. How long have you been pursuing music for? Do you have a platform I could follow you on?
  10. @Nahm So is it like getting hit by two arrows? What I mean by that is: The first arrow is the feeling that's arising (in this case, tension), the second arrow is the unnecessary suffering caused by the story I tell myself (that I am always feeling tension). So the experience may still remain, but I'm removing the unnecessary suffering? What do you mean by this? What info do I have to probe?
  11. @EugeneTheSage Thank you! @Thought Art What do you mean just relaxing all the muscles? During Qigong?
  12. @Nahm I am not conscious of bringing in a past or a future. The tension is always there. I’m not thinking about anything that would cause me tension. Could it be a subconscious resistance to something? I especially feel it when I’m trying to unwind and relax.
  13. @Johnny Galt Thanks for sharing. I don’t have a bathtub but I’ll look into the other things you linked. @EugeneTheSage How do I do upper dog and cobra pose? Are there any videos I could follow?
  14. @Michael569 PMR right? I’ve tried it before but perhaps I need to do more repetitions. @Flowerfaeiry Interesting. So do I act on what my body wants to do or just sit still? And what is child’s pose?
  15. @Marianitozz Do you know any good resources for bioenergetics and shamanic breathing? @SQAAD Did you do anything else to help with your over analysis? I am still struggling with that.
  16. Wilber said it himself, it’s even in the article: ”we should focus on what’s right and leave out the rest.” So do just that. This is fundamental to expanding your perspective on life. Don’t close things off because of the person. While Ken definitely teaches much more advanced material, remember that you always need to integrate the basics. Manson does a pretty good job at that in my opinion, despite his flaws (which we all have).
  17. Agreed. LOL I love how these posts are right next to each other @KennedyCarter That's interesting though. How do you feel eating that way? I'm keen on experimenting with that once my solve my gut issues.
  18. @joshuahuebner If you don't mind me asking, what's your job?
  19. @Leo Gura Have you ever taking probiotics+prebiotics in a SIBO protocol? That’s what my naturopath put me on. MegaSporeBiotic.
  20. Of course. My point is that if everyone had easy access to something like this, the opportunities on that list would lose its creative value as there would be multiple people coming up with the same ideas.
  21. @Leo Gura What else can be done other than starving them out? I thought that it's a necessary part of any SIBO treatment protocol.
  22. @Leo Gura So it's a good sign then right? If I'm having such strong cravings for carbs, It means that the bacteria is getting starved out? (I'm in the starvation phase of the protocol by the way)
  23. I've been low carb for so long, but I've noticed that a few days into this treatment protocol, I have extremely strong cravings for carbs like quinoa, bananas, and kiwifruits. @Leo Gura @Michael569 If those carbs don't exacerbate my symptoms, would it be okay to consume them? Or should I stay on the safe side and avoid high carb foods altogether? I'm also wanting to drink coffee. Is there a SIBO-friendly coffee?
  24. Such a thing couldn't possibly exist, because they would no longer bring any results. Creativity is what brings you results, not using ideas everyone has easy access to.