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Movies aren't real life. This is closer to what would really happen ...
(I’ve added notes from the book in this summary. There are videos on George Leonard’s book “Mastery” on youtube. Here’s two worth checking out: Animated Book Summary (6 min), Summary and Review (8 min)) 9. Summary: “Mastery” -It’s hard to be fulfilled and successful when you don’t have Mastery over anything. Mastery is a mindset and process of becoming excellent at whatever you choose to do. (Read “Mastery” by George Leonard) -Mastery can be achieved by everyone, not just the “naturally talented.” Mastery says there's a methodical, scientific way to achieve excellence. -Mastery is paramount to personal development because it applies to everything you want to get good at in life. (Health, Success, Relationships, Life Purpose, Love, Sex, Business, Cooking, Sports, Hobbies, etc) It’s one of the most important topics. -Mastering meta skills that improve everything will compound all your efforts (superlearning, health, discipline, emotional intelligence, epistemology, relationships, etc). A tide that lifts all boats. These core skills you master will be part of you forever. They will pay huge dividends over your lifetime. It’s what makes people seem magical. -The biggest obstacle to Mastery is naive, unrealistic expectations. Having realistic expectations means you won’t be blindsided when reality hits. -There’s the Imaginary Mastery curve and the Real Mastery curve. -The Imaginary Mastery curve falsely says progress is easy, constant, linear and predictable. This mindset sets you up for failure. It’s also what most people believe. -The Real Mastery curve is like a staircase with deep steps, small rises with long plateaus. True progress challenges your comfort zone. -A plateau is a period where you're putting in effort but not seeing any improvement. You may even regress a little bit. This throws most people off, but it’s normal. Don’t get disheartened! -No one can avoid plateaus, not even the “naturally talented.” No one experiences smooth, steady upward growth. You need to get comfortable working while being on a plateau to become truly masterful at anything. -You deal with the plateaus by expecting them and bracing yourself. When you commit and work at it you'll get some progress, but it’ll be erratic. If you're putting in deliberate practice, working everyday, improving what needs to be improved, trust you're moving along the Mastery curve. -Mastery takes time. It takes time to practice and condition the Mastery mindset. It’s easy to forget that and get demoralized, especially during long projects. -When you see a top performing athlete, actor, entrepreneur, it's because they've developed Mastery through this gradual process of improving bit by bit. They didn’t find one overnight quick-fix scheme. ◦ In Japan, top sushi chefs start by learning to properly prepare rice for two years. ◦ Mozart put in 10 years of practice before writing his first world class concerto. (Malcolm Gladwell’s book “Outliers”) ◦ Chris Evans did 13 years of theatre, tv and movies before booking his first superhero movie which bombed with critics (Fantastic Four). He then spent another five years acting before booking Captain America in 2010 for which he got $300,000. His payday in 2019 was $43.5 million. (such a poor ugly overnight success ) -Consumerist culture promotes shortcuts, novelty and distractions. It’s anti-Mastery. It’s focused on “get rich quick” schemes. Marketing is a huge contributor to this. “Give me what I want now, without any effort on my part.” -What’s wrong with shortcuts or luck? Luck runs out if it’s not based on skill and work ethic. Shortcuts are unsustainable because they worry about results instead of learning skills or finding joy in the process. -Ironically, the “get rich quick” mindset gets promoted by the culture, but it's not actually rewarded by the culture. Mastery, however, is devalued by the culture but highly rewarded. Three Common Anti-Mastery Attitudes that Lead to Failure: —The Dabbler: Always seeks novelty, chases the highs. Gives up when it gets hard and makes excuses. Bounces from one thing to the next, never building anything substantial. —The Obsessive: Unsustainably gung-ho. Thinks he can avoid plateaus by overextending himself. Hitting the first plateau is a surprise which leads to frustration, then crashing and burning. Chaotic and unstable, high highs and low lows. —The Hacker: Learns just enough to get by. Not willing to go past his comfort zone. Gets stuck on a plateau. Progress is halted for fear of hard work. Can do okay work, but doesn’t accomplish anything great. Boring, doesn’t grow. Mastery is a Mindset -The Master does not worry because he has grounded success in himself. The non-Master lives in fear that they’ve stumbled their way into success. They know their success could be taken away. -When you’re masterful you can create results on