Muhammad Jawad

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Posts posted by Muhammad Jawad

  1. Hi @ivankiss!

    I hope you are doing well.

    Thanks a lot for sharing your experience of Death.

    I found a lot of common things in your and my Trip.

    Someone at this forum read your Trip report and then read my trip report and he told me that there is a lot common in both of your trips. 

    So He gave me the link to your trip report which I read and found a lot in common.

    If you are interested then you can read my trip report from the following link:

    Thanks a lot :-)

  2. On 1/14/2021 at 8:51 PM, abrakamowse said:

    Thanks a lot for your postings, very much appreciated!


    Most Welcome :-)

    On 1/14/2021 at 10:59 PM, Nate0068 said:

    yeah being alone sucks ive had some pretty powerful trips where thats the main facet and tbh i forget what it feels like fully but it is definitely a flip from  being warn out from all the ego things and the people you hate but when your alone and you know that your alone you really appreciate duality for what it is 


    On 1/15/2021 at 2:52 AM, flume said:

    Yes, I remember Matt Kahn talking about this. He said when your frequency rises above a certain point you'll stop being affected by electronic gadgets. They won't influence you anymore and you'll instead influence them :D He needs to buy new microphones and speakers several times a year for his events, they just can't survive around him. Can't wait to see this dude in person and let him fry my brainB|


  3. 47 minutes ago, peanutspathtotruth said:

    Yes, this happens with all psychedelics. I would personally say that if you're able to relax during a DMT or 5 comeup, you will most probably be able to relax on a shroom or acid comeup as well. But it doesn't work the other way around, those are different beasts. 

    Of course, I'm also aware I don't want to get cocky, shrooms can be quite challenging. 

    I recently had a bit Challenging experience with 5g Shrooms w Lemon Tek which led me to Panic Attacks & Shock.

    Will it be easier for me in the Future?

    My Trip Report:


  4. 59 minutes ago, abrakamowse said:

    This was his post in case you didn't read it


    Oh my God.

    He has really gone through experiences that have a lot of similarities with my experience. There are a lot of things which are very common. There were a few more things in my Ego Death Experience that I forgot or couldn't express in my trip report which @ivankiss has mentioned in his report in really simple words.

    I will share my trip report with him as well.

    Thanks a lot

  5. 11 hours ago, Max1993 said:

    I learned a lot from your trip, next time I trip and start to feel that I might stay lonely forever, I'll tell myself, I can always forget, that's the beauty of imagining your own birth


    I am not sure if at that stage you will be able to remember forgetfulness or not.

    Because at the peak of my trip I was having panic by thinking that I am gone blind but I couldn't remember that I myself have turned all of the lights off at the beginning of the trip.

    At one more stage I thought I am dead due to that I was in panic & shock but couldn't remind myself to turn on the light or something like this.

    I wanted to come out of the trip, darkness but I forgot that I turned the lights off and I can turn them as well. I was getting Mad.

  6. 2 hours ago, Hulia said:

    What my yoga couch says and what is really working good for me is holding the poses as long as possible. Headstand at least 5 min., forward fold 20 minutes and so on, it´s individual. My yoga coach says: after 5 minutes the psycological impact unfolds, more than 5 min. - spiritual. And it works. I can better meditate after yoga and even during holding the pose I can meditate. 

    Due to yoga I´ve got a grip on meditation to some extent. I am still very far from being a master in meditation. But it still has become has become something like meditation. 


    I hope you are doing well.

    Thanks a lot for this precious piece of information. :-)

  7. Hello All!

    I hope everyone is doing great.

    Which Yoga should be part of my daily routine for my spiritual growth?

    What is Leo's Suggestion about it?

    And which Breathing techniques or Methods are best and reccemended by Leo for spiritual growth?

    Please provide me the online links as well from where I can learn it when you provide me your suggestion.

    For example you suggest: "kundalini Yoga or Kriya yoga or any other yoga".

    With that suggestion please give me references from where I can learn that yoga. It could be any book name, or youtube channel or any online link from Internet.

    Waiting for the help.


