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Everything posted by Vision

  1. @Leo Gura What if you are in this state for a while? Weeks, months?
  2. This is gold. Where did you find this? Thank you Mmmmmmmmmmmmmkay (sorry, couldn’t resist).
  3. @Leo Gura Why do I fear the annihilation of myself? Why am I even attached to my ego to begin with?
  4. I’m noticing that I’m facing resistance to asking this question. I am also facing resistance to asking why I’m facing resistance to asking this question. What is the mechanism behind this? Why am I facing resistance?
  5. @Crane Bahnsteik How can I figure out why I’m finding it so hard to accept it? It could be because I’ve grown up with a scarcity mindset my entire life due to the influence of my parents. It seems to be deeply ingrained into my psyche. I don’t know how to unwire it.
  6. @Tim R We do want to let go of money and survival at a certain point, no? Since it happened so recently my mind is still thinking “What if I asked him for it back and refunded” which is irrational and unlikely to work but a part of me thinks it is rational because it’s in denial. How do we let go for irrational thoughts?
  7. @Tim R Yes, $300 is just a thought. Money is also just a thought. Survival is also just a thought. Survival runs on thoughts and fantasies. When thoughts and fantasies are all we have for survival, how do we relinquish attachment to them? Even being aware that it is a thought, it is hard to let go of how (relatively) "real" it is compared to any other thought. Would you agree with money being a reasonable belief to use? There is such a thing as reasonable, useful beliefs... right? We can still be aware that they are illusions, fantasies, with no basis in reality itself, while still making use of them? If you let go of money, how will you effectively survive?
  8. With how much time you'll have on your hands, this will be a huge opportunity to take courses, read a lot of books, and most importantly, experiment. Remember not to waste your time doing things that have no return. Key word; no return. There are things that may seem like a waste of time but aren't because they bring you closer to realizing who you are and what you want; experimentation. Only you'll be able to really determine what is waste of time for you and what isn't. It depends on your values.
  9. There is no real difference other than aesthetics. .com is the best as that is what people first try typing in when searching for a brand. .net is another potential domain you can try if you can't get your hands on .com
  10. Coming from someone who is also in high school; Yes, you certainly can. Can you clarify what you want out of your life solely through contemplation? Probably not. It is one of the most effective strategies, but it must be paired with experience. That's why I think "self-reflection" is a better term, though they are similar pointers. Live life, experience life. The more you experience life, the more you learn what you like and dislike. Treat life like a science experiment on yourself. Experimentation helps you see things from new vantage points. Example: "Okay, I spent 6 months working on one of the potential Life Purposes I came up with; Life Purpose A. I've realized that I don't really enjoy this as much as I thought I would when I initially envisioned it, I feel that there is something more for me. It wasn't a waste of time though, because now I know one thing that I don't want, which has brought me closer to figuring out what I do want. Another potential Life Purpose I had on my list was Life Purpose B, so I am going to try that out and see if it clicks" It is through this process of trial and error you figure out who you are and what you want out of life. Imagine if you spent those 6 months just sitting around deliberating in your head whether you should go with Life Purpose A or Life Purpose B, you would be no better off than when you started. So, don't only experience life without any strategy, and don't only self-reflect and strategize. They are best done in tandem. I would definitely advise you to make journaling a cornerstone habit. You are your own authority, so your best answers will come from within - journaling is a medium for that. Are you saying that because you really don't care about it? Or is it because you think that you don't care about it because you think that it is not a suitable period in your life to care about it? There's nothing wrong with not caring, or caring, about anything. If you truly don't care about it, then that's completely fine. Just be careful with imposing 'shoulds' on yourself. That doesn't mean you go off and only contemplate existential, metaphysical questions. But who said you can't put aside 10-30 minutes a day? Who said you can't treat it like a little side-hobby while you work on the foundations of your life? By the time you've mastered your survival and livelihood you'd already have a solid epistemology to work on top of. Little things go a long way.
  11. @DocWatts We are in agreement. That’s the limit of language. Language inherently involves assumptions. I wouldn’t be able to say “I’ll meet you at the beach tomorrow DocWatts” without assuming that there is a beach to go to, that there is a DocWatts whom I will meet with, that there even is a tomorrow. There are infinite degrees, we could go really deep with this. Having “Truth” as a goal - much like other goals - inherently involves assumption. You have to assume that there is a ‘Truth’ you can ‘attain’ or ‘experience’, but you don’t really know. If one cares enough about it, the risk of there never existing a Truth doesn’t outweigh never having tried.
  12. You could say there are degrees of assumption. It’s a very safe bet to think that food will help you survive. But it’s not a safe bet to think that if you jump off a cliff, you’ll survive. While both of them are assumptions, you still have a mental model: “Okay, there’s a pattern here. Even if my past experience is something that is not in the present moment and in my head, it’s a safe bet to bank on it - because all my life it’s been very accurate. I’ve been eating for as long as I can remember. I’ve seen that when people jump off a cliff, they die. So it’s quite likely that I will die too.” Anything that is not present in your direct experience, the present moment, is an assumption. That doesn’t mean “Hey it’s an assumption that if I shoot myself I’ll die so let’s try it” All you have is the (reasonably) probabilistic expectation that it’ll kill you, you don’t know with certainty. Science gives useful probabilistic theories, but just because something is useful, doesn’t mean it’s inherently true. That’s the limit of science, but science is still vital to our survival. Without it, our advancement in society would be retarded. Survival requires assumptions, you would die without them. It helps you recognise that all you really know is the present moment, your direct experience right now. What’s in front of you, what you can see, is your direct experience, the ‘wall behind you’ is not. If you want to get closer to Truth, epistemological awareness is quite important. I never said you can’t know anything. I said you don’t know anything, with full certainty, as in 100%, that is not in your present, direct experience. You don’t know with full certainty if the sun will rise tomorrow, or if yesterday actually happened. But this is very radical, it’s only use is for expanded awareness.
