Muhammad Jawad

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Posts posted by Muhammad Jawad

  1. After 40 minutes of consuming 2 grams of Magic Mushroom, I started feeling the effects of it.


    I became more present. Started feeling changes in my temperature. My Visual and Sound Senses were enhanced.


    The surrounding colors were more Intense. Patterns were appearing in different things. I was having a 3rd person view from above the head.


    I was feeling really happy. I was smiling and laughing with Intense Joy. I never felt that kind of peace and Joy in any other thing.


    When I closed my eyes I saw a few Faces or Eyes. Then after some time, I thought let’s find out God and try to understand Creation.


    I felt or saw that there is a Source which is a shower of each and every creation. And that source is creating things continuously. It is a never-ending process of creation. Maybe that is some kind of expansion.


    I was in a Dark Space or sky kind of empty Field. And I can see Every thought, Every sound, every sensation, every image or imagination are creations and appearing from the same source which is inside me.


    I got to know that “I am” also a thought. Which often get born and die after some time.


    I asked myself a question Who am I? Where am I? Let’s find out.


    I realized that these sensations, thoughts, imaginations, sounds are not me. Even I realized that ”I am” is also a thought. I realized that I am the one who is aware of all these creations (Thoughts etc..).


    Then I decided to find out the one who is aware of everything.


    And He started to play Hide & Seek with me. I turned my attention toward the one who was aware of everything. Who was the source & creator of everything and there I saw myself and then again he was in the background aware of all of this drama.


    Then I started to find him again and when I reached there It was me again. And I realized again he is still in the background watching all of this.


    And I spent a lot of time playing this game. And couldn’t find me or myself. I could just sense that there is a creator and knower of all of this drama.


    Then I became Love, I became Happiness. I became a source and shower of Love & happiness.


    I saw that all Universes, Planets, Galaxies, Heaven & hell is inside me. All the infinite time is in me.


    There was only one layer that remained between “Me” and “God”. That layer was “Me”.


    I was so close to him and I could feel his closeness. At that Stage When I knocked at the Door between me & God.


    I heard the voice of God from my heart Ears asking me “What do you need? Today you will be granted with whatever you will desire.


    And I was in Ultimate Peace and Joy which I knew that I will never find this in fulfillment of any worldly desire. So I answered. I need nothing. Because Today I got everything.” Then I remembered the following Poetry of Allam Iqbal:


    Urdu Translation: “Khudi ko kar buland itna k her taqdeer se pehlay, Khuda banday se khud poochay bata teri Raza kia hai”?


    English Translation: “Develop yourself so much, that before every decree, God himself will ascertain from you: “What is it that you desire.”


    I experienced this stage.


    I could see God in everything. I decided to put my feeling onto paper and when I tried I put just a “Dot” in the center of the paper. That “Dot” was the conclusion of my whole experience.


    And then I remembered the saying of Saint Baba Bullay Shah “Ek Nuqtay wich gal mukdi aye”. < > English Translation: “Everything conclude to just 1 point”. 


    I came up with a few following Conclusions at the end of my Experience:


    Who am I?


    I am a Knower.


    Instead, there is no "I am" it's just a thought. There is just a Knower.


    Even the word "Knower" also limits his introduction. Because the knower is dependent on some Separate Entity or thing or object "known". I am Knower & Known both. They are not 2. They are ONE.


    I do not exist because “I” is just a Thought. 


    Only He exists. He is everything. 


    What is my purpose in life?


    I don't have any purpose I am already fulfilled. Instead, Everything is coming out of me. I just need to recognize my true self. That should be the purpose of our life. And after knowing yourself you will see that you have everything and everything is perfect. 


    What do you want to know?


    You are already at peace you don't need anything.


    Whenever you have any confusion or question just Watch that question and Confusion and its feeling itself. 


    Just Act from the base of who you are.


    Don't React. Act After Connecting with God.


    Be Silent and Just Watch. Don't try to control anything or any thought. 


    Just spend most of your energy on the Assets (Whatever) which generate your income Automatically. So you can Detach from this Illusion and Just Watch and Act ACCORDINGLY. 


    What do you want to become?