  8. 52 minutes ago, Hulia said:

    I can order them on internet!!! So simple..  Magic mushrooms.. I thought they are illegal...

    Ok, they might be illegal in my country and will be confiscated at the border. But I found close to me a shop which is selling books about magic shrooms. After lockdown I´ll drive over ther and look very deep in the eyes of the shop assistant. I have already found a music for the trip!

    Best of Luck :-)

  9. 15 minutes ago, Hulia said:

    OK, I see 3 g shrooms is better than 5 g.

    Exactly. You should read my 1g & 2g Shrroms Trip report as well.

    1g Shrooms Trip Report: 

    2g Shrooms Trip Report:


    17 minutes ago, Hulia said:

    But I still have no idea where to get them? Just to pick in the wood is too dangerous?  What sort is it? The red one with white dots?

    Don't try to get these things from the woods, It's too dangerous.

    I have tried the following: "Magic Mushroom Psilocybin Cubensis"

    I found local sellers through online research.

  10. 9 hours ago, Hulia said:

    And I was beginning to think where I can get some shrooms or LSD. But... I would die of fear, if I had to go through where you´ve been.

    Hi Hulia!

    Hahaha. Don't Worry.

    You can start with natural methods of Spirituality like Meditation, Contemplation & readings and after some time when you feel a lot mature spiritually then you can start with lower doses of psychedelics. But I can't recommend Higher doses Yet as you know that where I have been from on my last trip. Only you know yourself, Your level of spiritual and psychological maturity.

    If you remain calm & peaceful in all kinds of situations of your life and you are confident that you can remain calm in worst-case scenarios as well like your death, etc... Then maybe you are ready to try Higher Doses as well which leads toward Ego's Death and Infinity.


    9 hours ago, Hulia said:

    I can imagine it. I used to dream often that I am on the edge of the abyss. Or just on the edge, on some edge. Once I dreamt of the edge of 30 cm high, and was paralized by fear. And totally perplexed when awaken. I am not afraid of the monsters and corpses in my dreams any more, they are funny. But the falling perspective made me crazy. I´ve got even fear of height in a real life.

    Right. I can understand.


    9 hours ago, Hulia said:

    Besides these 2 things: to get blind and to get mad are teriffying for me. I have always been afraid of getting mad. I´ve never thought about blindness earlier. But I do recently.

    Exactly that is really terrifying. Even it's been 3 days after the Trip whenever I think about that stage of my Trip. My heartbeat gets abnormal and starts to pound due to fear. 

  11. 11 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

    Exactly, ego death is not a joke, the ego is going to figth with all of his power (that is not small) .

    That's true.

    11 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

    Next time you are going to be more prepared. As you can see, big courage is needed to go again.


    12 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

    This panic is the fire purifier. Many things in you mind are going to change, don't get hurry, reading you it's quite obvious that you are going again but some integration is needed.

    Now I need some time for integration through natural spiritual methods like meditation and contemplation. 1st of all I have to make myself psychologically and spiritually as strong so I can handle any kind of situation calmly with Peace & Love.

  12. 1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

    I had a similar experience in some respects. I only existed, without time or space, nothing happened. eternal and with no possibility of escape. There could be nothing worse and that's why I had to forget it. take several days is to forget that. just as you came to the conclusion that the problem was my ego, which rejected that loneliness. but I thought about that later. at the time of the experience there was no thought, only the awareness of eternal loneliness. But must be the ego, because, if nothing happens, how the desperation happened? It's an ego death, but not totally

    You are right. It takes time to forget this kind of experience. It still haunts me whenever I think about that experience. I feel like my ego is really scared of that and trying to hiding from the memories of its death.


    And yes sometimes I also think that it was not complete ego death because ego scared of the death and fight with experience of ego death which lead me to Panic.

  13. 7 minutes ago, How to be wise said:

    Can you even see an atom? How do you know the atom exists, let alone the ‘infinite worlds’ in the atom?

    I realised that fact during my psychedelic Trips.


    Everything is infinite and have no limits. Like your body consist of billions of atoms thats how atom consist of billions of small particles.  And those particals also consists of billions of particles and that never ends.


    It's infinite.