Muhammad Jawad

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Posts posted by Muhammad Jawad

  1. 18 hours ago, Someone here said:


    GOD is the creator and substance of everything. He is eternal & infinite. Who can never be a victim of any kind of suffering?

    18 hours ago, Someone here said:

    Now tell me what should prevent that being from manifesting himself as a weak limited human being if he wanted to?

    But Why? Why he would like to put himself into suffering?


  2. 23 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Ask yourself this: How did God prove to himself that he was God?

    Hello Leo!

    I hope you are doing great.

    I am really happy to get your response. Thanks a lot :-)

    I watch you each and every video and learn from them. You are my Spiritual Mentor.

    I did ask the above question from myself and got the following answer:

    "God can prove himself that He is God by Creating anything by just his Will and control it in any way whenever he wants to. And he can not suffer from anything". 

  3. 23 hours ago, ajai said:

    Have you really understood that you are not this body, yet?


    23 hours ago, ajai said:

    See? what is it that's making you think that way that you are still bound if you've come to a "conclusion" you are not this body?

    Because I don't have complete control over whatever experiences are arising in my awareness or consciousness.

    23 hours ago, ajai said:

    Who said it's about control, and what is control?

    Can't I decide which kind of experiences should arise in my consciousness? If not. Then How am I, God?

    23 hours ago, ajai said:

    It is as such. No proof. No validation.

    You are asking of the proof and validation for your OWNSELF and for that you have to work, you have to Know, you have to Listen, you have to Understand, you have to Read. Don't just ACCEPT blindly. Have patience.


    Ok. Thanks a lot for the guidance... :-)

  4. Hello Everyone!

    I hope everyone is doing great.

    OK, Through Knowledge & Understanding and a few of our experiences we have reached a conclusion that We are not this body.

    We are the Observer or awareness behind whatever we are experiencing.

    With our experience, we can say that the Observer is me.

    Even after the conclusion We still remain bound to a few limitations.

    Who made those limitations? Why we can't break those limitations?

    The world's top Enlightened Masters were also bound to live this limited life and experience environmental circumstances. Even they had no control over anything.

    What if I am just an observer of my experiences but I am not God.

    Thousands of Civilisations came to this world and they got deluded themselves into false gods. Some Civilisations Accepted Sun as their God. Some accepted Stones as their God. Some accepted few humans as their God. And their many other examples.

    Now here we are who says I am God. We have accepted ourselves, God. What if we are one of those civilizations who were always on the wrong path, Who misunderstood The God.

    How can we prove that I am God? What kind of God am I who is still bound under some laws which I can't overcome even after knowing, understanding, and experiencing that I am not this body.

    OK, I accept that possibility that I am not this body, I am not my experiences which helps me a lot to live this life with less suffering. But How & Why can I say that I am God?

    What if God is bigger than all of this without any limitations?

    Waiting for others Feedback.


  5. 13 hours ago, Forestluv said:

    This gets deliciously tricky.

    The ideas of “Deep Sleep, Ego Death, Ego Death induced by Psychedelics and Consciousness, Awakening, Enlightenment” is not the experience of the beingness, yet is it’s own experience of idea imagination.

    If I am imagining differences between the experiences of being on Earth, Moon, Venus and Xenon - I am experiencing the creations of those imaginations. Yet that is distinct from the experience of being on Earth, Moon, Venus and Xenon.

    In some cases, the imaginations of the experiential beingness can become so deep that they are indistinguishable from the being of it. Yet in other cases, the beingness is out of reach of the imagination. 

    Is the experience of Deep Sleep & Ego Death is the same? 

  6. 13 hours ago, Moksha said:

    Levels of consciousness

    Is Consciousness not pure and full? Does it have levels?