    I want to be at Peace.


    I want to go back to that Peace Which I had Before the illusion of this (Birth ).


    I don't need to become anything I am Already it.


    I am Peace. I am Love. 


    Peace & Love


    Whatever Requires your attention automatically will come to you. You don't need to remain to think all the time about that.


    Soul of Everything (Money etc..) is He (God/Consciousness/Peace/Love).


    "I" thought Produce or appear from God/Consciousness and the "World" is Sub Thought of the "I" Thought.


  2. 35 minutes ago, ajai said:

    Namaste Ji!

    Wonderful experience, Spiffing!! ?

    Hooray! So finally you did your first trip, congrats for experiencing such amazing insights.


    Thanks a lot :-)

    Yes, That is the Trip Report of my 1st Trip but Till now I have gone through 3 Trips.

    I will share the Trip Report of my other Trips as soon as possible. 

  3. 53 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

    During my psychedelic experiences I had similar feelings and visions,. 

    Mine was mostly seeing a lot of fractals and some distortions. 

    I suffered derealizations and felt like I was leaving my own body through my extremities. 

    The body felt like a prison and reality felt like a mask placed on a matrix. 

    Life looked infinite, there was no presence of time and people looked one, a single entity being divided into so many units.. 

    At some point there was fear, at some point it was blissful like the cosmos is all nothingness. 

    It felt like liberation but it wouldn't last long. 

    Amazing... And That really changes our perspective to look at reality.

    Thanks for sharing this...

  4. I chewed and swallowed 1 gram of Magic Mushroom at 4:30 am.


    Then I sat on a Chair and started Meditation in my room. It was not deep meditation. I was just switching between meditation and open eyes so I can notice if there are any changes in my experience.


    After almost 20 minutes suddenly I started to Hear a Clear Sound of Silence (Beep with 528 Hz Frequency) like when we go higher on Mountains or airplanes. And the sounds of my surroundings became secondary.


    I became more present and started to feel distortion in my body particularly in the face.


    I was feeling confused and was not sure if these experiences are my misunderstandings or I am actually feeling all this in reality as a psychedelic experience.


    Now as my feeling was getting intense I started to get a feeling of fear as well.


    At 05:00 am I thought that what if I fell from the Chair I should go to my bed.


    So I turned on Meditation Music on speakers and went to bed and sat down there.


    Colors became more vibrant. I started to see blood veins in my hand.


    After a few minutes, I thought that this music was distracting me so I asked my Trip Sitter to turn off the music.


    And I felt that I should lie down at 05:15 am so I lay down.


    I was feeling that I am drowning in nothingness or void but I felt really scared so I was trying to resist this also and trying to remain in reality with my body.


    The reason for Fear was that it was my 1st Psychedelic/Spiritual Experience.


    There was dim yellow light in the room and I started to feel really congested. Negatively, like I am having difficulty breathing, I got an inner call that said go outside into nature so you can feel better and have different experiences with nature.


    By 05:45 am I asked my Trip sitter to help me to go to the terrace.


    I was able to concentrate and Focus on things and at the same time, I was confused also.


    When I came outside everything was very Fresh, Color Full, Vibrant, Bird's sound was really amazing, Echoes at the same time I was feeling like I am in High Fever, I was feeling High Temperature.


    I could See Clouds really clearly with different layers of clouds, I was able to see and focus in sharp, small details like Hand pores, etc.., Was feeling a little bit of distortion in objects,

    I was getting an inner call that let’s leave the steering of this body-mind and let me drive but I was scared to leave the control.


    At the same time, I was in the Happy, Giggling, and Laughing Mode. I was getting laughs and jokes on every worldly thing. I was laughing at everything like I am watching a real comedy movie. The whole universe was looking like a comedy and a dream as well.


    My language was also like a funny thing to me. The funniest thing was “Time”. I do not want to think or talk about time because it was the funniest thing in this universe.


    Because at that time here and now was the only thing that matters and I was sure that the Future and the past did not exist.


    I was getting inner calls that now don’t focus on this body and world because this world is a Funny Dream. Focusing on the world will cause you only laughter and nothing else.