demand, consistently, not based on luck. This gives you confidence. Even if you lost everything you would be able to replicate that success again. -There’s emotional richness in doing what you really love and working hard at it. This is one of the best things about being on the path of Mastery and staying on it. Visualize your success to stay motivated. You are amassing this power within yourself through self-development, through Mastery. That feels amazing. -Mastery is Process Oriented, Not Results Oriented Process oriented means you’re focused primarily on doing the process well and enjoying it. Not just getting a result. -Masters Create an Upward Spiral. Masters focus on joy and learning because they love the practice. Because they love it, they do more of it, and the more they do the better they get. The better they get the more they enjoy it. -No One Can Sustain 10 Years of Grind. (Maybe a year or so) If it takes 10 years to become great at something, you won’t sustain that on a short spiky burst of emotion. You’ll become resentful, and you still won’t be great. Mastery is consistent, even keeled, the tortoise not the hare. Don’t worry about your results. Track them, but don't chase them like a thirsty blood-hungry dog. -A sustainable pace is one you could do for the rest of your life and it won't cause you energy problems or money problems. Think long term. (episode: Develop Patience) -Consistent, good, imperfect practice is better than short, unsustainable practice. 10 years of sustainable productivity is better than 1 year of fast unsustainable growth. -Love the minutia of what you're doing. Be fully present and detail oriented about your craft. Minutia isn’t boring. The essence of boredom is found in the obsessive search for novelty. Satisfaction lies in mindful repetition, the discovery of endless richness as subtle variations on familiar themes. It's a pleasure, not a grind. Learning slowly forces you to look deeply at the process and discover the incremental steps that you might otherwise gloss over if progress came easily. The master develops subtle distinctions (episode:Learning = Making Distinctions) ◦ Kobe Bryant describing the process of Mastery. Challenges to Staying on the Path of Mastery -Homeostasis: Our body, brain and behaviour have a built in tendency to stay within very narrow limits. Psychological homeostasis is your mind's tendency to go back to how things have always been, whether or not that’s healthy. Your mind is like a thermostat that has been set by past experiences. Learning a new skill will require shifting this thermostat, and your body will naturally resist this. Your mind will refuse to do new stuff unless you push it out of its comfort zone. -Discomfort or fear from trying something new is actually a sign of growth. It’s not to be avoided. If the learning doesn’t challenge your comfort zone you’re probably not growing much. Negotiate with your resistance to change. Plan for two steps forward, one step back. (Understanding Resistance) A non-Master would go gung-ho, not expecting resistance, like those people in the gym on Jan 1st who quit after a week. Resistance is proportionate to the size and speed of the change, not to whether the change is favourable or unfavourable. Too much change too quickly creates a backlash, reeling you back to your comfort zone. Focus on one thing, one new habit, at a time. Don’t wear yourself out. Acknowledge the negative and accentuate the positive. Denial inhibits energy while realistic acknowledgement of the truth releases it. -If you refuse to adopt the Mastery mindset you’ll waste years of your life frustrated, bouncing from one thing to another, not making any progress, never getting what you want. You might get disenchanted with the whole process of growth and you’ll settle for mediocrity. That’s not the life you want to live. “To practice regularly, even when you seem to be getting nowhere, might at first seem onerous. But the day eventually comes when practicing becomes a treasured part of your life. You settle into it as if into you favourite easy chair, unaware of time and the turbulence of the world. It will still be there for you tomorrow. It will never go away.”—George Leonard Five Guidelines on the Path of Mastery 1. Be aware of homeostasis. Expect resistance and backlash. Don't give up at the first sign of trouble. 2. Negotiate with your resistance, by using pain as a guide to performance. Play discontent, the inevitable escort of transformation. Keep pushing, but not without awareness to the warnings. Pushing your way through despite the warning signals increases the possibility of backsliding. 3. Develop a support system of other people who share the joys of the change you're making. 4. Regular practice - the path of mastery for its own sake. A stable base during the instability of change. 5. Dedicate to lifelong learning. The lifelong learner learned to deal with homeostasis, because he is doing it all the time.