    13 hours ago, Moksha said:

    dreamless sleep (sleeping mind, not dreaming in the world of dream)

    Which mind? I think there is no mind. There is just consciousness and thoughts are appearing or getting born & die from that consciousness. And Consciousness never sleeps. Even when Consciousness experiencing a dream at that time consciousness is still awake. And When Consciousness is not experiencing anything like in Deep Sleep. Consciousness is still awake and aware of that.

  7. 13 hours ago, mandyjw said:

    The reason people pursue this is the search or desire for love

    When people achieve this pure awareness state every night when they sleep then why they still need to pursue psychedelics & spiritual practices to attain that state?

    If they are not able to find peace & love from the pure awareness in deep sleep then how can they find peace & love through psychedelics & spiritual practices?  

  8. 1 hour ago, DLH said:

    Your perceived memories are filtered from this dream state of consciousness to make it seem like it happened yesterday, but in actual reality it is happen in the here and now.  To make matters more confusing, your past and future “you” is constantly changing, that is why your memories are never the same.  Your memories change with the change in your thoughts, ideas, imagination, believes and emotions. 

    Thanks a lot. Good Point.

  9. 3 hours ago, Someone here said:

    If you say there is no brain or any physical or non-physical location where experiences are stored.. From a more spiritual perspective.. The past never even happened and your entire life backstory and memories are imaginary. You imagine them in the present moment to explain how you got there. (I was born I went  to school I grew up bla bla bla and here I am). That's Leo's opinion anyways. 

    Amazing Point of view. That has Logic as well. Thanks

  10. 4 hours ago, Claymoree said:

    Memory is interesting subject, if you take dreams for example, you can hold memory of dream world , which has nothing to do with your real world, only thing in common in all of this is that none of these states know where "you" came from , but all of them can hold vague memory of your past and things around you. 

    Hi! Claymoree

    Thanks a lot for one more example to expand our minds.

    You are right. Exactly. That's True.

  11. Hi!

    I hope you are doing well.

    Thanks for the guidance.


    4 hours ago, No Self said:

    But the idea of the brain being the storage medium can be disproven if one is open to profound anecdotes.


    4 hours ago, No Self said:

    Some people have been able to 'remember' past lives, particularly young children who recall places they have been in past lifetimes. They have been known to recall events that can be verified - events which occurred before their birth.


    4 hours ago, No Self said:

    In many near-death experience reports, people have left their 'dead' bodies and overheard conversations in other rooms. Those conversations have been later recalled and verified, including by medical practitioners. Where could such a memory be stored if the brain is dead at the time?

    hmmm. Exactly...

    4 hours ago, No Self said:

    I think it would be beyond our scope from a human perspective to define God's hard drive server. But it is there!



    Amazing Points.

    Thanks a lot :-)

  12. 5 hours ago, Hugo Oliveira said:

    Learn marketing

    Hi Hugo Oliveira!

    I hope you are doing well.

    Thanks a lot for your response.

    Yes, Just a few days ago after my 3g of Magic Mushroom Trip. I was contemplating my business & profession and was trying to find a loophole. I was trying to find the reason why my earning is not good. And during that contemplation, I was able to conclude that "Digital Marketing" is the thing that is missing from my business.

    I thought I should Buy Digital Marketing services or if I can't buy it then I should learn it and implement Digital Marketing on business. 

    So yes, You are right I should Learn Marketing.


    5 hours ago, Hugo Oliveira said:

    create some VFX super packs, put it or any other stuff to sell automatically

    Yes, I am already working on that.

    I have created a 6 hours long VFX Compositing Course and Published at Udemy.

    I have Stock Photos & Stock Videos Online for sale.

    I have a few templates online for sale.

    I have 2 Youtube channels I am working on.

    And I am still working on creating new products.


    But the main reason for this thread was that Now I don't have a passion for VFX anymore. Now I am passionate about Spirituality & psychedelics. 

    5 hours ago, Hugo Oliveira said:

    go do whatever you want

    What if the journey of Financial Freedom takes my whole life? Then when I will live my Passion Life?


    Waiting for your help.

