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Everything posted by Snuitje

  1. Why is never having a girlfiend so bad to you? Do you know how many people are in a relationship just so they can say: "But I'm in a relationship" These people are far from happy. I've seen it all around me. They poison eachother with pain and fear. I think it's trying to teach you self-love. A girlfriend will come when you love yourself and when you're not desperate for one. The pain that you're feeling won't go away with a high closing rate.
  2. I would go to the root cause of these emotions then. For every one emotion ask atleast 5 times why and write it down. I think a pattern will emerge when doing this. I agree with SgtPepper. I also think you should go out more based on talking to yourself. Go to a local bar and make it your own. Drink coffee there at day and bring something interesting with you. Leo made a video on victim mentality, maybe worth a watch now.
  3. I think it's not a relationship that is the problem here. It's a life purpose. When you live congruent and aligned with your values you will meet people who have similar values and you can connect with these people. I don't think you can connect because you don't know your values etc. Am I right?
  4. Two dates and you love her? You barely know the tip of the iceberg. I think you need to be less attached to girls who may seem like a perfect deal. I've noticed you think the vibe was 10/10 and everything is great, but that's all your perception. You don't know how it was. This is again attachement. I think you grow a lot in pickup if you stop judging these things. If they bail, they bail, if they ignore you, that's okay as well. If they cancel, who cares? You are not destined for day game, unless you choose to. That's a limiting belief.
  5. Ego backlashes are bound to happen, don't worry about it. Many more will come. It's sometimes 2 steps forward, 3 steps back. And then you make a jump, 4 steps backward, 2 steps forward etc.
  6. According to statistics the amount of beer being consumed is dropping each year (at least here in The Netherlands). Can be a lot of different reasons why people drink alcohol when going out. Reasons I observed: 1. They don't know why they do it, because it's been ingrained in their programming by culture / friends. 2. Group pressure / fear of not fitting in. 3. Escape from their stress/fears/pain etc. 4. Just being social. I heard nr.4 a lot from my environment, which I never believed by looking at their behavior. These people were almost always drunk at the end of the night. There are people who drink a glass and call it a night (excluding the BOB, the driver who doesn't (supposed) drink). To them Nr.4 applies.
  7. @Gianna Don't drink alcohol, except on the rare occasion like a wedding where I drink 1 vodka. As long as people don't go overboard with alcohol (binge drinking) I'm okay with it. I drink with them just spring water. Here in The Netherlands I come across a lot of people who don't drink. But these people tend to be more timid and shy.
  8. @Onecirrus As been said here transition into a different job. There are many different entry level jobs you can apply for: Callcenter, waiting tables, dishwashing, administration work etc. Yeah man, seeing your parents as zombies is hard. Just be glad you have it in you to "break free" from all of this unconscious stuff.
  9. Are you either scared of rejection or do you feel like a creep just approaching a stranger in (I assume) daylight? Do you feel you have to approach now because if not, you're doing yourself short because of this story you told yourself? Do you think these questions go to the root of the terrible feeling in the inside? From a non-dual perspective your not missing out on anything.
  10. @Gabith Why do you care so much that they either think bad or good about you? You don't know what they are thinking and it wont change anything even if you did. Why do you have to prove that your ex lies and cheats to other people? Even if she did, it happend as it was supposed to and it cannot be changed (even if everyone agrees with you). Therefore you don't have to do anything really except to accept the situation and move on. *Don't try stuff. You either do or you don't.
  11. There is a review on the LoO on the booklist.
  12. Why is it like a prison? What changed in your life? When was the transition from being a home to a prison? Why did you sign up for a martial art sport? What is it about it that made you do this? Why do you also want to add yoga to the mix? Why do you turn circles in your house when you feel you're alone (can you go deeper then blame this on emptiness?)? When was the first time you felt this emptiness emerge? What changed in your life when this emptiness emerged? Can you answer these questions?
  13. For the last couple of weeks I've been digging deep in the aliens stuff and it led me to Ra Material. After doing massive research on Ra I got a natural psyhedelic experience. Something appeard in my dream and I became lucid. Right after I woke up and my room was different. I closed my eyes and I looked in a box. There were white lines going from me to the end of the box, it looked like energy. Then the box opened on the end side and it showed a bird in limestone. It looked very Egyptian. I had a thought: Is this Ra? And then an eye appeard and it looked at me. The eye changed to a business man on a phone then my left eye field became purple and my right eye field became pink. On the purple side rows of 8's appeared. I thought then that I don't want to see this anymore and it immediatly stopped. I opened my eyes and 2 seconds or so later the psyhedelic state vanished and everything was normal. So...after this my character has changed. I listen to different music now. Working around the clock for my business and it inspires me to work on this. My life purpose also makes sense after this. When I sat on the couch and made the choice of service to others path I felt this love/light in my heart, like really intense. Then suddenly I bought a Tarot deck and later I found out that the Law of One is responsible for those cards (I was researching how to communite with this Ra). What do you guys think of Ra? I feel that this is true but I'm aware there could be self-deception at work here, even though I never wanted to make this up. It just all happened. This night I woke up on 3AM and all these wierd symbols showed up when I closed my eyes again. And when I open my eyes I could see them vague. It lasted like 10 seconds. I'm confused really. Can't really talk about anyone about this.