(why you should be grateful Chris Evans isn't running a cult…or selling you a timeshare …) 187. Summary: "Beware Of False Prophets - Stop Worshipping Human Personality" -Putting people on a pedestal is dangerous. It tempts you to cede your critical thinking over to them. Liking them a lot is fine, but idolizing them is not healthy. -Humans are hardwired through evolution to follow strong, charismatic leaders, which is why smart people are susceptible to the cult of personality. We used to survive in tribes, which were very hierarchical and depended on strong leaders. -When you like someone’s ideas and style, you naturally want to put them on a pedestal. You assume super positive things about them. You turn them into a false prophet even though they don’t want you to. -Good leaders aren’t trying to fool you. You fool yourself by idolizing them. When you substitute a leader's judgement for your own, you throw away your personal access to Truth. Real authority comes from direct experience. -It's way easier to persuade through emotion than logic. A charismatic presentation is very persuasive. The more slick a person's arguments, the more vigilant you should be. -Separate someone’s charisma and achievements from the merits of what they’re saying. If someone has great ideas let those ideas stand on their own. Test their ideas for yourself. -Advice is just hearsay unless you can verify it in your own experience. So, even if an idea is valid it’s still hearsay. -There's only one real authority: Truth. Personal direct experience by you. (episodes: Actuality-Direct Experience vs Concept, What Is Truth?) -Authority is very easy to manufacture. Your mind is quick to make assumptions about public figures who you don't actually know. You need constant vigilance against ceding your authority or being sucked into a leader's biases. -There's no hierarchy in life. Saying you’re normal and the expert is "special" makes the expert’s accomplishments seem unattainable. Making the expert not-special and normal like you means you can field test his ideas and get expert-level results too. -No one is a genius. No one is untouchable. You have to see yourself as just as capable as leaders and experts. Believe that if you dedicate yourself hard enough you can develop to a really high level within personal development. Additional Points: “Eloquence, at its highest pitch, leaves little room for reason or reflection, but addresses itself entirely to the desires and affections, captivating the willing hearers, and subduing their understanding.” -David Hume -We tell ourselves we get persuaded by logical arguments, but that's very rarely the case. -Most people want to relinquish their vigilance and coast through life. They get stuck in a lot of mental masturbation which creates dogma and closes down the mind. They’re not open to exploring new areas of life. -You don’t actually know the expert or leader. You would have to observe her in many areas to get a good sense of who she really is. Have you seen the expert with her partner? With kids? With non-followers? With her parents? At home just puttering around? You assume stuff about experts, but how do you really know? -Throughout the video Leo talks about being a Youtuber. He talks about getting projected on and how he's experienced all this stuff firsthand. He also talks about Tony Robbins, Eckhart Tolle and pickup artists. -Good leaders will tell you to test out their ideas and not just follow them blindly. -The people you admire have biases, even if they’re honest and well intentioned. (Personal bias, social, religious, cultural, commercial interests, group think) -You’re not immune to idolizing leaders, even if you’re a leader yourself. -Ironically, even actual prophets got turned into false prophets. Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, and so forth, have been false prophetized by all the people that came after them, for thousands of years. If you read the writings of Buddha he would be against being worshipped blindly. Same with Jesus.
@Nightwise Great explanation! -Dr.Phil's whole brand and career is based on masculine compassion. Fun fact: When Oprah was being sued by cattle ranchers she kept wallowing in the unfairness of it all. As the trial went on she kept wallowing. Dr.Phil told her, "You'd better wake up, girl, and wake up now. It is really happening. You'd better get over it and get in the game, or these good ol' boys are gonna hand you your ass on a platter." Oprah replied, "No they will not." Then she got Dr.Phil a book deal. -Q on Star Trek: TNG, teaching Picard. If you can't take a little bloody nose... (One of the best ST quotes)
(This comes from the Actualized.org Textbook. Reposting here because the info is super important) 268. Summary: "How To Use Psychedelics For Personal Development" Psychedelics does not include: Weed, crack, meth, coke, MDMA/Ecstasy Psychedelics as referred to here are: Psilocybin (magic mushrooms), LSD, DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, Mescaline/Peyote, AL-LAD, Ayahuasca, Iboga/Ibogaine, 2C-X. Using the psychedelics for fun and escape Using them for naïve spirituality (reinforcing all your previously held beliefs after a trip) For therapy or addiction recovery (a legitimate avenue) For personal development and for expanding your consciousness and as an aid for non-duality work. The keys for using psychedelics: - Take a methodical approach – build your way up towards a breakthrough dose. - Education and research – substance, side effects, trip reports – good and bad, - Set a strong intention about what you want from the trip - Study and practice psychological principles - Study non-duality to not get lost in the phenomena of the visions, for grounding - Set up a daily meditation and self-inquiry practice for grounding and motivation - Quiet and safe setting – mostly alone by yourself in a quiet, comfortable room - Don’t get seduced by the phenomena and emotions of the trip - Leave plenty of time after the trip to integrate – best to take a whole weekend off. *How to do it safely*: - Do TONS of research on anything that you will put in your body. Cross reference everything. - Research the negative complications and problems - Use a reputable source to acquire your substance. Don’t be cheap, get the purest thing. - Avoid taking pills of anything – consume the psychedelic in its natural form. - Avoid overusing research chemicals – stick with the classics - Avoid NBOMe’s - Use drug testing kits for every new batch of every substance - Start with small doses and build up - Have an accurate milligram scale - Take this substance only by yourself or with one experienced trip sitter. - Clean your house before you do it - Make sure your life is in order and that you have no pressure, so you’re not rushed. - Get rid of any dangerous things in your house (guns, knives, swords etc.) - Stock your fridge with food and drink, have food all prepared. - Have a vomit bucket nearby - Meditate 30min-1h prior to doing the trip. Ritualize it and set your intentions. - Consume the substance on an empty stomach. - Don’t rush yourself, do it in the morning/noon. - Unaddict yourself from stimulation the week before your trip - Be honest with yourself. Don’t use these substances as an escape from boredom - Be in a good mood and not rushed. - Don’t invite friends over. - Don’t play TV or music. - Don’t mix substances. If you are tempted to combine substances, you are not serious about this. - Be careful with cross-tolerance, wait two weeks in between trips. - Be careful of developing a psychological addiction. Make sure you’re not escaping a shitty life. - At most once a week When you’re in the trip: - Surrender fully to the experience - Remind yourself that you’re not going to die - Remind yourself that this is temporary - Open your body up. Breathe deeply and slowly. Uncross your legs and arms. - Remind yourself that no phenomena are real. DO NOT MISTAKE PSYCHEDELICS AS A SHORTCUT TO SELF-ACTUALIZATION Recognize that psychedelics have huge potential for delusion.