    Leave this World, body, and mind and become 1 with nature or consciousness. But I had a feeling of fear and was trying to hold this Dreamworld.


    I was feeling Morphing in my body. Around 06:10 am my feeling of fear dissolved and I got an inner call that now I should get serious if I want to learn something new I was ready to go with the flow and was serious to learn, understand.


    Around 06:16 am I was feeling intense Joy, Calmness, Amazing, Freedom.


    I was feeling very trapped in the body like I am trapped in a very small thing and there is no oxygen and I wanted to come out of this world and body.


    I felt like birds were talking to me. I had a lot of compassion toward every being.


    There was a whole Universe or infinite Well or infinity in each cell, or atom, grain of sand, in everything. Focus on each object was sucking me into the infinity of that spec. There was infinity in each pore of my skin.


    Now I was looking at my body and all other things in a 3rd Person. Like VR Game Experience.


    My whole body was melting away. It felt like I have left everything but I am stuck at the back of my head.


    I was in total presence, I didn't want to hold on to thoughts and memories, and everything in each moment was perfect.


    There was Blind and infinite well in each thing, object or thoughts. In which well I was focusing on I was getting sucked into that thought or thing.


    I was not able to identify which sound is coming from where. I was getting aware of everything but was losing my sense of My Words and body.


    Everything was dissolving into nothingness. Everything was flowing like Air or River. Nothing was staying. Each moment was unique.


    I don’t want to talk about the previous moment.


    I was feeling distortion in Heartbeats also. Whenever I was laughing I felt like my mouth would morph into an infinite wide open.


    This body was feeling like a prison.


    Then my 2-year-old daughter woke up and came to me. I was amazed to see her. It was like I was looking at her for the first time.


    And she was looking cutest. There was a whole universe inside her eyes. I wanted to drown in the infinity of her eyes.


    For some time I enjoyed her cuteness and company and Now I want solitude so I can understand things more deeply.


    Sometimes my hands were looking like baby hands and sometimes it was looking like monster hands.


    Then I decided to go inside to enjoy a few things from the computer and for Meditation.


    I asked my Trip sitter to help me to go inside. And When I stood up I felt so amazed. It was like I am wearing VR Glasses and watching my body arms in the third person.


    My body was looking very small. But I was able to control my body and walk. When I came inside it was like I was looking at my home from inside the 1st time.


    The entry door of my room looked very small. I sat on my computer chair and started watching a few nature Pictures and I was getting sucked into those pictures.


    Then I Started to Watch the Documentary “Moving Art” on Netflix (Nature Documentary) and after just 5 minutes.


    I started to cry through my heart and there were tears in my eyes and while crying my feelings and thought was that I or He (God) is alone and has no one for the company to enjoy and these World objects, World Nature, etc..are the only Imaginations I have for my company.


    I or He (God) has nothing other than this dream and I had intense compassion and self-pity at that time.


    At that time I felt that Surah Ikhlas (Verses of Quran) is not just a surah it is a His Sad Story as well...


    Everything on the computer was looking very clear and sharp.

    Wisdom & Insights I got during this Trip:


    He is just exploring himself.


    He is infinite.


    Everything is him.


    He is happy and enjoying everything and wants us to just explore and enjoy.


    Enjoy the dream.


    Don’t take anything seriously.


    Then I thought I was wasting my time on the computer so I shut down the computer and came back to my bed and started Meditation.


    I closed my eyes and there were a few blurred and faded patterns.


    It was like there were infinite doors and He (God) was asking which door do you want to enter.


    Then I felt like laying so I get laid on the bed.


    Now I feel that my psychedelic experience is going to end so I thought now I should spend some time with my family.


    I came to my family room enjoyed the cuteness of my daughter for a bit more time than I thought I should watch myself in the Mirror so I got up and went in front of the mirror and I got really disappointed I was looking really bad and unhealthy and felt self-pity and asked myself that what have you done with this body which was a temporary gift to you.


    At 08:00 am I was back home from my trip.

