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About blackchair

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  1. I drank cider, prayed to God, listen to some good music, watched a good series, ate pizza, watched seagulls in the sky. If I don't wake up tomorrow everything is fine.
  2. The founder or cofunder of the university, Peter Merry is coral...
  3. Yup, still glad to live in Europe....
  4. Being gay in 100% catholic state, outing at 19 to my family....
  5. Yes, definitely, I would like to be at red/blue my whole life, unhealthy version of it, be agressive, and maybe beat my wife who knows, but God knows it would be amazing feeling to be part of 99% of planet population. Just to fit in the rest.
  6. Movie buff here! Even though all movies are sci-fi my bad! Aliens Arrival Matrix trilogy Terminator 2 Bladerunner
  7. Look, couple of months of ago or a year ago you couldn't get laid or talk to girls, or escape 3world country, and then you are most awaken person on planet? What is it with this forum and need to be most awaken on planet (there is couple of Jesuses here also)?
  8. White stripes, music of my childhood.....
  9. Everything everywhere all at once, got a bunch of Oscars btw
  10. This is my second language so I can't be so articulate so I may come as harsh, sorry for my blunt incel vibe post, but lots of users here have 10 000 + post mostly about spiritulity and how they are one step to enlightenment and then you follow those users and here on sexuality forum, turn out they can't talk to girls what's so ever. It's mind boggling, if you are so close to enlightenment, in my opinion you should have mastered basic human condition, and that is how to fall in love, or to have sex...just my 2 cents....
  11. Movie: no hard feelings, spoiler alert ful frontal of Jennifer Lawrence TV show: parks and recreations
  12. Incel vibes with this topic, and you wonna go to mountain and meditate the whole time? Fix your problems with the opposite sex in your mind first.....