So, I’ve been using voice recognition software to make notes from Leo’s videos and I’ve come across some funny puns. Thought you might enjoy… Original Words What Google Documents hears -actualized = actual eyes -inner work = in her twerk -enlightenment = lightning monk -epistemic work = up in stomach work -integrity = tiger tea -field of awareness = Bastille of weariness -biases = buy a seat -rationally minded = rashly blinded -you created it all = Ukrainian doll -existential crisis = exit central spite this -dogmatic ideology = dog mower apology -hot witch girlfriend = hog itch gorilla friend -but Leo = butt Julio -the whole of God, not just a part = the hole of God, not just a fart
Thanks @hyruga Most non-duality videos are in the Enlightenment category under All Videos. What Is Reality? - A Radical Explanation is a good one and it’s fairly short (1h 15min).
Autocorrect is so funny. I thought I wanted enlightenment but lightning monk sounds way cooler. Where’s that video Julio? Tiger tea sounds like that stuff Charlie Sheen was on. Guess how much “tiger tea” Charlie Sheen drank. Enough to kill two and a half men.
I revamped the textbook to version 2.0. I added links and bookmarks for easier navigation. I did some general clean up, but tried not to alter too much. I've attached docx and pdf versions. I've also marked which summaries are completed in the Master Videolist in the Actualized Videos Summary thread. There’s a lot of summaries in that thread that aren’t in the book. Big shoutout to @Cepzeu for assembling this book. Also props to everyone who added to the textbook: Juan Cruz Giusto, TimStr, Huz, Nic, Hello from Russia, AleksM, Dan Arnautu, Sebastian (from Youtube), and others. ActualizedTextbook(v2).docx ActualizedTextbook(v2).pdf
Huperzine A is a great supplement for dream recall or lucid dreaming. You can get it on Amazon. Try taking it before you go to sleep.
Thanks Leo! Your work has been super helpful to me, especially during quarantine.
Thanks! I'm glad you find it helpful. There's a lot of good stuff in the blog videos
The most recent list of Summaries & Episodes is here ? Leo's Blog: Table of Contents ? ▶️ Blog Videos, Summaries & Interviews ▶️ ? Actualized.org on Psychedelics ? (has all resources on psychedelics) Leo’s “20 Dream Killers” article is here You can also check out Leo’s Personal Development Blueprint. It covers over 100 concepts in personal development. There’s an Actualized.org Textbook that was assembled by @Cepzeu and others. You can download it at: Actualized.org Textbook. Summaries that are in the Textbook will say: (book pg XXX) The page numbers refer to v2 of the Textbook. Actualized.org Youtube Episodes: The first 200 episodes have transcripts in the video section of Actualized.org If you want to contribute to this thread, select one of the episodes that still needs a summary and post it here Episodes: 1 - 249 Episodes: 250 - 506
So far, all the summaries in the summaries thread are of Leo's main videos. However, if any blog vids get summarized, I'll post them in here. Someone else can post them here too if they want.
