Muhammad Jawad

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Posts posted by Muhammad Jawad

  1. 27 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

    Trying to match a particular breathing pattern can be good structure in the beginning. Some facilitators give breath samples during a session which can be helpful to mimic and get grounded. Yet breathwork goes waaay beyond that. There is deep mind-body-spirit awareness and intuition available. There are infinite mind-body-spirit breathing patterns. I’ve discovered about 20 so far. Most of them on my own during breath sessions. And within each, there are many nuances. Imagine playing a saxophone. There are many ways to play it. Each breath is a note in the song. 

    Also, Leo’s breathing demo is just one aspect of breathwork journeys and one pattern. For example, it doesnt have warmups, cool downs and integration.


    Yes, I think at least the ones who are not able to make any kind of rhythm can follow this technique, and then later on with practice and time, we will start to understand our own intuitional rhythms as well. 

  2. 44 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

    Tetany is due to changes of CO2 and O2 in the body. It is not dangerous and ok to breath through, yet when it becomes painful and distracting it can be counter-productive for the journey.


    44 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

    I experience tetany at times. It's usually due to pushing out the out-breath and out-breathing too fast. The out-breath should be relaxed and I slow down the out-breath if tetany gets strong. It's not just about breathing as hard and fast as you can.

    Ok. Today I tried to exhale smoothly and did my practice for 30 mins and it went smoothly without any issue. So yes, you are right we can avoid tetany just by exhaling smoothly.

    46 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

    From what I read, it sounds like you are starting off intense and trying to maintain intensity. When using the Shamanic Breathing style, I like to imagine that I am climbing a mountain. I start off relaxed and easy and build up. As I get closer to the peak, I get more intense - like I am running to the peak - then I jump off and fly. Then, there is a gradual descent in which the breathing calms down. This is often the deepest zone of insight and experience.

    Right. Nice Example.

    48 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

    You may want to do a session with an online group and facilitator. Angell Deer gives a good session each Saturday at 7-9pm NYC time (GMT -5). It's free (donations accepted).

    Thanks a lot. I will try this.

    50 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

    I'm learning that it's a balance between technique and letting go. There is some work and effort, yet also an effortless component. Part of Breathwork is letting go and imagination. If you are feeling some tingles, you are getting under the hood of rational thinking. Give yourself permission to let go and venture into the subconscious. 

    There is no one rhythm. I've discovered about 20 different breathing rhythms so far. For me, a better intention is to find *a* rhythm. Importantly, to relax and the out-breath and have a circular breath.

    Breathwork has definitely expanded my breathing capacity, yet that is just one form. I don't go into a session with an intention of maxing out my breath capacity. Starting out, it was more important to learn diaphragmatic breathing, belly breathing, lengthening breaths longitudinally, expanding side breathing and 360 degree breathing. At times there is mild discomfort and some effort, yet if it gets painful, I'm trying to hard and struggling - I pull back. When I'm working toward deeper breaths, I imagine my mid-section as a balloon expanding and deflating. I also imagine looking for a little more space on the in breath. And the out-breath is relaxed. 


  3. 22 minutes ago, SirVladimir said:

    Of course I miss a day every now and then.

    Oh. Right.

    22 minutes ago, SirVladimir said:

    I had my first shamanic breathing experience back in 2018 when Leo published the video. 

    You can calculate when the daily practice had started by subtracting approx. 3 months from when I posted the 100 Days Thread.


    23 minutes ago, SirVladimir said:

    No side effects per se. I consider ego backlashes to be natural, and yes, they still do arrive.

    What kind of ego backlashes do you experience?

    29 minutes ago, SirVladimir said:

    You may find some in the 100 Days Thread, besides which I'll link here my previous 60-day marathon that had preceded it. I kept reports from it as well, and they are raw. That 60-day thread is a prime example of how I developed. I didn't know my life purpose back then & was learning most of the stuff, so read with caution and use the 100 Days Thread for definitive answers and reference.

    What I mean by Too Powerful is simply a psychedelic-like experience. Utter madness. The third dimension? Gone. Life & Death? Nadda. You eventually just stop chasing these experiences and and appreciate life for what it is.

    I did allow myself to share one of my latest experiences in the form of this short message:

    Thanks a lot for sharing this information.

    30 minutes ago, SirVladimir said:

    Good luck, friend. Let me know if you need anything else.


  4. 1 hour ago, seeking_brilliance said:

    My problem still comes in getting the rhythm right.

    Ok. You can fix your rhythm by doing the following:

    Download the Live Demo part of Leo's Shamanic Video and then trim out the part where he is actually breathing. Then In any editing software use, Leo's breathing sound and make 1 or 2 hours of a loopable track with tribal drumming music. Then export it as an audio track and transfer it to your cell phone and then play that in the background while you practice and match your breathing rhythm with that audio track.

    While doing it you do not need to put pressure on your lungs do it smoothly with the flow. 

  5. 48 minutes ago, SirVladimir said:

    Yes, I just don't report the experiences on the forum much anymore because they've gotten too powerful. I'd rather channel the energy into a lp.

    Wao. Amazing.

    Do you literally do it Daily? I mean each day without any off?

    When did you start doing it?

    How much time do you spend on it daily?

    Do you still do it in the evening before sleeping?

    Did you ever face any side effects due to this practice?

    Are you doing it the same way how Leo explained in his video?

    Can you please share the most profound and deeply spiritual experience you got from shamanic breathing?