  5. 13 hours ago, Seeker531 said:

    During the trip you will see if the vibes are ok or if you can improve things like light, music. If meditating sucks go with the flow and just chill. Actually in my experience by just chilling the best effect occured. But you see everybody has a different "method" 


    And even if nothing happens, just enjoy the trip. Sooner or later it will be obvious. The more mindful you become in everyday life the less dosage you need to see truth. 

    Great. Thanks

  6. 10 hours ago, Lews Therin said:

    I think this specific talk will be very helpfull to you, it is divided into two parts, the first end arouns minute 17, it is that first one i'm talking about, I would suggest listening to it more than once actually, with some time for contemplation in between.

    Thanks a lot for the Amazing Tips. And the video link. I will surely try it.

  7. 10 hours ago, Corpus said:

    If the dose is legitimately 200mcg then the best advice I can give you is- have a non-intoxicated sitter with you. Also be in a safe known environment free of unexpected intrusions, and if you are weighed down with anything disconcerting on your mind, postpone the trip.

    Is 200ug too high dose for the one who have already experienced an amazing Trip with 3g of shrooms in Silent Darkness?

  8. Hello everyone!

    I hope you are doing great.

    I am going to take the 200ug Tab of LSD after a few days. It's my 1st time with LSD but I have already done 3 Trips (1g, 2g, 3g) with Magic Mushroom in the past.

    I want to know that How do I use LSD to have a Spiritual Awakening?

    Should I do it in Silent Darkness or in Nature?

    And What other things should I follow to have a more intense and Ego Shattering and better Spiritual Awakening Experience?

    Waiting for your suggestions.


  9. On 11/3/2020 at 8:22 PM, bennett oppel said:

    You have to ask your brain to stop thinking. This is not easy, it requires an act of will to do this. If you can still line your thoughts then you will start to get results. The best way to do this is to simply stare at the image you see with your eyes shut for a long time and to concentrate on it. Note the image you see with your eyes shut is a non physical image.

    Can you please explain that in more detail?

  10. 21 minutes ago, ajai said:

    @Muhammad Jawad Namaste Ji !

    I think Joseph has a point you got to explore avenues to blend your passion for Spirituality with your skills, and as you said you are VFX artist and it was your passion in past, and now you lack passion for it, now this is happening as a result of your personal development, but the activity you are involved in is still the same- the old one, your disinterest is due to the reason that you have evolved, thus you do not enjoy what you are doing for a long tym now, because you as person has advanced ahead from that stage but the work is still the same, so you gotta maneuver your skillset ahead as well, and offcourse this will be a slow transition given the aspects of your life dependent on that activity it's helping you earn money to make your living. Add some Masala to VFX.

    So, take your time explore avenues to unite VFX which you already have mastery/expertise in, with your passion for Spirituality. VFX is a powerful tool you already have in your hand don't let it go otherwise. Just try your best if you won't be able to blend the two then find another purpose but this will happen only through a process, which will demand patience, just don't throw your skillset away overnight, always remember being financially sound is the primitive thing for satisfying survival needs, then only we can pursue being needs or other higher needs.

    I saw your channel you are doing great, keep up the good work, and be consistent, there are few great tools that you can use to market and make your content more visible on YouTube to get more impressions and this will take time to build as well. All the best.

    Namaste ajai!

    I hope you are doing well.

    Thanks a lot for the great suggestions.

    Yes, I have understood Joseph & Your point and I am not going to let my VFX Skills go away and I have decided to merge my both passions (VFX + Spirituality) into each other and come up with some very New, Different & Creative Stuff. I know it will take time but I am going to start work now and let see how much time it takes...

    Yes, That's true I lost my passion for VFX After getting involved in Personal development.

    What are those tool which can help me grow my Audience at my following Youtube Channels:


  11. On 11/7/2020 at 1:31 AM, Waken said:

    boy, do I know what you're talking about lol. Apart from other things, I once got rely intense with both making music and also I did an audio-visual study where I would love most making animation videos. When stumbling on spirituality I pretty much discarded al my former interest and was just about spirituality. Today I was thinking that I would love to make music that expresses certain higher states of consciousness, I thought perhaps I can make visuals with it too. Just keep doing what you love doing, it will come together that way automatically .(


    Thanks a lot for the Amazing Suggestion...