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Everything posted by blackchair

  1. joooj trebali bi napiti Lea sa šljivom pa bi tek onda upoznao svog Boga
  2. daaaaj prevedi mi na hrvatski ovo zadnje mrsomudenje, mlaćenje kurcem ili tako nešto?
  3. im hot and whole package and get ghosted all the time, its not a big deal hope this helps
  4. what did i just read? she's equal to you on every level.
  5. i had a dream about Lucifer, he was a good guy with "superpowers" Here on Earth, just dont tell my parents that dream was quite liberating i must admit....
  6. oh God, with all my heart i wish this is true but it simply isn't.
  7. im a part of God, that's it, nothing more, nothing else, he's still "better" then me.
  8. im alive after 4 years, good enough for me.
  9. meditating on cute babies, it relax me so much, their eyes oh my gosh! also music.....
  10. start reading NDE (near death experinces) that's how i started is there something on other side is good question to start with
  11. this should be moved to serious emotional problems.....
  12. you are right, except my health issues, i dont have "problems" per se.....
  13. honestly: just to survive....
  14. it helped me alot when my family left me bc i was gay and i left computer science behind me , i put all my efforts in my bussiness and enrolling in psychology , it was marvelous time......