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Everything posted by Capethaz

  1. @hkon If you can, I recommend that you find a good therapist, this really gonna help you in the short term. And of course, keep the meditation habit.
  2. @A way to Actualize Being Enlightened does not guarantee that you'll be an "angel". Enlightened people can do terrible things as well as ordinary people, but of course this is much more rare.
  3. @Majus Check Daniel Ingram work. >
  4. Leonard's Cohen describring his encounter with the Source. Pretty cool!
  5. @Anaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Only way: keep the practice every day. Go to one retreat a year at least.
  6. @OceanJjb No, mindfulness is not supposed to be peaceful especially in the first years. The path is not easy, you have to be wise and realize that is a long term goal that will bring you total happiness and real peace. I can tell you that is the most important skill that you can practice in your life because effects all areas in your life. And without this practice you'll never find real fulfilment.
  7. And you are meditating just for few months! Imagine in 5 years! You will be much more mindful of all your experiences that's why mindfulness is by far the most important skill to develop in our life, in my opinion.
  8. In formal longer sittings I like to use the Do Nothing technique. In day to day life I use Focus In (Feel) and Focus Out (Touch, Sound, Sight). I don't use mental labels anymore.
  9. This is a deep question and I really don't know the answer. I don't know "how" it works in your system. What I know is that by practicing with this technique, with time, youll be developing mindfulness (concentration, sensory clarity and equanimity) and the results will be the same as if you for example used the Noting technique, it's a classical path to enlightenment. I use Shinzen Young's techniques because I like of his methodical approach to mindfulness and enlightenment. All of his models were used in the past to attain enlightenment by different traditions, if you want to learn more check his work.
  10. No one can give you this answer. You can discover it only with practice.
  11. I suggest that you change your technique. In a decent meditation you should not have to control your breath. I like Shinzen Young's mindfulness system, look it up.
  12. Accordingly with Shinzen Young, both "Noting" and "Do Nothing" techniques are designed to increase your baseline of mindfulness (concentration, sensory clarity and equanimity). In other words with time they will get you to the same place. I've been practicing with "Do Nothing" for a year and I had an enlightenment experience with it and feels that I'm growing fast. My mindfulness trought out of the day is is getting better too. About willpower, in my case, it increased because just for the fact that you are sitting still your pre frontal cortex is working not to mention the benefits that the technique provide. And remember for having success in the path be consistent and do one retreat a year or an monthly mini retreats. Thanks and sorry for my english, Im working on it.
  13. Is it possible attain enlightenment with the Do Nothing Meditation by Shinzen Young? I really like this form of meditation but I'm not 100% confident.