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Everything posted by blackchair

  1. lol, #everything, thank you.
  2. i do regret it sometimes because its hard, but its not impossible so i keep pushing and pushing. 3x psych ward till now, mentally preparing for 4th.
  3. nooooo, Split and Zadar are equaly cool, trust me. lol. Istra can be "scary" sometimes lol, Dubrovnik is very gentle.
  4. i call BS but ok.....
  5. awwww sounds Nice! p.s greetings from Dubrovnik
  6. transform! yeah, mobile site is little bit "chunky" BUT im getting new laptop next month, pure chaos it will be.
  7. let them fight! ( eating popcorn) p.s you guys are amazing!
  8. lol, so true. #learning
  9. i think covid thought a lesson in humility on global level. (i cant expand on this yet.)
  10. best forum ever. you guys/girls are helping me a lot! #grateful.
  11. partly this is "true", for one instance every song is about "you" every movie is about "you" for example, but then again you have to live in "real" world, go to real job, interact with People, eat, sleep, etc
  12. honestly this thread is so much fun! keep going p.s hugs and kisses from Neverland
  13. well here in Croatia we have excellent mindfullness program, so i've learned from the best
  14. (thank you), take a shower, eat something, take a walk, watch a movie, play Playstation, Facebook, ect ect
  15. dont spend it (im horrible person, i know).
  16. stay still, breath, baby steps works for me.
  17. everysingle one of them