Loving Radiance posted this in the summaries thread . Reposting here since it’s for one of Leo’s blog videos. Blog video. Back From 2 Month Break, Updates (upload February 5th 2020) Balance of Creative Work & Rest Possibility of getting oversatiated from over consuming personal development / spiritual content to the point of just consuming it this results in not living life anymore as to not experience the whole range of life because the mind is still immersed and is not truly resting resting allows getting conscious & self-reflective of one's work by recognizing limitations from a detached birds eye view because of the contrast of work & rest Pacing oneself (resting, and working with the right endurance & speed) serves long-term sustainability of creative work output all areas of life are better to be seen through the lens of sustainability ("Is this area of my life sustainable? If not, how can I make it sustainable?") undogmatic sustainability includes exhaustive unsustainable work in one area while neglecting other areas (temporary) Looking at one's life to be an apple tree: apples are results result-oriented approach isn't healthy as only caring about the apples neglects the roots, trunk, branches, leafs... other parts of the tree are other areas of life that get neglected when one only focusses on the fruits of the work Creative work -: is counterintuitive to manual work. Being pragmatic & deadline oriented eats up creativity one is most creative (getting ideas & inspirations) when nothing productive is being done directed with deadlines gets practical (perfectionism is restricted) seems to be balanced when done in cycles of: working on a project finishing the project time off & resting work with less creativity needs smaller cycles (diurnally and hebdomadally rather than biannually or annually) Innovation That what worked before will not be that which brings your work to the next level being stuck in your old ways of doing creative work will get your work outdated by the competitive innovative work of other creative people True Spirituality informs & transforms all areas of life like the way of doing creative work Role of requisite variety (RV) in life Definition from Wikipedia, "If a system is to be stable, the number of states of its control mechanism must be greater than or equal to the number of states in the system being controlled." there is not enough RV used when one is stuck on any problem not enough RV manifests in a narrow uncreative approach troubleshooting with try & error has to be so much done that success is inevitable (through lateral thinking & trying out a wide range of solutions; there's now equal/higher RV than the problem) upholding identity is something that often holds back RV find root problems in your life and apply RV - one solution will work by chance Working on projects requires focus (eliminating all distractions, creating a working environment)
(D'oh, some of the links didn't work . I can't edit the original post, so I'm reposting the list. Good times !!!) Actualized.org Blog Videos Society & Politics [] Inside The Mind Of Trump [] Why Bernie Sanders Lost [] My Political Awakening [] The Big Picture Of Global Politics [] Why The Media Is Corrupt [] Rethinking Human History [] Conscious Capitalism BS [] Deconstructing Property Rights [] Life Lessons From "Life Below Zero" Epistemology [] Why Are My Videos So Long? [] Metaphysics vs Epistemology [] Understanding Better Than Academics [] Changing Perspectives Destroys Reality [] Why Debates Don't Work [] All Understanding Is Metaphoric [] All Understanding Is Metaphoric - Part 2 [] Skepticism & Nonduality [] How To Test For Self-Bias [] Learning From Partially False Perspectives [] My Critique Of Zizek's Critique Of Buddhism [] Sherlock Holmes' Brain [] Sense Organs Are Imaginary Enlightenment [] Absolute Infinity Demo [] Explaining God For Dummies [] Total Omniscience Awakening [] Infinite Love Awakening [] Ego-Collapse Awakening [] Tapping Into Collective Consciousness [] Miracle Awakening [] DPT: The Other God Molecule [] What It's Like To Smoke Salvia Divinorum Life Purpose [] Why Get Rich Quick Schemes Don't Work [] How I Started My First Business [] Requisite Variety & Creative Laziness [] Guerilla Business Advice Health [] Don't Half-Ass Yoga [] Sitting Posture For Yoga & Meditation Leo’s Health & Life [] Do I Doubt Myself? [] My Health Situation [] Back From 2 Month Break, Updates [] 14 Day Water Fast [] Water Fast Ends, Carnivore Diet Begins [] Things I’ve Been Wrong About [] Fat Leo (I had to add this because it’s adorable) Retreats [] Solo Retreat Videos & Insights [] Hawaii Retreat Intro [] Hawaii Solo Retreat Feb 2018 Videos [] Hawaii Late Night Insights [] Mindfucked In Hawaii [] May 2018 Solo Retreat - Part 1 [] May 2018 Solo Retreat - Part 2 [] May 2018 Solo Retreat - Part 3
No prob. You're welcome!
Episode #440. How To Forgive Anyone Who Hurt You - A Powerful Trauma Release Exercise Summary is here. It was reedited.