  14. Thanks @kinesin and all the others for all the reply's. I'm dropping this whole thing. After my last message I realised it's the emotional difficult thing to let go of this "ra," and so I did. I didn't realise how much I wanted it to be true and how much I was sucked into it.
  15. I've actually been thinking this today. I think this statement is more true then I am willing to admit to myself. Just seeing people around me doing the same everyday not questioning anything, being addicted to all sorts of things and not doing anything about it. Here I am, questioning stuff, conquered almost all of my major addictions which took me 10 years orso, reading, improving etc., yeah leads to a disconnection with my environment. I think Ra was/is this thing I could/can connect to. Hahaha. I know what you mean. I guess I am. @kinesin These hyperrealistic dreams occur during the day? Or did you dream at night and you couldn't tell the real world from the dream world after waking up? How should I interpret this? This predicting the future stuff. Did you dream the future? I've had 3 dreams now (in my life) which happenend a day later with a slight nuance in it. Lol, who cares what anyone thinks. What kind of information were they transferring? How do you know they did this?
  16. @kinesin That's interesting. I recognise a lot of what you said. I'm curious, how did you have visions? Did it also come in your sleep? How did it stop? What do you mean with already sensitive? I'm skeptical about other 'things'. From what I understand it's just lower and higher energies. And if you focus on these lower energies you feel fear, anxiety and the sorts, while focussing on higher energies you feel bliss etc. This is a good one. I noticed that I feel resistance of letting the Ra Material go. I think am more attached to this then I realised. Anyways, thanks for all the replys
  17. Well, so it seems to us that Ra is the light around us. According to the Law of One Ra can also manifest itself in this reality by thought or speak to you in dreams (which I read afterwards in the Law of One prior to this experience, (I always read stuff afterwards)). At first I was sceptical about the aliens. I dismissed it as bullshit or hoaxes. I started to look for stories from all over the world. All these stories had some similarities. After two weeks of research I felt massive fear to the notion that there is indeed some truth to all of this. After that Law of One just popped up (like out of nowhere, never even heard of it before) and I learned about the densities and that these aliens are 4th. Then I could only focus on Ra. Couple days later the OP happened. @kinesin I'm aware of rabbitholes. My post happenend like a month ago and I've been looking really hard for self-deception. The harder I try, the more it makes sense and the more I want to continue with this. At the same time, the more I don't know whether all of this is true. I can't express through text how my life is just getting epic now. It feels like I'm becoming my authenthic self. Even if all of this Ra is fake and I'm deluding myself bigtime. How should I read this picture?
  18. It's a beautiful thing to be guided by "something." It feels so mysterious and exciting. My LP didn't come from shrooms but happenend naturally I guess. You can say I'm also a healer (as Leo said, think broad with healing). I'm going to do that with personal training, teaching healthy eating and non-duality (raising consciousness). I recognize how you feel you have imposter syndrom, I've had this too. Know that being a healer takes a lot more responsability than working at walmarts. Take small steps and take your time. Do small projects which feels like brings you closer to your purpose.
  19. I've been seeing them all over the place aswell some time back. I noticed that sometimes I wanted to see them but they held no meaning (confirmation bias). Other times it was just a coincidence that I had a thought and they appeared. I took action on that thought and my life improved. What I also noticed that when I didn't act on a thought that occured when I saw those numbers, the numbers appeared more rapidly. Nowadays I seem them very little, I know I am on my LP now, I feel like I don't need them also, so yeah. Are they real? Who knows. All I know I've become a better person following those numbers
  20. If someone has to make a change in their diet/lifestyle then I don't recommend any alcohol. If someone has their shit in order and wants to have a drink then I don't see any problem with it. As long as it's not binging or mixing shots and whatnot. Will this one or two glasses affect their health significantly? Barely. Even less if this person is smart and drinks 0,3L - 0,5L of water after every glass. Will you get more from a grape juice than a glass of wine? I think scientifically they both have some benefits and both have some cons. From an objective point, I wouldn't rule wine out as bad. No doubt grape juice will win with the most benefits, but I think the (red)wine is not far off all things considered.
  21. For a female one glass of wine/beer per day is okay. Studies have shown that there are actually benefits of having one alcoholic drink per day (for a male 2 glasses per day). If you have a clean plant-based diet you are definitely in the good. Even though I recommend two glasses of wine per week for female, but that's a personal opinion. Alternatives in clubs: spring water (but can be ridiculously expensive compared to beer, these clubs want to sell beer for some reason) or maybe a cola zero or a tonic.
  22. @Opo I wasn't sure what kind of rice she eats. Brown rice has more fiber in it then white rice. From what i've seen in these Asian country's they mostly consume white rice.
  23. Hmm interesting. Yeah okay, so an alternative vegan friendly would be supplements based on algea.
  24. @Preety_India I don't how you are now and if you've fixed it already but I had to think of vitamine B12 and B2. Are there vitamins added to soy milk? Are you eating enough and variety of nuts (walls, brazils, peanuts etc.)? Also eat mushrooms (shiitake, portebello's, normal ones). And yeah drop the cornflakes, salt (unless pink hawaii salt), white rice (replace with brown), cereals.
  25. I recommend chia and linseeds for omega 3. It's so cheap and if you eat everyday a couple table spoons you should be okay on the omega 3 department. Also a handfull of wallnuts, but they're more expansive