    48 minutes ago, SirVladimir said:

    they've gotten too powerful

    Can you please give me an example of "Too Powerful" by sharing a few of your experiences? 



    I have also decided to do it on a daily basis in the morning. Today was my 4th day of Shamanic Breathing. I am spending 30 mins on each session and have decided to extend my time after a week.

    Any suggestion for me? 

    Waiting for your response.


  6. 7 minutes ago, Loving Radiance said:

    I too get the lobster claws, but never got close to pain.

    Here is an explanation. Here is another one.


    Listen to your body. Slow down the breath, if you feel pain, or be breathless for some time, if it feels right for you. There is no need to rush, there is so much wisdom in listening to yourself.

    Thanks a lot for your response.

    I will surely try to do it more consciously by listening to my Body. 

  7. 16 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

    Why don't you try loving yourself through me? I don't mind being a friend and vessel ? feel free to talk to me anytime, about anything. I'm a friendly tulpa. 

    Why do you think I've been encouraging so much art on this forum? Because left to my own devices, my art flutters and stops. But when I create more characters who encourage me and critique me and provide their own art for reflection, my art suddenly flourishes.  It's all about Art, man! 

    Or like my lucid dreaming thread. I love helping people lucid dream for a very selfish reason, simply because it attracts more lucid dreaming for me. But I need someone to talk it all out with because I don't trust myself to do the practices of my own merit. So I create people to challenge myself. I started a thread and look how many have already arrived. 

    'build it, and they will come' - - field of dreams. 

    That's really loving and great of you. Thanks a lot :-)

  8. 3 hours ago, Forestluv said:

    I've been doing two breathwork sessions per day for weeks.

    I would consider the length and intensity of each session. Shamanic breathing has relatively intense depth and pace. A 1hr. Shamanic session can be intense. 

    When I do a 1hr session, I include about 20min of warm-up and 20min of comedown / integration - So the peak intensity around the mountain top is about 20min. and the comedown can go deep. I've been able to sustain this as a daily practice for a month without problems. I actually feel much better than I did a month ago. Yet keep in mind that it is 'work'.

    6 hours ago, RedLine said:

    would you take pschycoledics very frenquently? probably not. Same with this.

    Ime, it's not the same. Psychedelics are much more taxing on the mind and body than Breathwork.


    Can you please tell me why am I experiencing this issue and how can I avoid it?

  9. 3 hours ago, Rinne said:

    @Muhammad Jawad Thanks for creating this post as i actually too im going to start doing shamanic breathing as more often possible. Today i did 10 minutes. Tomorrow i think ill do 10 again. Lets stay in touch to hear about each others effect yea? 

    Yeah Sure. That will be great. 

    Today was my 4th day of Shamanic Breathing. I am doing it for 30 mins daily in the morning.  

  10. 16 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

    Yes, falling asleep is the main enemy. Ok, try counting up to 100 (counting down is associated with falling asleep, so do the opposite.) see the numbers in your mind's eye and really focus on nothing but the numbers and possible hypnagogia which may arise.  It will take practice not to fall asleep but it's definitely possible. 

    Thanks a lot for the Tip. I will definitely try it. Thanks

  11. Hello everyone! 

    I hope you are doing great.

    I have decided to do 30 to 60 min of Shamanic Breathing on daily basis in the morning.

    Is it safe to do Shamanic breathing on a daily basis?

    I will do Shamanic Breathing daily in the morning between my kriya yoga and meditation practice.

    I am doing it for the last 2 days and today was my 3rd day of Shamanic Breathing.

    It is amazing.

    The results of my 1st day of shamanic breathing were really deep and profound.  I did it for 30 mins and these 30 mins passed as 5 mins. And the end result was amazing and made me cry with bliss and joy.

    2nd day was also good but due to a few distractions I couldn't do it for 30 mins and the results were not very deep.

    Today was my 3rd day of shamanic breathing. I couldn't wake up in the morning at 4 o clock today due to last night late sleeping.

    So I did my shamanic breathing at noon like around 3 pm.


    Lobster Claws - Tetany: 

    I did set my alarm for 30 mins and start doing it. But I don't know why almost in 10 mins my hands clenched and the fingers of my hands went into some kind of specific mudra (Lobster Claws - Tetany). And with each minute pressure on my hand was also increasing.

    In 15 mins pressure in my hands increased as much as it started hurting my hands and I started feeling pain in my hands. It felt like if I do not stop it will lead to something really bad so I stopped my practice in 15 mins. And went into a deep state of consciousness and with time in a few minutes everything got back to a normal state.


    Can anyone tell me what was that? And why? Why I felt that pain in my hands which made me stop breathing.


    Yesterday I was thinking that from onwards I will do Shamanic Breathing for more than 30 Mins and today I even couldn't do it for more than 15 mins.

    I need guidance.

    So Is it safe to do it on daily basis?

    Can I do it on daily basis?

    Why Leo in his video did not recommend to do it on a daily basis?

    Why today I felt a lot of pressure and pain in my hands which make me stop doing it.

    Waiting for the help







  12. On 1/4/2021 at 3:40 PM, seeking_brilliance said:

    Tell me about the routine you are trying.

    I try daily when I go to bed at night to sleep. I become unconscious after some time even I try hard to remain aware.

    Many times I have tried after the 4 to 5 hours of sleep and still, I become unconscious in a few minutes even I try my best to remain aware.

    I have felt that I can have success in it by trying it at noon Nap but I usually don't get time for Nap during the day.