470. Notes & Timestamps for “What Is Integrity? - The Role Of Integrity In Life” “Integrity: The choice between what’s convenient and what’s right.” —Tony Dungy “Integrity: the state of being whole or undivided.” —Oxford dictionary When people think about Integrity it’s often from a dogmatic, unhealthy Spiral Dynamics stage Blue perspective. This makes people overlook its importance. However, Integrity is way more important than you think. It’s paramount for living a good life, for success, psychological health, ego development, spiritual work, and discovering truth and love. You can’t get the benefits of truth, beauty, love and God while being a devil who lacks Integrity. The self-actualizing person without Integrity is rather pathetic and broken. Exercise: Think of a person in your life with Low Integrity. (6:49) How do you feel about that person? What impact do they have on you? How well does their life run? How smoothly? How happy is this person? What kind of results does this person get in life? Are they highly successful? Spiritually developed? Loving? Now, think of someone with High Integrity and ask the same questions…Notice a difference? -If you only have integrity externally but not internally you really don't have integrity. That actually creates a schizophrenic reality between the face you show to others and your private inner world. (12:50) -What is the opposite of integrity? A very dense, fearful, insecure ego that is trying to survive by any means possible. (aka: opportunism, corruption, devilry, hypocrisy) -If you don’t understand integrity you won’t see how your lack of Integrity is responsible for many of your problems in life. -Would you rather work with/marry/buy from/interact with someone with High Integrity or Low Integrity? -Notice that low integrity leaders always crash and burn, even if they have short-lived success (22:00). People don’t want to follow a devil in the longterm. -Integrity and your life’s work. Excellent art and creative work require integrity. If you lack Integrity, you’ll just opportunistically follow the money instead of following your true calling or how to contribute to the world. -Your work needs a spiritual dimension to help you build the good life and be at the top of your game. Your business should have a soul beyond earning money. -Integrity is rare because it’s more difficult than just being opportunistic (30:46). -The world is going to lure you in with shortcuts in traps to get you to back down from your artistic values. -Do you want to be a leader with high integrity or low integrity? What kind of leaders does society need? (38:00) -It’s easy for a con man to fool people with low integrity, but not someone with high integrity. Low Integrity people are very predictable. They will lie, cheat, steal, deceive and exploit at any chance they get. (40:55) -Low integrity people have a fragmented psyche, which creates a lot of suffering and collateral damage. (47:40) -A fragmented psyche will seek out money, power, pleasure, etc, but what it really wants is wholeness, integration and love. The way a broken psych tries to heal itself is itself broken. It's applying brokenness on brokenness, so it never really integrates and heals. To heal requires consciousness and the willingness to accept the costs of integration. -Your lack of Integrity leads to an inability to love. -There's a deep relationship between love, truth, Integrity, wholeness and ego. -Truth is Integrity, so truth itself must be integrous. Why? Because truth is whole. Truth is what is; it can't be anything else. Truth has no room for non-truth within it. It’s so absolute. It's so all-encompassing. It is what it is. Falsehood and deception is you pretending and playing games about how things are. -Truth must be integrated with itself so truth literally is integrity. We humans live in our fantasies, spinning narratives in our minds. (58:33) -The Ego mind is fragmented and partial about which experiences it's willing to accept and which ones it rejects (1:01:00). That’s not “wrong,” per se, but there’s no satisfaction in it. You run around accepting and rejecting reality in this partial fashion, and that’s called survival of the Ego. -Consciousness is Truth because Consciousness is all there is. Consciousness completely embraces all of itself. The universe doesn't need to lie to itself. Humans and Egos need to lie to themselves to gain an advantage. -The problem is the ego is a fragment of the entire universe, aka: a fragment of Consciousness. The ego’s survival depends upon a lack of integrity. To survive as a little part of the whole universe, you have to be committed to your little identity, no matter what it does to the rest of the system. -Commitment to a particular religious identity (Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, etc) requires a lack of integrity because you’re not integrating other identities, or the whole universe. That leads to defense mechanisms to enforce the smallness of your identity’s worldview. To admit there’s something beyond your worldview means admitting you were wrong. The Ego doesn’t like to admit it’s wrong. -The core of Integrity is intellectual and epistemic integrity (1:10:10). How do you know anything? You have to know where you're deceiving yourself so you don’t fool yourself. By doing that you’re aligning yourself closer to truth. You have to study self-deception very thoroughly to reach high levels of Integrity. -It’s easy to construct a facade of success by creating success on a rotten foundation (1:17:25). The problem is the facade is fragile and you’re insecure about it. This