  13. You don’t know. You don’t really know for sure if the sun will rise tomorrow. You don’t really know if eating food helps you survive. You don’t really know if death exists. Anything that is outside of your direct experience, is a concept/imagination/belief. Embrace Not Knowing. Sure, it’s an assumption that the sun will rise tomorrow, but that doesn’t mean it’s reasonable to think that it won’t. Just be aware of what it really is; an assumption. Assumptions aren’t bad. They are what keep us alive. It’s an assumption that eating food will keep you alive, yet you still do it. Why? Because you get hungry, and you’ve developed a metaphorical mental model that says “If I eat food, I will be satiated”. But before you eat that food, it is just an assumption. For all you know, you don’t know if that food will satiate you, but you can make a well-educated guess (from “past experience” - which is also an assumption, but a reasonable one) that it will. That doesn’t change it being an assumption. The more aware we are of what things truly are, the closer we get to Truth. Contemplate actuality, concepts, the difference between them, and the sameness between them.
  14. @Moksha What are the 3 key habits to implement in order to attain, or realize, Moksha?
  15. The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.
  16. The only foods I crave are bananas, dates, and brown rice. I know that these aren't necessarily "unhealthy" like chocolate and junk food is (I'm glad I don't eat that shit anymore) but they don't help me heal my SIBO. I can go for weeks and sometimes months without eating the foods that I crave. But after a certain point, the cravings get too strong and I give in to eating them. I've been in this cycle for too long, I've had enough of this. Are there any books, courses, or even apps that could help with this? It doesn't have to be related to SIBO, I'm looking for solutions to food cravings and compulsive eating.
  17. @undeather Of course, I've known this for years. But if I my mouth were forcefully shut and the ability to open them again were removed, I would die. That's how blocked they are. This surgery will be a life-changer for me. I've been dealing with this for as long as I can remember. @Michael569 Thanks. I don't know. It says 50 mcg per spray.
  18. I'm having a nasal turbinate reduction surgery as they are swollen. It's partly why my nose is always blocked and I'm forced to breathe through my mouth. The doctor told me to take Flixonase (a steroid nasal spray) every day, both before and after the surgery. When I asked how long, he said for as long as you still have allergic reactions, which could be 6 months or more. The "allergic reactions" he speaks of are most likely the food intolerances I have due to my gut issues, which gives me a runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, etc. It will take a while before this gets fully healed. I've read that using nasal sprays for prolonged periods of time can cause nasal inflammation, ADHD (which I already have), headaches, potential behavioural problems, withdrawals when ceasing use, etc. Are they safe to use?
  19. @Michael569 @Leo Gura Are Konjac noodles safe for SIBO?
  20. Besides, I'm only really wanting to spend money on things that will help heal SIBO until I defeat this thing. Yeah, agreed.
  21. @Leo Gura Do you experience cravings for food that SIBO feeds on? Why specifically plain white rice? Why not brown rice or quinoa? Is it because simple carbs are easier to digest than complex carbs? It's just so hard for me to stick to only eating from a selection from (literally) 4 bland foods consistently. I can do it for 3-6 weeks until my reptilian brain just says "F*** it" and eats a banana from the stack of bananas on the kitchen table that I see every day. I think it's better off if I do another fast. Counterintuitively, water fasting makes it so much easier for me to avoid food. I think the act of chewing itself, regardless of what I'm eating, makes me want to eat more. @How to be wise It costs $41 to ship to my country, but thank you for sharing. Any other resources?
  22. @Leo Gura How do you stick to your low-carb diet? I'll stay with it for weeks at a time and then slip back to eating bananas, dates, and brown rice, it's always those three foods that I end up coming back to. They're probably ego backlashes. After a few weeks of eating those foods I go back to a keto diet and I feel better, until I give into strong cravings for them again. They're not necessarily unhealthy foods either, it's just that I feel worse after eating them and SIBO feeds on those foods. I've been in this cycle for 6 months. Even with strategies I've learned to counteract cravings such as consequential thinking and imagining that someone pissed and shat over the food I'm craving, it's as if all of that flies out the window when my reptilian brain - or the overgrown bacteria - takes over.
  23. @Ora Does this mean that going on a SIBO diet is solely for symptom management? I thought that it was necessary to starve the overgrown bacteria?
  24. We are surrounded by technology, everywhere. A lot more than our ancestors. I think that if it did have harmful effects, it would make sense. Is it something to think about? What is the research on it? How can we reduce our exposure to EMFs? Also, what are your thoughts on accessories that reduce EMF exposure such as DefenderShield's products? SafeSleeveCases is another one.
  25. @undeather Just watched the video, thank you. So how do we reduce our exposure to things like phthalates/endocrine disruptors/volatile organic compounds?