Muhammad Jawad

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Posts posted by Muhammad Jawad

  1. On 11/3/2020 at 1:59 AM, SoonHei said:

    Is there any Proof that "I am a God"?


    the proof is sort of like realizing it for yourself, and beyond all doubts. 

    only YOU and YOU ALONE can confirm and come to see it, nobody else!


    take the picture below. it is the famous rabbit and the duck illusion picture. let's say if you were seeing this for the first time and could only see the duck and not the rabbit. and someone else told you, that no, it's not a duck, it's a rabbit! only you can come to see directly with your own eyes that is a rabbit and a duck. you can flip between each view. nobody can see it for you or show you. YOU have to see it for yourself. but the moment you do see it! it's right there! right before your eyes. direct! no proof needed. why? because you are seeing it right there infront of your eyes!


    just as you do not need any proof to see that this is the letter G   ------------------- > G

    same way, the self-realization/god-realization is direct, beyond any needs of proof. if you find yourself seeking and looking for proofs, that's the mind trying to eat something it cannot take a bite out of.


    beyond proof. directly known.

    True.. Amazing Explanation... 

    Thanks a lot :-)

  2. 23 hours ago, bennett oppel said:

    what you would do if you had unlimited power.

    Enjoy my Powers...

    23 hours ago, bennett oppel said:

    This cuts out the nonscense of wondering if you are god because you are actually being proactive rather than navel gazing. Be warned though it takes you down a very big rabbit hole if you understand what to do.

    Sorry, I couldn't understand that part.

  3. 19 hours ago, abrakamowse said:

    Do you agree that there must be "something" that is the origin of everything?

    Yes, I agree.

    19 hours ago, abrakamowse said:

    And that "something" must be ONE... because the origin of everything has to be from ONE origin, from ONE thing.


    19 hours ago, abrakamowse said:

    So that which is bigger and includes everything must be one, do you agree with that?

    Yes, I agree.

  4. 9 minutes ago, bennett oppel said:

    When you go to sleep your brain produces a different sort of temporal measurement and stops when you wake up. This is why you have continuity of experience during your life, i.e your life is one continuous experince. I once meditated straight into a dream state and it was quite a surreal. This different form of measurement is much more extreme than what we experience during waking moments.

    Amazing. I really have a desire to meditate straight into a dream state. How can I make that possible? 

  5. 6 hours ago, 28 cm unbuffed said:

    @Muhammad Jawad

    Transition. Start slowly, keep doing what you do and find ways to get some money on the side with something that is less "painful". Also, do what you love in the process. When you'll do enough money with the thing in the middle, you'll start to transition to that, and your passion job will become your secondary, you get it.

    I would recommend to gain as much income sources as possible, one is too close to zero. Also doing many things at time will keep you busy all day, teach discipline, willpower,  work ethics, etc.

    Good luck ;)

    Thanks a lot for the amazing suggestion :-)

  6. 7 hours ago, Strangeloop said:

    Well, it would be a waste to completely ditch your skills at VFX. I agree with Joseph. There is no reason to ditch one thing for the other. If you really want to go 100% psychonaut then I suggest transinioning to it gradually. This is a great advice. Doing something you don't like can be a burden, but from my experience I can say that this spark if passion comes back and when it does, there's room for more creation. 

    You are right. Thanks a lot for the suggestion. I think If I will Mix my psychonaut passion into VFX then I will get me VFX Passion back as well. And I will enjoy both of the fields at the same time.

    I have planed that I will create animated & live-action Videos related to spirituality and psychedelic experiences using my VFX Skills.    

  7. 23 hours ago, Mvrs said:

    Mushrooms are a very exaggerated psychedelic in my opinion. The only time I had close to ego death was from 17.5 grams of dried mushrooms, trying to follow in kilindi iyi’s footsteps r.i.p . There are levels to ego death. If you realized you aren’t real that’s ego death but sometimes ego death can be extremely intense to the point you stop being able to even rememeber who the character is or what is going on. And To answer your question no one is watching it . It’s just happening and your mistakening it for something being watched. The watching of it is in fact part of the thing being “watched” nothing and no one is watching it. As for deep sleep don’t just believe me or anyone cause no one knows but I’m assuming it’s just your pretending like you were in deep sleep when you wake up every morning. When in reality that’s just part of a movie it didn’t actually happen.

    Thanks for the detailed explanation. 

  8. 7 minutes ago, Mvrs said:

    Psychedelics are not like deep sleep I’m assuming you’ve never tried them.

    Till now I have tried 3 Magic Mushroom Trips. 

    1st Trip = 1g Shrooms

    2nd Trip = 2g Shrooms

    3rd Trip = 3g Shrooms


    But I think I have never experienced the Ego Death.

    9 minutes ago, Mvrs said:

    Imagine what you think cocaine does but imagine if cocaine gave you visions and very deep insights about the nature of reality.

    I have never tried Cocaine.

    10 minutes ago, Mvrs said:

    Ego death is realizing that you the person reading this are a “video game character” and the concept of you being that character dies.

    Right. But I have already experienced this realization that I am not this character. What does that mean? Was that Ego Death?

    11 minutes ago, Mvrs said:

    Ego..... death. Very self explanatory.

    Who was the who was experiencing all the insights and psychedelic phenomena when I was having that 3g Trip? I think that was Ego who was having all of those experiences...

    14 minutes ago, Mvrs said:

    a real question to ask is does deep sleep even actually happen? Or is that something your making up, to account for time you think you lost.

    Then What is deep sleep?

  9. 3 hours ago, JosephKnecht said:

    You are still stuck in your bodily senses.

    I don't think so. I am the awareness behind the body sensations which is my own experience.

    3 hours ago, JosephKnecht said:

    Your eyes see but know NOT what they see.

    Yes, Eyes don't know what they see, But I know.

    3 hours ago, JosephKnecht said:

    You listen but know NOT what you hear.

    I know what I hear but labeling the experience of the hearing will not do justice.

    3 hours ago, JosephKnecht said:

    You know, but know NOT who you are. 

    I know that I am, But Exactly I don't who or what I am.

    3 hours ago, JosephKnecht said:

    If you let go of all experiences, then how do you still have your experiences?

    Experiences are automatically occurring phenomena in me. I can't just stop or let go of all of my experiences just by my will.


    3 hours ago, JosephKnecht said:

    Maybe when you let go of all experiences, you experience the experience beyond experiences. Maybe.

    How can I Let go of all of my experiences?


  10. On 11/1/2020 at 5:52 PM, LastThursday said:

    What if you're not?

    I experieince that I am.

    On 11/1/2020 at 5:52 PM, LastThursday said:

    Is there really an observer?

    Yes, Right now I am the observer of colors, sensations, thoughts etc...

    On 11/1/2020 at 5:52 PM, LastThursday said:

    Is it possible to have the attributes of (your definition of) God directly?

    I am not sure...

  11. 18 hours ago, JosephKnecht said:

    Do you exist?

    Yes, I do.

    18 hours ago, JosephKnecht said:

    If you don't exist, then you can't be asking this question.


    18 hours ago, JosephKnecht said:

    If you exist, then you exist. Then the question becomes, who are you?

    According to my experience, I am a Formless Seer, listener, knower, Observer.

    18 hours ago, JosephKnecht said:

    If you forget absolutely everything that you have been taught, what will be left? Nothing. You are That.

    If I forget everything I was taught, I will still have my experiences and I will be aware of those experiences. But the question is that Who is the one who is aware of all experiences? God or Me? If both are the same then that's means I am God and If I am God then Why I don't have complete control over my experiences?