makes the ego defensive and dogmatic in its worldview. Deep down you know your life isn’t grounded on something true. -When you are conscious of absolute truth, when you are conscious of absolute love, it’s so empowering because it’s absofuckinglutly unshakable. Truth needs no defense. (1:20:00) Living a good life is founded upon honesty with oneself. Dishonesty prevents you from achieving higher states of consciousness because Consciousness is absolute truth. -Why not take the easy route? (1:23:50) Paradoxically, the cost of doing it the easy way ends up being greater. Why does everything in life revolve around truth? because truth is the only f****** thing there! The more your life is aligned with things that don't exist, the worse your life gets. Eventually your illusion collapses and you suffer for that. Without integrity you will be opportunistic and easily tempted into falsehood. -Lack of integrity also brings pain, but the bad kind of that pain that won't grow you. Bad pain is the karmic consequences of devilry. -When you have low Integrity you can't trust yourself and that leads to insecurity (1:28:28). So you take shortcuts, which lead to more problems, which lead to more shortcuts to deal with the consequences of those problems, and then it turns into this endless downward cycle. You can’t effectively lie to others without lying to yourself. When you lie to yourself you disconnect from the only thing you have. You are the only thing there is in life, there's nothing but you. This whole thing is you; life is you. Life is God playing hide and seek with itself. Dividing and reuniting with itself. -With Low Integrity, it becomes difficult for you to become successful (1:35:10). Even if you’re a con artist you have to put in the hours and effort to scam people, which requires at least some discipline and integrity. -Low Integrity leads to learned helplessness. (1:36:30) -The more you fail to follow through on your goal and values, the lower your self-esteem drops, which lowers your sense of self-efficacy, which makes you feel like a victim in the world. You feel like you don't have much control over over life anymore because you’ve failed so many times. (It’s also important to learn how to reframe failures.) -Leading a life of High Integrity and self honesty, is only difficult if you're really attached to the Ego. You could joyously surrender the Ego. It’ll still be difficult, but it's a good, empowering challenge. -Notice that when you encounter or see acts of high integrity, they will actually make you cry with tears of joy and appreciation.(1:40:43) (Eg: Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, Braveheart) -Why do these movies make us emotional? Your mind and psyche are connected to a universal Spirit which is God, but it’s clouded through layers of ego, survival and defense mechanisms. But, something pierces through the veil of all that human ego shit, through all the nonsense and lies and manipulation. It cuts right through and connects you to truth, love and God. -Love is animating the entire universe, but it’s been fragmented and polarized through various limited egos. It’s like white light that gets polarized through a prism into a rainbow of colour. So as a human, you're one of those rainbow colours. As the universe or God Consciousness, you’re pure white light. You’re all of them integrated. -So, what's really happening is that your spirit, the god in you, is intuiting on a deeper level than your conscious, logical understanding, that the highest good in the universe is love. -So when you see selfless actions, or integrous actions, loving actions, self-sacrificing actions, when you see this depicted onscreen or in real life, it brings tears to your eyes because it shows you who you really are, or who you could be if you did this work and cleared up all of your shit. If you fully actualized and transcended yourself and became God. The god in you recognizes the god in others and recognizes that connection, the Good with a capital G. (ep: “What is Goodness.” ) -So you are implicitly recognizing the beauty and majesty of reality at a metaphysical, spiritual level. When that happens you’re in your Highest Self. You feel that love for a little bit but then usually you fall out of it very quickly. -Imagine from now on if you lived your life with that kind of integrity. If you start thinking about that it’ll bring tears to your eyes, the possibility of who you could be. -Start thinking about how you could impact people how you can lead people, how you could move people, connect and unite people. This is how you develop the most powerful vision, the deepest meaning and sense of life purpose for your life. This is what life is really about. -Integrity and truth have a power of its own that can cut through illusion (1:51:10). That's why throughout history, rulers and politicians have always tried to control those who had high integrity. Truth is the most dangerous thing to a devil and an ego. -Spiral Dynamics’ Stage Blue and Integrity. Stage Blue stresses Integrity in such a puritanical, dogmatic way that it backfires (1:53:00). True integrity requires a lot of consciousness work and it cannot be achieved ideologically, dogmatically or robotically, which are all features of stage blue. They just tell you to follow some script, but a script is not consciousness. They’ve been brainwashed with rules and “shoulds,” but they haven’t really mastered stage blue values, so a lot of them just fake it. They need better methods and the open-mindedness to learn those methods. -If Stage Blue were totally openminded, non-dogmatic, inclusive, and