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About Nthnl

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  1. I like overnight shipping.
  2. The subtle nuances and meaning built by music can only truely be appriciated the degree intended by intelligent individuals. Especially with classical music. The genius in those tracks are dumbfounding if you're capable of conceiveing it.
  3. Loves goal is spiritual development. It will do so in many unique ways, agressively and gently the same.
  4. Bad and good is subjective. There is certainly danger, an average individual thats never been exposed to these intense ideas could find themselves incredibly depressed and sitraught. It certainly could have a negative effect. Leos approach is relatively agressive you were to attempt to compare it to other gurus or teachers. Id argure that those individuals should maybe try a more soft teaching, or at least start off in that area.
  5. The kjv has alot of flaws. It lacks alot of relevant original contextual scripture. Especially in the story of cain and able.
  6. I personally use "Youngs literal translation" though Its quite horrible to read altogether. It's a direct translation from the greek with some author added context though marked as such. Its perfect for wanting to get a better more truthful understanding of specific passages, but the broken english of the greek translation is a boring read. If you want to read it more authentically YLT is perfect. If you want to enjoy it and gain some spiritual aspects from it, just go with any of the common translations.
  7. @integral The inner circle part really resonates its very clear that once you slip up in his mind, you are no longer an option for input. Thanks for all your words its definately helped me be more confident in my strategy to sucessfully function within a household with him. To be fair, I've noticed signs of growth recently, and he seems like he has genuine interest in "being friends" and "solving problems". But I've been lulled into this before with him of course haha. Again for whatever reason i choose optimism till i no longer can.
  8. I somehow overlooked how much more heavily red his actions are rather than orange! Yes he certainly uses the gym for his emotional release.
  9. @integral Yes, I vaguely remember him saying word for word "I would never take advice from you." haha I definately agree that in talking with him it has to be very apparent that it is not an attack on him. I should note that we have had minimal sucess in that we all had a sit down talk where he apologized for some things and seemed to be open to forgiveness. But it seems like a vicous cycle where he never TRUELY gets over things. Thanks for the book recommendation and your quick reply! I do plan on "cutting ties" so to speak in that I dont plan to live with him the following semester.
  10. Hi all, hope you're all doing well. I reach out to you in hopes of some insight and further perspective on an potential issue ive been contemplating. First some basic background. My friend, lets call him soot, is very locked in a state of stage orange. He is obsessed with the concepts of loyalty and respect though he has little idea as to what loyalty and respect actually are and what is required to cultivate them honestly. He certainly has trust issues, I know hes had a hard upbringing. But at his core, he is one of these heavy orange power focused individuals. He saw what lack of power and status could lead to, so now he finds everyone not money focused weak. Although hes not a die hard fan, but you could lump him in with those who religiously watch tate or peterson to a fault. Although I care for him and he is my friend. These attributes lead to several issues within our friend group. Though obviously blame isn't his to bare alone, his emotional inflexibility. inability to problem solve, and dead to rights ego driven idea of respect and loyalty make solving simple disputes almost impossible. All drama that has ever occured has spurred from very small starting points. Yet those miniscule occasions latch to him in a way and are never forgotten, completely unforgivable, and a sign of disrespect. I'm well aware that its his past experience leading him to be heavily gaurded, but still there must be an optimal way to approach him that im just not thinking of. I have two related issues. First off, I'm currently attending university. Before noticing potential issues with this arrangement, we had all commited to rooming in a four person apartment on campus. We are still excited and optimistic but I worry about the potential tension and can't find a good way to resolve conflict with this type of person. Second, he's my friend and I care for him. I want to help him be less angry, gaurded, sad, etc. I want him to thrive emotionally. I believe it's better for him and everyone else if he were to emotionally mature. Thank you for all your potential replies. Any and all insight on your personal experiences and pyschological knowledge would be much appriciated! Also, if anyone knows of a leo video potentially related to this issue, I'd love to look into that as well, its hard to find niche things sometimes. Thanks!
  11. I don't know, I kinda think we need both republican and democrat energy to be successful. The issue is that both sides are very polarized right now. The sensible right and sensible left could work wonders in unison we unfortunately are just too stubborn.
  12. Your so confused. You literally have no concept of what I'm saying at all.
  13. Im hopping off I dont think anyone's really gonna get it here. Not anyone's fault, if any my own but this is clearly pointless.