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About FrankMcGuire

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  • Birthday 04/05/1981

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  1. I had the same problem. What helped me? - regular exercises - to my mind nutrition doesn’t matter if without excess -Sleep schedule and quality of rest. I made a detailed schedule and most importantly a bought a big recliner instead of my old chair. You can look for suitable options for you on Amazon or sites like this - Try to find a hobby or smth what excites you - There are a lot of reasons to wake up, trust me
  2. @Romer02 So do it Stupid advice but it works. About 10 years ago Dad kicked me out of the house. So don’t drag it out
  3. Totally agree. Also you'll have a career opportunity
  4. You have to understand where your soul lies. You have to practice more. Every interview is a small step towards a big win. Or develop freelance skills to the ideal