grounded in mysticism and consciousness, it would be Stage Turquoise. -Stage Orange overly dismisses Integrity and morality as quaint religious fantasies and wishful thinking enforced by a “God in the clouds.” But, they throw the baby out with the bathwater. -Higher stages of development release the straitjacket of the mind. So, how do you release the straitjacket completely without becoming a monster? When you fully become conscious there's no more fear. There’s only Love and Truth. -Integrity requires jailbreaking your mind and increasing your consciousness, so that you’re intrinsically motivated to do the right thing instead of just fearing punishment or guilt. Traps with Developing Integrity: Integrity: it’s easy to preach, but hard to practice. Judgment Judgement is a low integrity activity (2:08:30). The Ego wants to declare itself righteous and others bad. Genuine Integrity doesn’t judge others. It recognizes how difficult it is to develop Integrity, so it’s compassionate for those with low integrity. Jealousy and Envy Envying people without integrity who are earning lots of money. Dogmatism Turning integrity into a dogma, algorithm, or rigid set of rules. Guilt. Guilt backfires because it’s not coming from a genuine, intrinsically motivated place. It’s just some extrinsically enforced set of rules. When you're truly loving and conscious, you don't need guilt to prevent you from being a monster. Homework assignment: Contemplate the importance of Integrity in your life. How does having it or lacking it affect different areas of your life? (business, relationships, family, marriage, sex, etc) Do you want to get on the path of developing integrity? (2:19:00) -You can’t get to Yellow or Turquoise until you spend a few years or even a decade mastering Blue, Orange and Green. Spiral Dynamics Stages build on top of and integrate each other. It’s about integrating and including each stage. Not doing Orange or Green to the exclusion of Blue. -You need to do healthy Stage Blue. You can develop work ethic, family values, honesty, discipline, character, honour, loyalty and responsibility without getting stuck in extremism. Avoid all of that toxic, culture war, ideological, dogmatic, close-minded bs that you see in extremist, right-wing media. -Integrity equals Wholeness, Truth, Beauty, Love and God Consciousness.
A healthy orange. Sorry, I couldn't resist.
I think Internal Family Systems therapy is the best technique for getting to know your multiple parts and resolving inner conflict. Jay Earley has a lot of clear, actionable books. I’d recommend “Freedom from your Inner Critic.” I know Teal Swan is controversial because of the starseed stuff, but she’s also good at talking about the uncomfortable, darker aspects of personal development. A lot of teachers don’t want to touch that stuff. Her vids about parental expectations, shame and childhood trauma are really great.
306. Summary: Leo's Super Healthy Vegetable Soup You can’t get fat on this soup and it can replace 1/3 of your current meals. Nutrition and high energy are integral to the hard work of actualization. Try eating this everyday for a month and notice how much better you feel! This recipe provides soup for the whole week. The quantity of veggies doesn’t have to be precise. It mostly depends on how much soup you want and how big your pot is. Ingredients -Soup stock, 1 qt. -Carrots, 1 or 2 cups. -Bellpepper, 4. -Celery, 1 bunch. -2 Lemons, juiced. -Frozen Green Beans, lots. -Broccoli, lots. -1 cup of Olive oil. -Enough high quality water to cover all ingredients once everything’s in the pot. Spices: (A lot of these are optional, but worth experimenting with) -Sea salt, 4-5 tsp. -Pepper, 2 tsp. -5 Bay leaves. -Coriander, 2 tsp. -Turmeric, 2 tsp. -Thyme, 2 tsp. -Garlic Powder, 2 tsp. Instructions Clean and Chop all vegetables. (Carrots, Bellpepper, Celery, Broccoli, Green Beans). (Optional: 1 Onion and 1 Garlic bulb. Can chop and sautée or just add without sauteeing.) Put all ingredients into a big pot. (Optional: Can add oil at the end of simmering so that the oil does not denature.) Bring to a boil, stir, then cover. Simmer until veggies are soft. Tips: Don’t overfill the pot or else it will boil over. Keep an eye on your soup! As it cooks, the vegetables will cook down so you can add any remaining vegetables to the soup. Fill with high quality spring water or distilled water (if available). Organic veggies are best. You can try this soup with all types of vegetables. For health reasons, avoid heavy starchy stuff like potatoes or pasta. Try different combinations of vegetables and spices for a variety of flavour profiles: Tomatoes, Tomato sauce, Mushrooms, Cauliflower, Kale, Corn (in small quantities), Lentils, Quinoa, Soya sauce, Sesame Oil and so forth.
Dave Ramsey is a good example of healthy blue and orange. He emphasizes discipline, honesty, personal responsibility and a Christian code of ethics. I’d say he’s more blue than orange because of a Christian framework that prioritizes the family unit over individual ambition. It's a healthy blue that augments healthy orange and green. Interestingly, his Christianity is based on a direct experience of reading the Bible instead of just following other religious people. Why The Prosperity Gospel Is Wrong!: His perspective here is nuanced and fair to different sides of the argument. We Need More MEN In This Culture: Doesn’t blame women or culture, but stresses personal responsibility of both men and women in creating a strong family. A healthy Blue/Orange defense of Jay-Z, lol: Caller was not expecting Ramsey’s reaction: