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Everything posted by Nthnl

  1. I mean for trump to even have a shot, hed probably need to win ohio, georgia, florida, and obviously PA. Its a pretty low chance that happens in my opinion. We will have to see. I mean at the end of the day, its the electoral college. So it doesnt even matter i guess XD.
  2. Haha, honestly id love to live outside of america. I'm fairly young compared to others on the forums, but when I'm in a good age and place financially, I will probably move out of here. Probably to a higher consciousness country using spiral dynamics.
  3. I dont know, you also have to account for his intelligence and strategical mindset. Although his values seem very low level, his methodology (to me at least) seems kinda higher on the scale. Very smart guy.
  4. I feel we already are slightly green. With all the progressive movements in California. We just need a president that will help spread that else where. This probably wont happen until gen z is in politics. 70% of gen z is pretty progressive. Trump would have to win PA, Ohio, Georgia and probably Florida. I doubt he will get all those. Even if he gets all those, it would still be fairly close, prolly still biden
  5. I dont think trump could win. It would be pretty difficult. He'd almost certainly need PA and its looking otherwise.
  6. Joy can come from a magnitude of things. Nor is all desire negative. For example, you could desire to not be bound by desire. I find it to not be so black and white.
  7. Really is a huge stepping stone in self improvement. I mean, is it possible to do without Leos content? Sure definitely. But he makes everything so simple in the grand scale. He explains things I have trouble putting into words, and overall improves the ability to take in info and contemplate it. I'm fairly new to the forum aspect but have watched his vids for a few years now. Came upon it by accident haha. Best mistake I could've made. Definitely accelerates growth and brings new ideas you might never have thought to think about (or not think about haha).
  8. I mean... I'd watch you debate a donkey.
  9. I highly doubt he will. He usually isnt keen on it from what I've seen. Although he did state that he wanted to have a scientist of some sort in his video to debate in some since. Id love for him to defend his positions a bit in the public eye. But I dont think that's something he wants to do. If he did he would already do it.
  10. Almost any amount of cancel culture is too much. Obviously society usually dismisses the worst of the worst. But this petty back and forth over tiny infractions by the average joe is ridiculous.
  11. Ever heard of Allan Lichtman? I'm going with biden, he's been right so far.
  12. He simply doesn't feel hes done an injustice. You have to recognize everyone thinks differently, and views things differently. Just because you feel it was wrong doesn't mean he feels it was wrong. Just because it was wrong to you, doesn't mean it was wrong to him. Just let it go. There are quite literally billions of people in the world. Don't get caught up on a few you met online.
  13. I'd also refrain from making life altering decisions based on a google search... Enjoy the privileges you've been given. Some would give anything to live in such a way. If you want to become enlightened, you should try being grateful for all you have, instead of completely dismissing it.
  14. I'm also 17. No this is a terrible idea in almost everyway. It can be quite a magical thought to just go out and act like Buddha. We all wish we could simply walk the street and survive ultimately becoming some enlightened being. This is highly unlikely. The more likely outcome would simply be you throwing your life away. A better plan, would be to take all of Leos advice about strategy, mastering skills, and so forth, find an amazing job that you enjoy in which you can make a good sum of money, then you can live on the street if you like, while still affording food and shelter when you feel it fit. Only ignorant people leap head first into an idea without planning. Your very young. Don't give it up so soon. At least give your self time to actually think it through.
  15. Satisfaction is subjective. You can be satisfied by almost anything, if you want to be.
  16. Fairness is a matter of subjective. It's neither fair nor unfair. At times things will happen in a way you find favorable (fair), and other times it will happen in a way you find unfavorable (unfair). Simply depends who you are and what you want to happen. It's not some universal principal that bad things will happen to you. It's simply a matter of how you look at the things that happen to you.
  17. After recognition they can be quite entertaining.
  18. Theres much less bloatware on androids. Or if any, you usually have the option to remove or disable them. But yes, if anything, apple is consistent. Usually very little change every year, simply just performance updates.
  19. I view a paradox as simply something our minds have trouble with, and or physically can not comprehend due to our logical base. Since we have a very logical framework, we simply cannot understand something that seems illogical to us.
  20. Well, in a very basic definition sure. "i am aware that the dog is blue" vs "i know the dog is blue" When it is spoken about here or in self actualization work, this is not really an accurate definition. I would watch leo's video on the topic. Knowing has to do with thought. Awareness is not thought.
  21. I dont think its a question of good or bad people. Its more a question of who's the most conscious. Id say, fake or not, Joe Biden is certainly a more conscious figure. No matter if he is really as nice as he appears, that image should help america and Americans become more compassionate like how trumps hatred made Americans more hateful.
  22. Can science, in any way shape or form, be used in higher level thinking to help us understand the true reality of the world? Or is it entirely impossible. I get that it clearly has its limitations, but can pieces of it also be used in collaborations with enlightenment teachings? Or is it entirely useless after a certain point?
  23. Yes I agree. I feel I've seen a lot of people have what I would call simulated growth. Where they kinda change their mindset a bit and then change their whole life style around it too soon in a way? They just jump all the way in that direction, then are unhappy and fall back into their old habits. Its important to take things slow.
  24. Theres definitely good sides to it from my experience. I mean, with the pandemic, Its the only thing thats kept me social. Without gaming online with friends here and there id be in a social drought.