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Everything posted by Claymoree

  1. Still no news airing about it, are you sure he didn't just pick up some trolls article?
  2. I think most people don't even understand what everything is one actually means, how darkness and light plays in it.
  3. I think what he meant it is you can have benefits if you know how to use that energy, it for sure can be worse if you are just suppressing it, as well as it changes your whole being , which can make it harder for you to access certain areas and easier to access other.
  4. Memory is interesting subject, if you take dreams for example, you can hold memory of dream world , which has nothing to do with your real world, only thing in common in all of this is that none of these states know where "you" came from , but all of them can hold vague memory of your past and things around you.
  5. You could get interesting results if you connect to your heart, your emotional part, but it for sure seems to be because your awareness levels are to high for you, all you have to do is try to lower it slowly. If you have no clue how to do it at all, best bet would be to exercise and get tired, if you can't control it , you will probably have problems to maintain it when you are physically tired, or you can try to watch movies, or other stuff that will kick you out.
  6. I will not take this seriously till it gets actually aired through media, have not seen any news about it, if it would be true it would be trough all mainstream media as they protect Biden. That aside it is silly to say that you could have known anything.
  7. if you are referring to me I was not defending him, I just told my experience. I feel the same about unofficial group, had exact concerns.
  8. True, people who have been long enough into this work should have capacity to not let get pulled under and be beacon of light for others.
  9. Guilty, you are right and they should probably put this as reminder every time you post,
  10. You are right, but there are different types of understanding, there is understanding based on memory, knowledge, and then there is awareness, Awareness pierces trough everything, actually giving you understanding and allowing to learn , instead of being mostly automated , skipping trough most of information like we usually do, that is in my opinion why small kids learn so fast , their mind is not clogged yet, they have strong awareness and interest in world, but while we grow up we become more passive and automated.
  11. why are you asking to take action if there is no free will?
  12. Does it matter if she is green , or orange, video is not really about it.
  13. If understanding is what you pursue, you must understand no matter what you get into , there is place to return to, no matter how confusing it gets.
  14. It was not for you, don't expect anyone to understand you , they might know what you are about, your behavior, but most likely they will not understand you, do you really understand your family members, you think you know what is going on in their heads?
  15. What about just sitting for 30 seconds, dos it count as free will?
  16. If you can't care for your own family because of disagreements it is probably you who is not worth it, you are still young and I am not saying that they know better or anything like it, but they most likely care for you and do not want you to make same mistakes they did , well at least what they think where their mistakes, but it is your life and everyone is different. Just try to be openminded in conversations and see where concern is coming from , sometimes it is just nonsense, but something it can be actually something worth considering , for most part you don't need their approval, they are just giving their opinion and trying to help.
  17. Maybe not, there are physical reasons and there are psychological reasons and it can be both.
  18. Most of the values is just politics, that is nothing more then made up ideology that has nothing to do with law. Unfortunately nowadays Left can override law and what is worse it is made publicly normal .
  19. You just said you did.
  20. Funny right, Left are supposedly the educated crowd, who have good jobs and are doing fine and Trump supporters are uneducated crowd, but it is people who do not have to face serious problems who are trying to defend people "below".
  21. How so, what politics of his has made it not free and not successful?
  22. Obviously, if you will say for example You will have different reactions, it is not like people do not understand what it is pointing at, but for sure they will have different opinions, no he is not , yes he is , yes and no, do you know him, are you expert on what is good and bad and so on. But if for example I say Most people will not even understand what I mean by it , or in what context.