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About Stevewonder62

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  1. @Leo Gura I’m not talking about just me I’m talking about the people putting their faith into this they obviously believe in you so that’s your responsibility
  2. @Leo Gura If you do I can respect that but one precaution you should take is telling your members not to shut down anyone that disagrees and have a discussion UNLESS the person disagreeing is obviously starting trouble
  3. @Leo Gura Or like an abusive boyfriend hitting their girlfriend and telling them they should be strong enough that it doesn’t hurt
  4. @Leo GuraThis is exactly what I’m talking about instead of taking any constructive criticism you turn it back on me a lot of people obviously follow you and you need to set an example for them yes it’s true they should focus on themself but when you don’t take responsibility it’s like a parent raising their child poorly and then telling the child to take responsibility for their problems
  5. When I see someone disagree with the main ideas of actualized like everything being one the people on here sometimes have a good discussion but most of the time they just tell them that they’re deluded or put them down. Leo does this a lot to his followers and rarely admits to being wrong it concerns me because so many of his followers do the same thing and act psychologically abusive. This probably carries on into their everyday life every time someone disagrees with them which causes a lot of damage in the world. Like if someone says they don’t believe we are all one they automatically get told to question their self this is exactly what a cult does controls followers through gas lighting. They talk in circles and already a lot of you are coming up with reasons I’m wrong without even thinking about it.