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Everything posted by Barbara

  1. @datamonster When I was little I wanted to be a lawyer to protect abandoned cats and dogs When the time came for me to choose, I actually wanted to study philosophy, but I thought it was a course with little opportunities after. If I'm being honest, was about an internal perception of social pressure. Law gives you some kind of status. I guess that's what drove me to pursuit it.
  2. @Origins Hey, meditation is definitely key. The point I am at the moment, contemplation, but also action are my best friends. Thank you for bringing it up. @Applegarden Thank you for your kindness. Appreciate you taking the time, Best wishes to both
  3. “If you buy a gift for someone and that person does not take it, to whom does the gift belong?” Your dad freaking out over that is a matter he only has to resolve within himself. You are not responsible for that. You're responsible tho for not cleaning the grill, and that you can change Since your in his house, I believe you should consider his requests. I don't think you should move in right now, because of what Preety said, and because you doing it right now, would only be because of pride and ego, like — "No one talks to me like that!". But be cool. A friendly talk would do it for you two, I believe. And be honest, tell him that you thought about moving out, but you're considering it, for the reasons you are. Maybe tell him you love him and that you'll be tidier. I feel like he just needs to be a little loved right now. Best wishes to you and your dad. Warm regards
  4. @Loving Radiance Pleasant suggestion, immensely appreciate it. Enormous power, earing those blank spaces. Warm regards
  5. Hey that's so nice! Just be careful to not get distracted with your guitar. You'll have a ton of creativity sparkling and perhaps only contemplation and meditation to do. You can easily resort to music to occupy your mind. It depends on everybody but I feel like, having no stimuli could help you reach nr 2 easily, although it can be harder on the mind. Be disciplined. Warm regards
  6. @Nahm Nahm. I've read your comment many times. I've thought about it. Studied it. Read once more. Felt it. Now it leaves me in tears, honestly. I feel that this thread was completely life-transforming for me. My perception literally changed. What you, Leo, and others said, plus Leo's vids set me free from a rationalist, mechanic, and flimsy paradigm, I didn't even know I was in. I feel more unified with myself. Feel I can trust my feelings and intuition. Only now have to learn their language and distinguish it from ego being sketchy. My heart is bigger than my chest. Know how much your insights clarify things for me, and how grateful I am, for your contribution. Thank you. I wish the absolute best for your journey. Thank you @Leo Gura, for positively transforming my life. You've made yourself the greatest human being. Thank you for inspiring and guiding me and us.
  7. @SamC I've never perceived as backlash the ups and downs of the normal personal development routine. I've experienced backlash tho, after my first Vipassana. It was an intense experience so I guess it's normal to experience it. I know a lot of people also experience it after psychedelics. It's the Default Mode Network, DMN that gets repressed and shrinks during psychedelics for example, and when it ends, tries to go to his normal activity and size. Some say that DMN is responsible for the sense of the self, so when it grows again, we experience ego backlash. But, the Law of Rythm: "Everything flows out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right, is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates" -The Kybalion. So everything in life when goes up, also goes down. There will always be a swing forward and backward, it's a pendulum-like movement. This manifests in all areas of life, even the little things. Knowing the law is knowing the cause and effect. If you take this knowledge with you and deepen it, you will see and experience it Wish you the infinite best
  8. @RendHeaven Surely, but I asked you so I can grasp what you percive as instinct and understand what you mean when saying instincts can bring great value when trusted
  9. You can contemplate your own death, from above, with courage. Don't escape or repress these thoughts, but explore them with curiosity, grounded that it's only about open-minded contemplation.
  10. Hey Ali, there's a lot of areas in your life, you see. You have the school, maybe a career that you would like to pursue, your family, personal development, health and maybe fitness, friends, free time, and hobbies. Isolate each one and write a little bit about what would be the ideal situation in each area. Just start simple. With love
  11. @RendHeaven Ok, just a quick one then, so I can understand you. What is instinct? And maybe, in what form do you perceive instinct?
  12. Darlisto, this is immensely important, I'm now aware. I'll definitely learn this in an empirical way asap. Leo has a vid about intuition, check out that, if you want. I found it treasure like. But how is that? I'm curious. I've once studied a bit about Tarot but didn't get too involved in it. I'm open to reading more about this, yes. Thank you deeply for sharing Warm regards
  13. Hey, what a day. I've been watching and studying the videos that Leo recommended and read all of your posts. It all touches me deeply. @tatsumaru Your post really aligns with leo, and I appreciate so much that you took the time to share something so important. I definitely know that I've a lot of work to do, and I'm very thankful for your words, that clear the path a little bit. I'll take this knowledge and have it present. Thank you so much to bring it into the light. Wish you the infinite best With gratitude
  14. @tsuki Tsuki. This is amazing analyses and advice notably from, what I believe is a higher understanding perspective than mine. Thank you for bringing me this awareness. I'll sink your message in and work from it. With love
  15. @Nthnl Guess I've to embrace the paradox......
  16. @Arzola I'm reticent about this since I've no experience with it. It would definitely return some power and responsibility, as it would make me the creator and not the discoverer. Thank you!
  17. @Akemrelax Hey, I'm very thankful for your answer. This is a new and different understanding of things but resonates with me deeply. Feels like want I need to hear since if I'm honest, I'm reducing different decisions as bad or good. Thank you for bringing me this awareness. I'll have this present within me. Would like to acquire experience on this topic. Come back to you in a few months With metta
  18. Yea, I also suspect this! I'm also afraid that I'm actually denying the fact that I don't wanna study law anymore, since it's a laborious decision. I really want to explore this deeply. Do you have experience with this? If so, I would love to talk about this! Yes, I'm very aware! Before posting this, I thought about it, since I don't wanna feel the victim here, but take responsibility. Have to admit tho, feels nice to have an external authority telling me what to do, like Leo, saying what I'm lacking. I'm aware this is a victim like behavior, so I'm distancing myself from it. I know what I have to do next, and I'm very committed to it. So, thank you so much @RendHeaven for taking the time and for sharing personal deep insights! I wish the absolute best for you WIth metta
  19. It’s really nice you giving advice so helpful like this, free of charge, from a place of deep love for humanity. Damn I’m really mindblowned
  20. @Leo Gura I really do. Thank you deeply